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Tips! Four tricks to detect the married man scam

According to the Japanese website Glitty, there are more and more people today who use clichéd plots such as hiding their age, family status and even gender to pursue their target women. Many women fail to polish their eyes, leading them to become a mistress who destroys other people’s marriages and families. Here’s a quick lesson on how to spot a married man’s emotional scam.

The first move: take the initiative and question

Although this will seem If you’ve noticed some signs, or if you simply don’t think it’s possible, take the initiative and ask “You’re not married” and see how he answers. If he has lied to you, he will certainly be uncomfortable, thinking hard “how to answer it?” This is also a way to protect yourself from being cheated!

Two: Try to scare him

This is the ace in the hole, first you must check if he only contacts you at night and on his days off, and if he often avoids some The first thing you need to do is to check if he only contacts you at night and on his days off, and if he often avoids some anniversaries. In addition, you can also purposely pick some time when he is with his family to contact him and see what kind of reaction he will have. Try to scare him this way, and maybe he will show his “true colors”. Even if he doesn’t, you can still watch him carefully.

Third tip: Observe the finger ring strangulation marks

This method is relatively simple. It’s still relatively simple because modern married men usually have ring strangulation marks on their fingers, and some married men today are still enjoying the benefits of being single, how cheesy! So observing the strangulation marks on his fingers isn’t a bad way to find out if he’s married.

4th tip: Pry from everyday details

If If you work at the same company, watch to see if he always brings his lunchbox to work. If so, I’m sure I’d be tempted to ask, “Is he really single?” If he’s acting weird, like “I’m not ready yet” or “I’m still living at my mom’s house”, then you can assume he’s a liar.

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