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“Older couples, younger couples” How to maintain a brother-sister relationship?

After the news of the article’s “cheating” came out, the person concerned has a feedback today. The article released a statement through tiktok saying that he was to blame. The company’s main focus is on the development of a new product, which will be a new product.

This was once an enviable “sister-brother” couple who enjoyed people’s love and blessings, but also took on questions.

The future of “sister-brother” relationships (especially the stability of the marriage) is more in question than that of “old couples”. There are greater concerns and questions about the future of “sibling relationships” (especially the stability of marriage). According to social exchange theory, “sister-brother relationship” can happen only because of the following circumstances: First, the older girl’s maturity and charm earlier than the younger girls, so that the boys admire; second, the older girls will accumulate more wealth or fame, which will help the man’s career or life; third, the girl’s early psychological maturity, more will take care of the boy’s life and guide him The first is that the girl will be able to take care of the boy’s life and guide his career.

According to this theory, in a “sister-brother” relationship, whether in love or after marriage, the “sister” bears the risk. The “older sister” bears the risk. For example, the various “advantages” of the “sister” is growing up day by day “brother” possession and consumption, and to some extent help the brother more successful, while the ” sister” but old and sexy. The “sister” is getting older and facing more and more competitors of lesser age.

This theory naturally has its validity, but it reflects the mindset and perspective of the onlooker. And this view of the onlooker can have a great impact on the person concerned (e.g., pressure on girls and inducement on boys). In my opinion, as risk takers, girls need to develop a light-hearted mentality, and this mentality requires four competencies that can be built up over time:

First, always be curious. This curiosity is not about gossip, it’s about being passionate about life, being brave enough to try new and interesting things, and being able to have hobbies that we enjoy and stick with.

Second, financial independence. Women must have a job, in which we can get sure we can find our own group and take our own salary at least to allow us to buy things we like.

Third, character independence. Don’t be a slimy girl, as if the world without men you can’t walk independently, can’t eat and sleep, you are dependent on men, and over time will only make men tired.

Fourth, think positive and sunny. As long as you live in this world, problems will certainly have friction certainly exist, negative complaints can not get you what you want, only positive to face difficulties, find effective ways to solve problems, happy life can last. It is really not easy to do all four points.

But as a woman, when you are full of love for your life, when you treat the world well, the people around you can also feel the beauty of your heart, and he will naturally like you more. He will feel incredibly happy living with you, and isn’t that what you need!

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