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8 view of love you need to know: accommodation has become cowardice

Love is not all about women, and to reap the benefits of love, even into marriage, the following 8 correct concepts of love must be kept in mind. The first thing you need to do is learn how to love and protect yourself so that you can harvest sweet love in your pocket.

What kind of relationship concept should a woman have: only one phone call a day

When a woman calls a man at most once a day, the man will think you don’t love him that much and miss him so that he doesn’t loose his love for you. When he misses you, he will call himself. Women in love should learn to be reserved. Don’t give a man the feeling that you love him so much you can’t leave him.

What kind of relationship perspective should a woman have: a normal heart

Women should keep a normal heart inside when they are in love, don’t take their feelings too seriously or too lightly, i.e. to love seriously but also to love realistically. You don’t know what will happen next, so you should always be mentally prepared for the other person to tell you to break up, or he won’t, but you should be prepared.

What kind of relationship perspective should a woman have: too much accommodation becomes cowardice

In a relationship, no one owes anyone anything, the relationship can be said to be selfish more can be said to be fair, two people who love each other come together, you love me. Therefore, women do not know how to reject men because they love them, some times need to play your own opinion, do not force themselves. Many times it is because you are too accommodating that you lose yourself in love.

What kind of relationship perspective should a woman have: try not to get financially entangled

A good love doesn’t seem like it should have anything halfway to do with money, but reality tells us that’s not possible. When a woman is in love, don’t go out and let the man pay for it, and don’t have any joint property, because you are not married, feelings to feelings, money to money, and most importantly, the woman should learn to be financially independent.

What kind of relationship concept should women have: don’t force marriage

Many women fall in love with the purpose of marriage, but not all men are. Therefore, when you meet this number of men, do not force the marriage. As the saying goes, there is no happiness in reluctance. Behind the success of reluctance is that you are forcing yourself, forcing yourself to be with a man who does not love and does not want to marry you.

Also don’t want to have a child to tether him to a marriage that is not conducive to your married life. It’s a good idea to say that women who do this are irrational and foolish. What you want is not for him to be responsible for you, but for the child.

What kind of relationship view do women have to have: the other person is always just a part

Some people say that when a woman has love, she has the world. Although love is important in life, but there are more important things in life, so love is only a part of life, women should remember that he will always be a part of your life. You can find it again if it’s gone, never hurt yourself over lost love.

Sanmao once said my heart has many rooms, and Jose just came in to sit down for a while. Women should not give up their interests and their original selves in order to fall in love.

What kind of view of love should a woman have: don’t shed too many tears for love

Lost love hurts, and pain brings you to tears. But it’s good to really cry once, and after crying, tell yourself that you will never cry for any man again. The man who will make a woman cry is not worth loving, and women should not make themselves suffer for a man who does not love them, and face decisively all the choices that arise in love.

Love passwords

I. Let the body “tell “thoughts

“Body language” can often convey more information and express richer emotions. According to researchers, on a first date, the first impression of a relationship depends 55% on appearance and “body language,” 38% on speaking skills, and only 7% on the content of what is said.

But it is possible to win each other’s affection with the help of some simple psychological methods (even if the conversation is only about the weather). That is, our bodies must be able to send some implicitly positive signals to each other. It is important to note: first, never stand with your arms crossed in front of the other person; second, emulating the other person’s posture helps one experience a sense of closeness.

II. Experiencing Fear Together

Psychological research shows that If a person is in a very excited state of mind when meeting someone, it dramatically increases their chances of getting romantic feelings.

In a 1970s experiment called the “Swinging Bridge,” psychologists Adul Aron and Dan Dutton found that if a man met a woman on a bridge that kept swinging, he would feel that he was meeting her. If a man meets a woman on a bridge that is constantly swaying, then he will feel more sexy and romantic – to a significantly higher degree than when dating a woman on a low and stable bridge. So a single experience in a playground has the potential to dramatically increase our adrenaline levels, making it easier to increase our happiness in marriage.

Also, couples are more likely to feel affection for each other after watching a suspenseful or tense movie together than after watching a bland movie. As for the reason, no one can explain it yet. Perhaps the increased adrenaline levels caused by fear play a key role.

Three, shared laughter

Among the factors that lead to mutual affection between men and women Among the factors that create affection between men and women, humor always occupies a very important place, and experiencing laughter together creates a sense of closeness between strangers.

American psychologists Adul Aron and Dan Dutton conducted a classic experiment. They had two strangers who did not know each other work together on activities of a playful nature, such as learning to dance.

During this time, they blindfolded one of them and had the other hold a straw (to prevent them from speaking freely). Although the sounds these two people make seem a bit silly, it turns out that love does come with laughter. So, jokes are also indispensable in marital relationships to improve marital happiness.

Fourth, picking the right music to accompany you

American psychologists research shows that soft and simple music is most helpful for emotional development. Tests have shown that soft music is more likely to make women feel good about men, while jazz music in complete silence is likely to have the opposite effect.

V. Using the “love cure-all”

Animal tests have shown that posterior pituitary hormone injections can make male rats feel strongly dependent on females. The researchers described physical exercise as also being able to raise the concentration of dopamine in the blood to make people feel happy.

In addition, the body is able to synthesize a substance called feniletilamin (commonly known as the “love molecule”), which can also make people excited and It is also possible to feel a sense of inexplicable happiness. Chocolate is also known to be rich in feniletilamin, a love molecule.

Six, looking into each other’s eyes

The eyes are a very effective means of expressing emotions. Research by psychologists has also demonstrated that the eye is indeed a very powerful weapon. Tests have confirmed that when two strangers are sitting opposite each other, looking into each other’s eyes is far more likely to produce closeness than looking at other parts of the body.

Related psychiatrists believe that when we look at each other with someone, the area of the brain associated with receiving rewarding information is stimulated, resulting in a favorable feeling for the other person.

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