When you’re dating, you both go to the movies. When you are in a bad mood, do you also go to the movies? The first thing you have to admit is that the moment you come out of the movie, sometimes with a smile on your face, sometimes with a tear in your eye, sometimes with a sigh of emotion, but the one thing you have to admit is that. The moment we came out of the cinema, our emotions were already very different from when we entered, and we felt much more comfortable mentally.
Is it true that watching sad movies can make you happy?
In the new study, researchers had 361 college students watch a clip from the romantic movie “Atonement”: the story of two lovers who die apart during World War II. Before and after watching the movie, the participants were given a “happiness with life” questionnaire. The results showed that the more the movie made the participants think of their loved ones, the greater the increase in their happiness. However, participants who insisted during the movie that “my life is not as bad as the main character” did not feel their happiness increased.
Expert analysis suggests that tragic movies often feature eternal love, which can lead viewers to feel more emotionally attached to their loved ones and grateful. People seem to see tragic movies as a mirror of important relationships in their own real lives. Even though tragic movies are more likely to make audiences cry, audiences still really like them.
In psychotherapy, group therapy has partners with similar problems talking together and finding solutions to problems, so that individuals don’t feel too alone and isolated and helpless, which is another manifestation of grief therapy grief.