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Identify good men nine kinds of men worth relying on

Starting any relationship is about finding a good man who is worthy of a lifelong commitment. How can you know if he is your Mr. Right? You may want to look closely at some of his small details Oh. The following is a list of the commonalities of good men and how to recognize if he is the one you are looking for.

Happiness is in your eye – identify the good man

When it comes to love, if you choose a man who can only bring you romance but no sense of responsibility, you are likely to end up with scars; while if you choose a man who is willing to pay for you, even if there is no passion at the beginning, at the end, the more you walk on the road of love, the more comfortable you will be.

So, when you fall in love, you have to keep your eyes open and look carefully at the man you love to see if he is worth relying on. Men who are worth trusting for life usually have something in common:

1. They have poise and know how to respect you.

He loves you more than he asks, he respects the various life choices you make, he respects your feelings, and he doesn’t complain about you and resent you for no reason.

I have a very good friend who has dated two boyfriends back and forth with completely different personalities. Her first boyfriend had almost no demands on her, as long as she was happy. But at the time, she thought he was too honest and dull, and broke up with him.

The second boyfriend, on the other hand, had very high expectations of her. For example, once they were at a party and while dining her cup let the turntable knock over, which would have had nothing to do with her. The people at the table didn’t realize what was wrong with it either, it was just a trivial hiccup, just change the cup.

But her boyfriend pulled a long face and yelled at her indiscriminately, “Would you mind your manners? Even a cup can not be placed properly.” It was a trivial matter, but the whole table heard it. Someone advised her boyfriend not to worry about it. Her boyfriend didn’t let up and said in a caustic tone, “She’s always so careless!” She was so aggrieved that she almost wanted to cry, but she just couldn’t take it out in front of everyone.

After more of this, she couldn’t take his “high demands and strict standards” anymore and decided to break up.


Responsible people make people feel reliable and solid in their hearts, but the sense of responsibility that girls care about is often not to do with the rise and fall of the world as their own responsibility, but to be responsible for themselves, their families, their careers, and their girlfriends.

3, patient and able to think about the girl.

As long as they are standing in the girl’s shoes, even if they make demands on the girl, they are reasonable. This kind of man really loves and cares for the girl and is worth entrusting.

There is a girl who is left-handed. Her boyfriend never cared, and every time he ate with her, or went out to dinner, he would always be considerate for her, sitting on her right side, and keeping a certain space between each other, so that she could clip the food without being touched. The girl was always touched that he was patient and thought of himself.

When a man can think of you and be patient to such an extent, he is certainly worth relying on.

4. Thoughtful and considerate of you.

Even after you’re past the heat of the moment, he’s still warm and caring to you. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

5. Your family and friends love him.

The elders have been through the wind and rain and have seen a lot of people, so their eyes are naturally more accurate than yours. You are very critical of him, but he is very able to win the appreciation of your friends and family. He knows how to make everyone feel comfortable and knows how to give people a sense of security. Personality-wise, he’s not a very fickle person and doesn’t make you feel hard to grasp and get along with.

6. He can give a lot of helpful advice on your path in life.

He loves you, but doesn’t coddle you; he asks a lot of you, but it’s all reasonable and it leads to your personal growth. With him, you will not only experience happiness, but you will also increase your self-worth.

7. He is open-minded and not calculating.

When you have an argument, he is usually the first to give in. He knows how to express himself and listens to you patiently. If you are right, he is able to admit his mistake; even if you are not right, he is willing to forgive you. He can talk nicely and doesn’t pull his face down at every turn and send you a face full of expression violence.

8. You have good communication with each other.

He communicates with you openly and honestly, he knows how to listen, and he knows when to talk and when to shut up. You won’t be afraid to express yourself to him and can feel safe when you share your feelings and thoughts with him. The foundation of good communication is trust, and in his presence you are sure that you will not be ridiculed or hurt for expressing your deep inner thoughts. This is called feeling safe.

9. He won’t ignore you because of your friends.

He has a normal social circle of good friends who trust each other and value them, but he won’t leave you out to dry for them. He is able to think and act independently, not just follow his friends. And, without your ear, he can clearly grasp the demarcation between his girlfriend and his friends of the opposite sex.

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