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Women choose to divorce 16 things do not hastily

No one wants their marriage to come to an end, but when something happens in a marriage that can only be resolved by divorce and allows you to find a new world, then divorce is actually a good option. The couple chose to divorce, there must have been an extremely intense conflict, but when you are ready to divorce, please be sure not to be hasty, the following things you better not do or to think clearly before you do, remember impulsiveness is the devil.

1. Rush to divorce

Be sure not to rush into a divorce before Be sure to read the contents carefully before signing any legal documents. If you feel that you are not emotionally ready for a divorce, try a separation first. This will allow you to clear your head for a while and see how life without your partner is different from what it is now, and will also allow you to take a fresh look at your marriage.

2. Be overly generous in order to beg him/her to come back

If you find yourself on the vulnerable side like, he/she is dumping you or knows you are cheating on him/her, you may be overly generous because you want him/her to come around. Experts believe this doesn’t work. In the scales of divorce, you both have the same right to half of the property.

3. Not taking inventory of property before the division

Your Life and possessions have been linked together for many years, and it may feel a little confusing to separate them now. Make an inventory of your assets and divide them equally, taking into account age, contributions to the marriage, etc. If your partner wants to include very small expenses, hire an experienced mediator.

4. Make some verbal agreements

Perhaps your ex-wife ( ex-husband) has made you beautiful promises, but none of them will be valid if they are not confirmed in a formal divorce settlement. Finally, you also have to have to make sure that your significant other doesn’t move the furniture or remove visitation rights to the children.

5. Ask your parents or friends for legal advice

Don’t think of them as your lawyer; the only person who will get you the most out of your divorce is the lawyer. Experts recommend seeking advice from those who know the law and the economics.

6. Have sex with your ex-wife (ex-husband)

Have sex with Having sex with your ex-wife (ex-husband) will not only add to your emotional turmoil, but will also put you at a disadvantage in the event of a divorce. Be sure to remember the reasons for your breakup, look to the future, and don’t go back to the painful and sad days of the past.

7. Inadequate preparation

When divorce happens, there are bound to be a lot of negotiation and paperwork. Be sure to be prepared to talk to a mediator or attorney before you see them about the relevant details of your marriage, having detailed records of your assets and debts, income, expenses, taxes, real estate mortgages, credit cards and other investments. Remember to make a good impression on the judge that you are well prepared and organized.

8. Hire a cold lawyer

Divorce should be treated as a business event, not a revenge story. Hiring a cold-hearted lawyer who tries to use your children to win the case won’t help you. Experts recommend hiring attorneys who take care of everything before the court date and treat all parties, including your ex-wife (ex-husband), with respect.

9. Give up dictating to your lawyer

The only people who will suffer the divorce outcome is you and your family, not the lawyer. So after considering your attorney’s advice, make sure you’re making the decision that’s in your best interest.

10. Use your children as a messenger

Don’t make your children pay the price for your divorce. Maintain an amicable relationship with your ex-wife (ex-husband) so that you don’t put your child in a dilemma. Experts recommend using email or exploring things like visitation rights or exchanging divorce contracts online.

11. Treat your child as an adult to make up for the loss of your partner

When he or she is gone, you may put all your focus on your children, either treating them as the center of the family or as adults. But in the long run, children shouldn’t be subjected to this unfair pressure; after all, they won’t be a substitute for your significant other.

12. Worry too much about the present and not prepare for the future

Always spend too much time worrying about your divorce. In fact, it’s important that you learn from this and incorporate it into the next chapter of your life.

13. Don’t care about taxes

If your ex-wife (or ex-husband) meddles in your finances and you don’t care about taxes, then it’s a bad situation. If one party gets the house, in a few years he or she will find that the house will be worthless because of taxes. If you get the stock, make sure you take capital gains taxes into account when you liquidate it. Any financial implications in a divorce should take taxes into account.

14. Not keeping a journal

Divorce can turn your life turned upside down with lawyers, legal documents and court subpoenas. In this case, it’s much less expensive and easier to write down your anger and frustration than to pay a lawyer to whom you can confide.

15. Not waiting for Social Security benefits

If people who have been married for 10 years or more or longer divorce, the state will have a corresponding Social Security payment for those who have been married for 10 years or more, and none for those who have not been married long enough. So if you’re about to reach that deadline, you might want to consider waiting it out.

16. Show off a new love interest

Even if you’re ready to divorce, careful dating is necessary. Experts believe that the biggest victims of divorce are the abandoned children, whose feelings are most heartbreaking when they see what could turn out to be their stepparent in the future. Also, this is not appropriate for your ex-wife (ex-husband). Experts think it’s best to keep a low profile on a new relationship until you’re sure if that person has decided to stick with you.

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