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Women in love will have six changes

Everyone says that if a pair of men and women are in love, there are always subtle physical changes that happen, such as brighter eyes and better skin. The following is for every one of you in love to talk about the things that are in love, so that you can feel that love makes both men and women not only mentally nourished, but also physically nourished.

6 changes for women in love

When in love Women are prettier and men are smarter when they’re in love. In a way, this is true. It is because when one’s hormones are altered, both you and your significant other undergo many changes that you never thought possible. It is said that falling in love is the most important part of a woman’s life. Did you know that it not only makes you feel better, but it can also change your body, your consciousness and even your work habits!

To get long, flowing hair as soon as possible, we suggest you eat more collagen foods like beef tendon and fish skin while enjoying the feeling of being in love.

1. It makes your hair grow faster

Unhappy with your s short hair style and want to make it longer faster? After the age of 25, the growth rate of a woman’s hair will drop from 1 cm per month to 0.8~0.9 cm per month. If you can get your metabolism up to speed, the hair growth rate will rise to 1.2 cm per month or more!

When a woman falls in love, the metabolic rate goes up with estrogen and you find your internal metabolism speeding up, and the homework you should never forget to do is to replenish collagen. It is important to know that collagen is distributed throughout the body in cellular tissues, and the right amount of collagen supplementation will provide timely nutrition for the scalp and encourage hair growth as soon as possible. To have long hair as soon as possible, it is recommended that you enjoy the feeling of being in love while eating collagen foods such as beef tendon and fish skin often. In no time, your significant other will find a you with long, flowing hair!

2. Make your eyes brighter

When there is not enough moisture under your eyes , you feel dryness, redness, and a foreign body sensation in your eyes. Your eyes become dull, fine lines appear at the corners of your eyes, and your whole body becomes tired. Medical experts at New York University have found that when a woman’s body secretes hormones at a faster rate, the rate of circulation of body fluids can be increased by 6% to 12% accordingly. As long as you replenish enough water, you can have a sufficient amount of water transferred to the bottom of your eyes, giving you a pair of good-looking eyes.

If you’ve been staying up late more recently and your eyes are more tired, you can also eat some goji berries as a food for when you fall in love. The best food to benefit the liver and kidney essence blood, after eating can be sufficient body meridian blood, relieve eye “drought”. It is recommended that you take 3-5 chrysanthemums and 1-2 wolfberries every morning, put them in a preheated cup, add boiling water for 10 minutes and drink. This will allow you to have smooth fluid circulation in your body and clear your ears and eyes to get into a state of love.

3. Make your skin more absorbent to skin care products

When a person are in love, hormone levels are relatively stable, and more importantly, while you are kissing, touching, and making love to him, it is the same as being in a mini-warm-up exercise, which allows the surface cells of the skin to open up completely and effectively increases the activity of the dermis. Medical experts at the University of Chicago recommend that you apply some skin-friendly cosmetics after making love to your significant other to allow the dermal cells to fully absorb the nutrients in the skin care products.

Also, some studies have found that dermal cells are especially active after 8 p.m., so it’s recommended that you put a mask on your face at night after sex or a date that works for you, and you’ll soon be amazed at how much more easily your skin will absorb the nutrients in your skin than before! You’ll soon be amazed at how much more easily your skin absorbs the nutrients in your skincare products!

4. Make you more sensitive to numbers

Believe it? When hormones are elevated, they also have an effect on the left half of the brain. The left half of the brain focuses on language, logical reasoning, number symbols, etc. Estrogen somehow makes the left half of the brain work more efficiently. Think about it, why do boys do much better in science than girls when they are students? Because the left half of the male brain is developed before the female.

But a study that covered more than 4,000 middle-class European families showed that 77% of them had the woman in charge of the money! Psychologists believe that after women find love and choose marriage, they become much more sensitive to numbers, when they are better suited for nuanced financial analysis and have a sharper eye for environmental judgments and investment decisions that are relevant to them.

5. Make your taste buds sensitive and become more food loving!

Medical researchers at the Australian National University have found that estrogen can promote sensitivity in the taste bud cells of the tongue. Think about it, in Hollywood movies, isn’t the first thing many women do when they get up from a man’s bed is to take a big bite of ice cream or drink juice? Because at that time, your tongue is more sensitive than usual, so it’s easy to get psychological satisfaction from the sweet stuff.

Gossip recently broke that while actress Demi Moore is an average cook, her husband Ashton Kutcher, 15 years her junior, loves her cooking. Asked about her cooking secrets, Demi mysteriously told reporters: give a man dinner after sex, and whatever he eats smells good!

6. Gives you a mysterious body scent

People have a The Spanish experts in sexual medicine say that this fragrance comes from the “sexual scent” that is harbored and released from the human body. This sexual aroma is produced by the action of sex hormones in the body and certain chemicals in the diet, which means that the body scent is stronger than usual when you are in love.

More importantly, sex hormones are at their peak during lovemaking. If you eat some cheese products before making love, it will definitely make that mysterious body scent more pronounced on you.

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