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Love needs to maintain four moves to multiply happiness

Love is alive and it needs both of you to take good care of it to grow healthy and give you happiness and security. So, how do you take care of love?

Love needs to be cared for 5 pieces of advice to leave love

< strong>1. Give love more time

Fast-paced work is relentlessly squeezing your time, and the time you spend together is getting less and less. The longer the relationship, the more time you need to cement the love. Take some time out of your busy schedule to watch a movie together, have coffee, or even go grocery shopping together ……

2. Remember more details

The management of love should not be a pressure, it is a natural expression born from love that will make you naturally remember all the details about each other, his birthday, his tastes, the magazines he loves to read, his favorite Jokes ……

3. Inject new content into the memories

If the two of you have gotten to the point where you can only recall those few specific scenarios over and over again together, you need to plan something new, fun, and memorable to do to inject new content into your memories.

4. Know how to forgive

Bumps and bruises are inevitable in love. The most important thing is to make sure that you have the right amount of time to do so. The most important thing is to learn how to forgive and stop blaming at the right time, which will make the other person’s heart feel touched, and not to forgive will only make things worse.

5. Give him space

Everyone needs to have their own

Everyone needs their own space, and even if you are the one he loves the most, he needs to have some time and space to himself and his own privacy, not all of it exposed to you.

Four tricks to boost love happiness

< strong>1. Inject full enthusiasm to listen to each other’s good news

If your significant other is enthusiastic and tells you good news, like he got a promotion, like he won some contest …… you need to learn to inject full enthusiasm in response, “Wow! That’s great! That’s the happiest thing I’ve heard all week!” An enthusiastic response will multiply the other person’s happiness.

2. Learn to be grateful

Learn to say thank you to each other, maybe You may think you’re so close that polite words like “thank you” seem rusty, but a survey that tracked the daily relationship satisfaction of 65 couples showed that gratitude is an important mechanism for maintaining the relationship.

3. Learn to keep your distance

Columbia University’s Mailman A recent study from the School of Public Health proved that some distance between partners brings them closer to each other. Completely overlapping social circles and lives can numb the relationship, while differences can make it healthier and more stable.

4. Kissing

Kissing can be a great way to keep a relationship together. It builds the attachment component of a couple’s relationship, and kissing the face will have a better effect that sex does not really have.

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