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Lovers get along Refuse to do six sad things

Conflicts and quarrels between lovers are very common, and some lovers quickly make up, while others like to play missing, so that the other party can not find themselves, and female friends are even more so. The occasional capriciousness between lovers is actually possible, but excessive is a typical revenge on each other’s behavior. In fact, this not only tosses itself, but more importantly, makes the other party worried and suspicious, and conflicts are not resolved, which can result in an easy breakup.

We often hear people talk about their relationships and always say they have a wound that is hard to heal. This wound is the wound in the heart, from some emotional injury, especially external intentional injury. But there are always a lot of people in the process of love or marriage, using some hurt each other to fight for love, that is simply to protest or even others revolting way to get each other’s attention, the effect can be imagined.

It can be said that intentional hurting is the super killer of love, and frequent hurting adds a lot of resentment to the lovers’ relationship, which will explode one day. So what are some common and undesirable ways of hurting each other in real love?

Shutting down and playing vapor after a conflict

Many lovers and couples fight After a fight, simply turn off the phone and then play evaporate. This is a typical retaliation for each other’s behavior, the purpose is to hope that the other party to find themselves and encounter frustration. I do not know how to do this, on the one hand, is torturing themselves, can not help but constantly turn on the phone to see each other to find themselves not; on the one hand, let the other party is very worried, and even suspicious, the end is to increase misunderstanding. Because many lovers will think badly of the situation, thinking that the person who turned off the phone went to do something with a certain someone.

Using fame and position to blackmail each other

Lovers always involve a lot of Economic transactions, such as in asymmetrical economic conditions, a certain party will have some expensive gifts from the other party, as small as a cell phone computer, as large as a car house. If the two sides are unhappy, they will ask the other side to return their things, or ask the other side to compensate for a favor they did for the other side, etc. This way hurts deeply, and the result is not even that the other party submits to you, but that it leaves hatred deep inside, and one day the other party wants to get back at you.

Saying breakup easily

Many people, as soon as they are unhappy, will send The first thing you need to do is to get a message to the other side saying some breakup words, trying to get the initiative in the game of love, not knowing that this becomes more passive. The easy to say break up will bring a lot of bad consequences, first of all, let each other feel that you are immature, followed by the establishment of an image of insecurity, and then it is easy to make falsehoods really break up, and finally you want to regain, your lover will ask: “You did not say that the break up? So I ……” furthermore, many lovers lovers believe that you really love each other, it will not be easy to break up.

Staying out at night

This is a very serious cohabitation or marriage of bad choices. If you do it right or wrong, then stand on your own and think about how you feel if your lover doesn’t stay up at night. Not sleeping at night means you will be sleeping somewhere, and it is easy to make bad associations, and even if you can still be together later, it will be hard to tell for the rest of your life and become an indelible shadow.

Rebooting old stories

Many lovers or couples, as soon as they fight, want to The other side of the old bottom, trying to use it to attack each other. If this goes to quarrel, it will never end, the current conflict can not be solved outside the new conflict and shake out, it is difficult to explain who is right and who is wrong. As lovers or lovers, you can’t hold on to someone else’s pigtail, otherwise it will hurt both sides.

Intentionally dating someone else ambiguously

There are situations where A couple of lovers temporarily separated by conflict, and one day one of them sends a message or calls the other asking “What are you doing?” So the person deliberately replies, “I’m with my girlfriend!” This kind of want to use their new found a lover to make each other sad, in fact, in the end is to hurt themselves. Especially in the face of the lover, and another person of the opposite sex to go away, then you are really too heartless, you are very selfish, you do not think about how sad your lover will be. Of course, it will be difficult for you to continue.

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