Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Love Art of War: Love with the attitude of losing weight

Love, like weight loss, is a lifelong struggle for women. The reason why many are still single is that love has no place, and the reason is just the same as the two points that led to the failure of weight loss: can’t control the mouth of desire, more requirements, greedy perfection; can’t move the legs of action, the goal times clear, is not implemented. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

Oddballs, if you want to love you should grow up

Some people lose weight. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The ghost of an ex-boyfriend can’t be driven away

The last time a girl fell in love The last time a girl was in love, she was thrilled and had ups and downs, and after the breakup, she was devastated and couldn’t forget her old relationship. It is easy to seem her mood calmed down recently, and began to talk and laugh again, we all thought she lost the pain of love past, and to introduce her boyfriend. However, one day, she was on a dinner date with this prospective boyfriend, chatting and chatting about the topic of her ex, and I didn’t expect the girl to immediately burst into tears, and the man across the table was immediately dumbfounded.

Every girl’s life has a hurdle called the “ghost of an ex-boyfriend”, especially the one who dumped you first EX. why is it harder to forget the more you are dumped? To understand the psychology of that “unfinished event” theory it, someone will not wear a princess dress as a child, more than 70 years old still wear bubble sleeves it. This is the power of “unfinished business”, it will make you keep falling into the cycle of EX again and again. The only thing you can do is to stop going online to those “miss is a habit” posts; and stop going to EX’s space to spy on whether he has a new relationship. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Love the fantasy of winning or losing

This blind date is said to be very satisfactory The woman then waited for the man to ask her out again. A friend advised her that since she liked it she might as well take the initiative to contact, but she said, “Although he is nice, but I will never call him first, whoever takes the initiative first loses.” The following week, she was going crazy with “phone ringing allergy”, but the other party still did not call. Suddenly, one day, the introducer called: “What’s wrong with you, if you don’t like it, just say so, what’s the point of leaving a fake number for someone? People have called you n all empty numbers!” It turned out that she herself had misreported the cell phone tail number.

When you look at reserve as a criterion for winning or losing, you are undoubtedly treating yourself as a bargaining chip for love, which is a reality that every girl doesn’t want to accept, but you have set yourself up. In the end, to win or lose because of the love of fantasy: you fantasize about pure and flawless feelings, without any external traction, he is purely fascinated by you and come. If there is such a love, then you should believe that the fact that you were the first to call and express yourself openly might be just the starting point to get him hooked.

The subtext of heartlessness

One time at a girlfriends’ get-together The first time I saw a girl, she brought a passerby. The single girl and this allegedly also climbing mountain passerby A climbing up the conversation. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The girl heard excited, said please help pull a line, introduce a boyfriend. As a result, the whole table’s face sank at the same time. Then, a text message was sent to the girl’s phone: “Introduce your sister, this buddy is introduced to you today, okay? The whole table saw it, only you didn’t!”

Often girls angrily say that they are very resistant to this form of matchmaking, feeling that the purpose is too strong and direct, and the scene is awkward to hold. Well, the meeting form in the story above is watery enough, right, but there are really people who can’t figure out the pier. Will appear this situation, the root is that this girl simply do not take finding a boyfriend seriously, although the mouth shouting “for introduction”, but the behavior of the subtext is “what is the relationship with me”. So, a good opportunity is expected to have been thrown a few big. Want to fall in love? Easy, wait until you take it seriously first.

The psychological truth about just loving fancy guys

There’s a fantasy girl who’s been single for two or three years.

If you think this is the story of a brain-damaged nymphomaniac, you’re wrong. In fact, right, this special love of fantasy girl, the IQ is really not low. On the surface, they seem to be unrealistic, in fact, the heart than anyone understands that the requirements are more! The so-called fantasy, just a pretext to avoid the real idea, she does not want to put a lot of requirements out. If, unfortunately, you also have such a friend, then the solution, in addition to rushing to her home, the books are taken away, there is a “poison against poison” – may be a direct question: “So you and your boyfriend When are you and your boyfriend getting married?”

Where do you start with a love diet?

It’s been said that as we get older, love is an increasingly clear need and an increasingly blurred standard. This is true, just like losing weight, you have to act quickly while your basal metabolic rate is still high. Even if you find yourself in the same boat as the odd man out above, it’s not unsalvageable, start by learning about yourself with this little test below.

Test: How high is your “love base metabolic rate”?

Though you know you can’t get back together, you still think about your ex and feel that no one is as good as him.

●Says “I’m going to find a boyfriend this year” to everyone, and has been doing so for half a year.

