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Five “heart-absorbing techniques” to easily capture his heart

What kind of women do men like? In fact, men like women who can “pretend”, here we are not talking about pretending, but fashionable women who can dress up, moderately reserved, and know seduction techniques. If you want him to love you to death, you have to learn to pretend! Here are a few relationship tips you can try.

Do you know what type of woman men like best?

Not a sexy woman with heavy makeup and smoky eyes, nor a well-educated reader, nor a yellow-faced woman with a head full of oil and smoke.

A man loves a woman who can pretend.

These women, who are indeed beautiful in appearance, may not be naturally beautiful, but rather heavily groomed, wear light makeup, dress appropriately, show where they should and not where they shouldn’t.

These women, who are really beautiful in appearance, may not be naturally beautiful, but rather heavily groomed, wear light makeup, dress appropriately, show where they should and not where they shouldn’t.

It’s not enough to look pretty, they’re also shy, making it seem like they’re not spontaneous and not that desirable.

Men like goddesses, and what is a goddess? The only thing you can do is to look at it and see it and eat it.

Both the beautiful appearance and the shy character, more seemingly not so approachable, are the favorites of men.

In fact, we don’t approve of girls in disguise, but we can learn something from these so-called “goddesses”

. indent:2em;text-align:left;”>A. Learn to dress up.

Makeup is not as bad as you think. Sometimes a little light makeup is not only not a disguise, but also a sign of respect for others. Using the appropriate makeup for the appropriate occasion is one of the best ways to improve yourself.

What’s a shortcut to five minutes of makeup that works better than five years of reading a book? That’s a shortcut.

B. You can do without the disguise, but at least don’t be so spontaneous.

Many girls are straightforward and unapologetic in their interactions with others, sometimes jumping all over people when they see them and ignoring them completely when they don’t. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

You see men like to talk to spirited girls, but really want to marry, but will still marry those shy, this is the inevitable Chinese male power thought, is a social trend.

So whether you like a guy or hate a guy, keep your reserve as much as possible, you can not pretend, but don’t be spontaneous either.

C. “Goddess” is about seduction, not hooking up.

Many girls don’t know the skills of a so-called “goddess” and are brave enough to pursue a man when they see him. Brave is right, but the method is wrong. The above tells you that when you see a man, don’t be so spontaneous, a spontaneous to scare people away. But being overly shy and not leaning up at all is naturally a missed opportunity.

How should this degree be grasped?

This is the difference between seduction and hooking up. When you show up in front of someone dressed up, it’s already a seduction, and all you need to do is make yourself big enough. If it’s not big enough, learn how to package it.

And leave the hooking up to the men.

Believe me, men are not interested in eating out of the bottle when they are offered. The more expensive and difficult it is to make him pay, the happier he will be.

The emotional game between men and women is nothing more than that – men with heart, women with emotion. And to capture a man with heart, you must learn to be a skillful “soul catcher”, just the right amount of your “love” to capture him, so that he willingly do your “skirt of the subject “

The best duration is: a lifetime.

Capture a man’s heart and make him love you till he dies


1.1 At the beginning of a relationship with a man, there must be a degree of love

When men and women interact, men tend to take the initiative, because there is sexual attraction, so that men become impatient under the stimulating effect of hormones. This is when women blindly use their emotions and tend to form man-dominated relationships, giving men too much of a sense of psychological superiority.

The woman to the man at the beginning of the relationship, with love has to be measured, grasp in half-true, half-false, seemingly real as the best, so that the woman has a fox charm, enhance the natural attraction of women to men, men feel that the woman as if it were, as if it were hidden, thought to reach out. The woman’s natural attraction to the man is enhanced by the fact that the man feels the woman’s presence and presence, and thinks he can reach out, but often at a distance.

2, with emotion, the unique “soft art” to overcome rigidity

2, with emotion, the unique “soft art” to overcome rigidity

When a woman and a man meet at the beginning, she will be indiscriminate in her love for the man, and it is likely that she will get laid fast and break up even faster. The reason is that men are interested in women at the beginning of their acquaintance, and they are more interested in “sex” than in “love”.

When a man is not yet in love, a woman is in love with a woman, and it is often a case of meat on the bone. Men animal-style venting, finished and uninteresting, feeling no need to go deeper ever again.

