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Running a marriage, stupid women will do six things

Managing a marriage is hard to say, but also quite simple to say. The woman in the marriage to learn to be a smart woman, know the man in and out, but also know to reserve for themselves the way back, grasp the man is not just to grab his stomach on it, more heavy is to make this man willingly give everything for you, so the following kinds of behavior only stupid women will do.

One, a big spender who doesn’t know how to manage the family’s financial income and expenses.

Be it a man or a woman, a family with one big hand may be forced by life that day. A man who is big-handed, a family may have a crisis. A woman who has a big hand, the man has more money, have more ability is not enough for her to spend, find the diamond king, that is not necessarily enough for her to lose.

Edit: A woman with a sense of quality can clearly know the value of spending money to spend out, in addition to the money spent, but also to turn a dollar into two dollars to save to the card, such a woman can certainly be prosperous husband.

II. Leak a man’s privacy in front of his friends and damage his face.

A man’s face is more important than the credit card in his pocket. A man can give you a credit card, but never allow you to talk behind his back. The woman who loves to leak his privacy in front of friends, colleagues or family is a woman who will not please the man. The man sometimes needs not a virtuous wife, but more of an understanding wife who can keep secrets.

A woman who damages a man’s face on the outside is actually slapping herself in the face and damaging the value of the man’s image in the eyes of others.

Three, women who do not support a man’s social intercourse, or even destroy his social circle.

A man needs pride, face, and a sense of accomplishment. If a woman does not support his socializing, it is the same as directly imprisoning him, over time, his circle will continue to shrink, he may lose not only his friends, there may be opportunities. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Edit: Men need friends of the opposite and same sex, and with more friends, more opportunities in their careers. Bound his social circle, it is likely to break his road to fortune. Love him, let go and let him go to fight for you and let him have a fulfilling life.

Fourth, suspicious, everything needs to be accounted for by the man.

Women are naturally much more sensitive to love, and the slightest breeze may cause her to get emotional. The man came back late, she wants to ask, the man drank, she wants to ask a clear, even the man went out to eat a meal, she also wants to ask with him to eat with a man or a woman.

Long-term doubts and suspicions are only likely to break a man, and what heart does he have to live well with you and plan a future together? If you love him, choose to trust him.

V. Be a man’s boss, call him when you want, and wave him when you want.

Household chores require two people to take on together, and asking either party to take on the chores completely is a practice that affects family harmony. Smart women, know how to distribute tasks, in their own chores, while also called on him. It is never the case that you sit there watching TV and getting high on melon seeds and instructing your man to pour the tea.

When a woman tunes out a clerk at home, there’s a good chance he’s just a clerk. Don’t discourage him in life, let him live actively, more useful than picking up a pot of gold. A woman who corrupts the nature of a man’s life is more frightening than charging off his credit card.

Six, unable to be independent and longing for a man to be by her side all day long.

An independent woman is full of charm, but if a woman is not independent, then it will be very scary. Men like independent women, because independent women know how to enjoy life and know how to enrich themselves.

A woman who is not independent in her thinking and often chants in front of men is likely to lead to conflicts. Over time, the man will not have the heart to work properly. A heart only affixed to the woman’s man, there will be near worry. If you want lots and lots of love, then stay away from him and he will come to you with more love and care.

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