★Can’t accept “crying in a BMW”, want to “laugh at a handsome man in a BMW”.

●Like to stay at home and meet no more than 5 new friends in a year.

★No requirements for the other half, really, just want to find someone who has feelings.

●Love to read gossip about celebrity breakups and take the opportunity to lament that “true love doesn’t last”.

★Think a good man with good taste is either married or gay.

●Every time someone introduces you to a blind date, you think, “So lazy!

★How come none of the men you’re attracted to are interested in you?

●You’re not afraid of relatives “forcing you to marry”, you’re tired of hearing about it anyway, so just don’t react.

Explanation: From the 10 questions above, choose the option that fits your situation, then count the number of options and analyze them below.

0~3 match: High metabolic rate

You have reasonable expectations for love and You have reasonable expectations of love and marriage, and your standards are clear, and you are quick to act once you meet someone who fits the bill. You can say you have the potential to make it work, just waiting for the right time and the right person to come along!

4 to 7 matches: medium metabolic rate

You complain a lot though. You have a lot of complaints and blame fate for your love not working out, but in fact, at heart, you still desire to fall in love and believe there is still a chance to meet true love. The only thing you really need is an external force or stimulus to get you to pay attention in your mind and hold on to your behavior.

8 to 10 fits: low metabolic rate

If you don’t hurry Give up your vague, misconceptions about love, you’re only really in a bit of danger. Because your trust and expectation of love continues to diminish, even the best men appear in front of you and you will turn a blind eye – you will lose the ability to love, just like when you have zero metabolic rate, it is difficult to lose fat even after exercising more.

Where to start with love fat loss?

In the last question test ……

In the last question test ……

More ★’s need to “keep your mouth shut”, suggesting that you re-examine your thoughts about your significant other to see if your demands are too harsh or your standards are too vague. We don’t recommend no desire in marriage, but it’s easier to find happiness by keeping your desires within a reasonable range.

The more you choose, the more you should “spread your legs” and not just talk about it. Except for the girl in the fairy tale, few people are lucky enough to hit the prince’s white horse. Even if you believe you have the luck, you have to walk the streets, right? The white horse is not going to ride to your house.

Mental building to help you keep your mouth shut

< strong>Why can’t we always move our legs?

Typically: the thing about finding a boyfriend is that we talk about it all the time, but we don’t see any concrete action.

A: Lack of action generally has two causes: one is laziness, and the other is fear. Lazy because you don’t know where the goal is and don’t want to take the wrong path. This requires you to have a clear and clear positioning of your future significant other, even if you can not sketch him, but at least when asked, not just say “I look at the feeling”. The reason for the fear is that you don’t have an assessment of your own strengths and don’t know if you can live up to them.

This requires you to first “know yourself” and analyze your psychological needs (whether you really need a companion and accept another person in your life), your personality traits (what kind of personality traits do you get along with? personality characteristics (with which personality characteristics of people easy to get along), and some objective indicators such as economic, geographical location. If you do these two things, you will be less lazy and less afraid, and you will be more mobile.

Should you let the “first look” trip you up?

Typical performance: You meet a lot of people, but you don’t feel it at first sight, so you don’t give each other a chance to develop.

A: I don’t completely deny the role of “first look” because it’s a way to follow your heart’s voice. However, whether or not to trust your first glance depends on whether your criteria for the other half are clear. If you know very well what kind of person you want to find, which personality type is easier to build intimate relationships with themselves, then you can use the “first look” to quickly delete the object. But if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, and you need to develop a sense of purpose in your relationship, then PASSing after the first glance will cost you a lot of opportunities.

Is it true that no one is to your liking?

Typical performance: always feel that you will not love again! There are no good men under the sky, and even if there were, you wouldn’t meet them.

A: Sometimes it seems like the problem women are anxious about is in their marital relationships, because they can’t build intimacy with the opposite sex. But in fact, women who are anxious about this often have a deeper problem lurking, which is that they can’t get along well with themselves either. It may be a poor parental relationship in their family of origin, it may be that they have not developed a mature and healthy way of expressing their emotions, or it may be the lack of confidence that has built up during their upbringing …… In short, these women are always skeptical of people – in fact, it stems from a deep suspicion and uncertainty. As a result, it is difficult to let others into their hearts, and they are prone to frustration when dealing with people. And it just so happens that love is the most intimate relationship that requires you to break down this psychological defense in order to build. So, if you are always afraid to love people and don’t believe you will be loved, this requires professional psychological help to counsel you to build your confidence first and then build an emotional relationship.

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