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Jealousy is the devil 8 manifestations of men’s jealousy

Jealousy equals insecurity, and insecurity means lost charm. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. The most important thing is to have a big heart!

“Jealousy” is also a technical task

Jealousy is an inescapable topic in the relationship. If you can tell whether she wants you to be really jealous or pretend to be jealous, it takes a lot of work. Women don’t want their men to be jealous every day, they just want you to tease them.

Tease her

If you find a random woman on the street and ask her, “Do women want men to be jealous of them?” You will hear an overwhelmingly positive answer. But that’s not the end of the story. In fact, in many cases, women are not sure what they really want. Do women want their men to fall in love with them? Yes! Do women want their boyfriends who have been in love for years to still think she’s hot and sexy? Of course! If she goes out with another person of the opposite sex, does a woman want her man to care more or less about it? No doubt! But the weird thing is, they want men to be jealous of them, but not really jealous. So, what exactly is the “jealous” way to make her think you’re cute?

Sweet possession

You’re at a bar with her, surrounded by a group of friends. You notice that someone is hitting on her and harvesting drinks, business cards, whatever when she comes back to you. That’s when you just gently take her in your arms. Such a simple gesture is telling her, “I know you’re shining tonight, and I know some other guys are paying a little too much attention to you. Silent and sweet. And how would that backfire – by making a scene at a bar and settling it violently – that wouldn’t be necessary!

Confident flirting

Your girlfriend is all dressed up and about to go out to party with her sisters. After you’ve kissed her before she leaves the house, you can laugh and say to her, “Cozy tip: other men’s crotches are at risk!” It sounds jokey (because you trust her, not because you think she’s a sad-looking nobody), but even if you’re really being a little serious, it shows that you care about her.

Jealousy fits

The way you really get jealous is completely different from the above – you’re going to be unapologetically furious no matter what stage you’re at in your relationship with her. For those of you who are still in the “girlfriend” or the early stage of the relationship, do not over-protective of her or show too strong possessiveness, to calm some, which is very helpful for the long-term development of you two. For those who have been in a relationship soaked in years of buddies, when there is a real jealousy, it may be your lack of trust in her, then the relationship can be in jeopardy. So, the following scenarios should be avoided.

Out-of-control anger

If you find you’re as angry as a crazy person, it’s time to ease up. You know it’s not fun to be truly “jealous” when either party in a relationship is thunderstruck by something inexplicable.

Lurking rivals

Do you imagine for yourself that the male friends she goes out with are your potential rivals? Would you still identify such an imaginary rival even if you haven’t found her with another man yet? If so, then you need to be careful. Such irrational jealousy will have no effect other than to make you look extremely insecure – and if she’s intent on cheating, no amount of jealousy on your part will change anything. In fact, it usually leads to her finding someone else.

Jealousy is the devil

Women can’t say what they want, but they do know what they don’t want – an insecure and jealous man! The presence of jealousy can quickly dismantle a relationship. Don’t believe me? Ask your friends and family who have experienced jealousy destroy their relationships, and see who will deny the truth that “jealousy is the devil”!

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