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How to get along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been one of those relationships that people have had a hard time managing since ancient times. When two people get married, it is not only about adapting to the habits of two people, but also about integrating into the family life of two people and adapting to the lifestyle of two families. So it is necessary to deal with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. But there are some rules in dealing with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships, and the Women’s Channel gives you an overview of what rules there are in mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships.

The first commandment: don’t let the in-laws meet too early

Thought that it would be good for both parents to meet and get closer to They are good, in fact, this is a big mistake, familiar with each other, will gradually due to the difference in habits, misunderstandings, more serious will be who is not used to who, and finally difficult to do is your own. The best is that the marriage, both in-laws meet again, keep in a polite state best! It is also best to meet less after marriage! As the saying goes, “Distance produces beauty!”

Second Commandment: Don’t develop a shopping preference for your future in-laws

You can’t be too fond of giving your in-laws in the pre-wedding holidays, etc. Buy things, but to your own home, do not make demands on your husband.

After a long time, it will gradually make the husband get used to the idea that it is normal to buy things for his mother and father, and form the idea that a girl married should be dominated by her in-laws. I suggest that when you buy a gift for the holiday season, both sides of the family a copy, to make it a habit to do after marriage.

Third Commandment: Don’t be too enthusiastic about taking on your in-laws’ chores before marriage

Don’t take the initiative to take on things like cooking, laundry, and washing clothes for your husband before you get married. laundry, do your husband’s laundry, etc. A girl has to maintain some reserve, or she’ll make her mother-in-law think you care about her son, or you care about their family! Do some as appropriate, but don’t get too involved!

The fourth commandment: don’t talk too much about your mother’s family at your in-laws’ house

Speaking without meaning to listen, don’t talk to your mother-in-law The more you talk about your own mother’s family, the more you feel bored to talk about TV shows and current events. The less the in-laws know about your own family’s affairs, the better! Especially if you have sisters and brothers, who your parents bought a house for, who bought a car, etc.! Later on when you buy a house, a car, and other things, your mother-in-law will be concerned if you yourself are getting financial support from your mother’s family!

Fifth Commandment: Don’t meet with your in-laws too early

Think you’re okay to meet again. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

When dealing with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships, if people just follow the rules above it may not work. Every mother-in-law is different. The daughter-in-law must take the right approach based on her mother-in-law’s personality. Let’s take another look at how to get along with mothers-in-law of different personalities.

The first kind: the calculating mother-in-law

The most headache for the daughter-in-law The most important thing is that this kind of mother-in-law loves to be calculating, and she is not finished with you if you don’t do the right things in life or don’t satisfy her. Although the mother-in-law is the most can not offend people, but a bent to submit is never a smart woman’s approach. The only way she can see your relationship in a respectful light is by taking direct action to make her aware of your position and principles.

Type 2: Stubborn, old-fashioned mothers-in-law

Senior citizens Generally stubborn, their frugal instincts are the imprint of decades of stretched poverty. But a mother-in-law who is too fond of the old and unable to accept new things is very much called a daughter-in-law’s headache. He is unable to accept modern values and consumerism, and will often classify the daughter-in-law as a loser. You can’t expect a 60-year-old mother-in-law to fully accept your values and consumerism overnight. A smart daughter-in-law has to influence her little by little, and over time she will change. If we force our mother-in-law to adapt to us, it will not be fair to her, she will feel the loss of control over her life and will feel that the younger generation does not respect her. Once resistance is created, it is extra difficult to change her frugal and nostalgic mindset.

The third type: widowed mother-in-law

Mother-in-law has worked hard alone to raise her son. The mother-in-law will always worry that her son will forget his mother when he marries his daughter-in-law. She will be jealous of her daughter-in-law and will be angry with her on some small things. Her son, who is more filial than the average person, will listen to his mother’s complaints and turn to her, or dare not go against her wishes even though he knows that her mother is wrong. Remember that only one woman in the world is not jealous of you, is your own mother. Although your mother-in-law is about the same age as your mother, and you call her mom, she is never your mother. So she has the same general woman’s mentality. In her eyes, you are a young woman, a son she worked hard to raise but now pampers you. So you, the aggressor possessor, should be careful of your mother-in-law’s fragile inner sorrow and loss. Always remember that a mother-in-law is a woman.

The fourth type: the only child mother-in-law

This type of mother-in-law values sons over daughters The traditional concept is extremely serious, in her eyes the son is the best man in the world and the most perfect. When you get married and live together, your mother-in-law will inadvertently often take her young things and you now than, will be critical of some of your behavior, each other is also easy to generate friction. Even if your husband has done something wrong, you have to close the door of the room to solve it in private. Never, never reflect the situation with your mother-in-law in a serious way. As much as possible, praise your husband’s benefits in front of your mother-in-law, which is an excellent trick to please your mother-in-law and a necessary medicine to ease the relationship between your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

The article gives us a variety of rules for getting along with your mother-in-law, and how to get along with various personalities of your mother-in-law.

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