3, men’s love, often induced by women

So the man feels more attracted to the woman’s temperament, which makes the man’s heart desired, without being too indulgent. The man in this state has the heart to discover the woman’s merits and strengths in addition to her “sex”.

A man’s love is often induced by a woman, and it is the good woman who domesticates the man from a lower animal to a higher form of understanding feelings.

When a man feels that women are not easy to get, he feels that they are not cheap and only then does he feel the need to invest more. Of course, men put in money, not the biggest input, but many women think it is the biggest input, but the real biggest input is love.

4. When the relationship is getting deeper, the love should be relaxed


In the deepening of the relationship between men and women, women with emotions usually do not seem to be lightly, but from time to time, when men are not sure about women, to a touching release, so that men’s confidence is solidly pulsating once.

The so-called way of affection also lies in the openness and relaxation.

The so-called way of affection also lies in the way of the slavery of a thousand years, and at the critical moment, to an absolute escalation.

Intermediate –

Intermediate –

When men and women are together as lovers, how can a woman keep a man forever interested and enamored with her temperament and body, even her own body odor?

Vinegar, the “heart-attracting method” that keeps men from slacking

Vinegar, the “heart-attracting method” that keeps men from slacking

indent:2em;text-align:left;”>When drowning cold dishes, put vinegar to open up the taste. Women want to open the taste of men, also need to learn this vinegar transfer high trick. The jealousy, is to provoke jealousy, women deliberately said around the man how attractive, or in the behavior of others closer, or look at a certain muscle man, half jokingly said to the man: want to sleep with him for one night. Or leaving ambiguous text messages from other good men on their phones.

Although, women must not be promiscuous, provoking other men to be interested in them, to go on the offensive, thus proving themselves to be a millionaire, to make their significant other, to feel the crisis, to feel the embarrassment on their self-esteem, to feel the fierce jealousy, to feel the urgency of conquest, to feel The need to practice unique martial arts. So, the man’s nerves are in a sensitive state, every pore is full of sensation, sexual interest is greatly increased, and his body becomes agile.

Making men properly jealous must make men feel a mixture of love and hate and mixed feelings. To keep women forever, men have to press themselves, carry weight, become better, more energetic and competitive. There are more things that people want to grab, naturally, the characteristics of jewelry, treat jewelry, can you slacken? Of course not. Besides, this treasure is not a static object, but it grows on its own. Men will have a greater sense of crisis, and will treat women more as treasures.

Only the woman adjusting jealousy must not do too much, to force the man into a madman, the man may be on your big fight. Because when men feel that they can no longer keep you, they do not hesitate to use animal toughness to tame you, and directly stimulate men into a lion, they may endanger themselves.

Advanced piece –

Sexy, the super “magic power” that strengthens the gravitational pull of the self

Sexy is worthy of being called a beauty. Sexy and Euphoria, not separate from each other. Women in the ornamental sexy, the most attractive, the kind of clothing wrapped in a woman can not hide the sexy, is the most provocative characteristics and ornamental attraction. Women directly with men in bed, to take off their clothes naked, in order to attract the interest of men, get out of bed must feel uninteresting. The relationship is hardly sustainable, because it stops at venting, and that venting is over and done with.

But sexy women don’t get into bed with people, they don’t get into the program, they can provoke men’s desire and perception. But you want to be greedy for money, and not allowed to enter its door. Directly head into it, said not necessarily bumped into the head bleeding. The real sexy women, will be the popular lover type of women, they are good at using the seduction of sexy, but also to keep the sexy within the “treasure” not to lose.

More wealth, more wealth out there, will make the owner happy, but also absolutely fearful of things. So, once a man has such a sexy woman, he has to take twelve times the guard. Some sexy women are very casual sexually, that this kind of woman makes people feel that people can be husband. But there are some sexy women, know that their sexy is a rare advantage, the more to keep tight, and do not mess with. It is only occasionally show off, so that men want to make a mistake, and not allowed to enter the door, if any man married such a woman, must be spoiled for her.

Again, a sexy woman, if she knows how to use the first and second, is naturally invincible to the world. But for contemporary women, it is easy to produce a misunderstanding, as well as exposed is sexy, so constantly increase the exposed parts and area, making like plucking the bare white striped chicken, still ineffective.

Sexy is never the same as exposed. Sexy comes from the gift of the body, but also from the vitality of women’s lives, and the self-improvement and self-awareness of women’s temperament. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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