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Dating small details to see through the man’s disguise

In matchmaking, for the sake of pleasing each other, some men will groom, disguise or even partially deceive their situation, and when you find out that you’ve been duped, it’s already too late. How about, quickly identifying if the man sitting across the table is the other half you want? The details make the difference between success and failure.

For now, blind dates are a relatively reliable way to meet men. Because most are introduced by friends and family, the probability of scammers or people of questionable character is greatly reduced. As a woman who desperately needs to find her other half, you can at least feel comfortable talking to him and making initial contact without having to hesitate. This is the benefit of matchmaking.

On the other hand, it is a man’s instinct to embellish himself appropriately in the woman of his choice, and sometimes this embellishment can touch the woman’s bottom line, such as exaggerating his material conditions, bragging about his social status or hiding his family situation, etc. These for the future of the two marital life is very big, the man also knows this. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

American gender relationship expert and psychiatrist, Rita Benasutti, says, “Every move a man makes reveals his character and qualities, especially when he’s off guard, when he’s no longer trying to impress you, or when he’s not conscious of it. when he stops trying to impress you, or when he doesn’t realize you’re watching him.”

I. His favorite sports

Like running, swimming, etc. Men who play solo sports like to be independent, which means they are often alone. Men who like team sports like soccer, basketball, baseball, etc. like to compete, both on the playing field and in all aspects of life, and like to go head to head with those around them whenever they can.

As for those who don’t like sports at all, they are independent thinkers and often still sensitive. And such people are likely to be geeks, or not very physically fit. It is also very unlikely that he will accompany the child to exercise if the child is born.

II. His communication style

Two people getting along. Communication is a very important part of the process. If the man who is gushing completely disregards the feelings of the listener, generally is not usually the opportunity to express their views aloud, and the reliability of the content of speech is generally not high. If it is a condition that involves material things, it is generally not to be trusted.

If it’s a man who doesn’t say a word and gives a response only when you initiate the inquiry. This kind is either he is not interested in you or he is not very good at expressing himself. You can watch carefully before making a decision.

In general, a man who listens carefully to what you have to say and makes a comment or two about it or expresses his feelings appropriately will feel comfortable. If he can give his own opinion and response after you say that you want your mother-in-law to live in the same neighborhood for easy care, then you and he are pretty much done. That’s a pretty clear sign.

Watching a man’s communication style can go some way to seeing through his pretense.

Three, his driving habits

If he often drives in line of cars or follows the car in front of him and glares at the driver of the car in front of him, Leon James, Ph.D., a psychologist at the University of Hawaii and author of the book “Road Arguing and Angry Driving,” says, “It’s clear that he has a good strong impulsive problem.” While being nice will make him excel at his job, this guy has a hard time relating to others.”

If there’s a traffic jam and he can still act calm, James said, “it shows he’s got a lot of self-control.

In general, the realm of not taking things personally is too high, not getting overly excited about their interests related to appropriate touch, and being able to react to what happens to the next person without being indifferent, such men are generally more sunny and cheerful.

Four, restaurant ordering

Before two people formally start eating, ordering is a very good way to show that you have a good idea of what you are doing. Before two people officially start eating, ordering food is very indicative of a person’s character.

Diane Daniels, an image design expert and author of “Grooming and Shape: 31 Days to a New Look,” says, “The man who likes to choose home-cooked meals is usually steady and down-to-earth, but he’s also a man who doesn’t like to take risks. ” If your date likes to order something novel, Daniels says, “then you’re dating a straightforward person who could easily get bored with maintaining the status quo.”

If it’s a case of taking the liberty of deciding the menu when ordering, it means the person is somehow chauvinistic, somehow egotistical, so to speak. If it is the case that he will ask your taste but still decide the menu on the grounds that it is not good for your health, it means that he will take good care of you but is very controlling. If it’s a case of him ordering his favorite dish and letting you order it yourself, then this kind of man is usually more respectful of his significant other and sees him as an equal being.

V. Favorite TV shows

If he always likes to stay in front of the If he always likes to watch TV shows one after another in front of the TV, then you need to pay attention. Hedda Muscat, TV producer and author of Dating Secrets: Simple Ways to Enjoy a Fun, Flashy and Meaningful Social Life, says, “This kind of man likes to use humor to de-stress. This can be a good thing, because he won’t take his stress out on you or become uncool. But it’s not easy for you to try to have a serious conversation with him, either; it’s a contradiction. The more you try to discuss something important with him, the more he wants to avoid it.”

A man who doesn’t like to read social news is generally interested in going with the flow and has little planning or requirements for his life, plus it shows that he’s not very mature in one way or another.

On the other hand, men who watch legal programs are good at analysis and like to think. Muscat said, “He prides himself on his problem-solving skills and will always go out of his way to help you when you need it.”

Sixth, he’s the oldest in his family

The Man Who Deserves Nancy Fagan, author of the book Men Who Deserve It, says, “The child who is the oldest of his siblings has a sense of responsibility and likes to manage. If he’s the youngest in the family, he may be creative and somewhat rebellious. Those in the middle of the row are sensitive and want to gain the attention of others.”

In Chinese families, the number of rows also represents the level of burden in that in-law family. If the man is the oldest in line, then you have to take care of the other half’s siblings. The so-called sister-in-law like mother, will be more difficult. If a man is at the bottom of the list, it means he receives the most attention from his parents, and the in-laws have to pay attention to their relationship.

Seven, the way he speaks

If the man speaks quickly, it means he’s a straightforward and energetic person who may also be a bit stubborn. People who speak quickly are eager to make a good impression, but they don’t pay attention to their audience,” says Di Resta. People who speak more slowly often act cautiously, weighing every word before they say it, and this shows his attitude toward life: think twice before you act.”

While he may appear to be a good family man and a gentle person, these are a few details to quickly see past the man sitting across from you to determine if he’s right for you or not. If it is suitable, you can further understand it. If you don’t, then hurry up and say goodbye.

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