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What are the differences between women before and after marriage?

The most heartfelt experience of women is that “they treat you as a treasure before they get it, but after they get it, they treat you as grass”. So women are respected beauties before they get married, but after they get married, they become yellow-faced women who spend all their time around food and oil and salt. This transformation in the psychological more or less fall. So do you know what are the differences between women before and after marriage? Here, I’ll introduce 6 differences.

Women’s psychological changes before and after marriage, there are many people will say to their wives, you were not like this before marriage, why now it has become like this, so that the couple conflicts, now we will analyze it, so that Mr. can better understand the psychological changes of his wife The first thing you need to do is to understand your wife, and to let women understand themselves and ease the conflict between husband and wife.

1.1.Inferiority complex after marriage and self-esteem before marriage

Although in modern society, men and women are becoming more and more equal. The first time I saw a woman, I was able to get to know her husband, and I was able to get to know her mother. And before marriage, women are an independent personality, but after marriage, they have to depend on Mr., so it makes the wife to Mr. will have inferiority complex.

We recommend that husbands be more understanding and respectful of their wives so that they can build or preserve her self-esteem. For example, you can do housework with her when she is busy, and you can say thank you when your wife pours you tea and hands you water, so that your wife can feel that you respect her and are your wife, not a house sitter.

2. Women’s nostalgia after marriage

Many husbands, because of The reason of work, the pressure of life and other realities, may not remember the wife’s birthday, marriage remembrance day, etc., but women are different, their emotions are very delicate, so they will all remember very well, and will feel that such days are very important, because they do have a significant meaning, so I hope you can remember these remembrance days.

Give her a surprise gift if you can; give her a kiss when you wake up in the morning; and if you’re out of town, send down a gift, make a phone call, and tell her that you haven’t forgotten this special day.

3. Independence before marriage and dependency after marriage

Women Before marriage are very independent, they will buy their favorite clothes and items; but after marriage, they will become dependent on their husbands and will seek their husbands’ advice, hoping that their husbands will affirm and praise their wives’ behavior, which will make them feel happy,

such as When your wife buys a favorite dress or an item she likes on her own, you can express your satisfaction with her behavior by affirming it in a timely manner when asking for your opinion. This allows your wife to feel the love you have for her.

4. The nagging mentality after marriage

We know that no matter What people encounter unhappy things, always very to her trusted people to tell, such as husband, wife, parents, close friends, etc.. If you talk too much or keep repeating a topic, then it becomes a nag.

In fact, psychology believes that nagging is a good cathartic way to vent your psychological stress and relieve your repressed emotions. If we keep our bad emotions repressed in our psyche, then we are prone to anxiety, depression and other psychological disorders. But there are many friends or family members who can feel bored, which can lead to arguments and conflicts.

We recommend you to listen more patiently and then express your opinion so that you can better solve the nagging psychology of women.

5. Self-centered before marriage and family-centered after marriage

Women love men to accompany her to dinner, stores and parks before marriage, and they play the lady temper if they are not happy, and ignore people for two or three days if they are not happy. But once women get married, naive romance is pulled back to reality by life, and the former nobility becomes plain. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

6. Quarrel mentality

Couples spend a lot of time together, the shortcomings are more easily revealed than the The advantages are more likely to be exposed and will not be lover’s eyes. As the saying goes teeth and tongue will also fight each other. The best way at this point. Bite your lip and bear with it, especially if you want your husband to suffer a little more.

Once the couple had a verbal argument, she threw a basin of water on her husband’s head and unexpectedly he said, “I expected it to rain after the thunder. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem. Afterwards, she regretted it very much and rushed to clean up the room. Patience and humor are the remedies to eliminate quarrels between husband and wife. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you don’t get into a fight, because if you start one, it’s not going to be easy to clean up afterwards.

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