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Mental sub-health how to release the negative energy in the heart

Every year in April and May, Guangdong will experience several crops of so-called “back to the south” days, the walls are “weeping”, the floor is slippery, and the clothes and blankets are damp and uncomfortable. The clothes are also damp, the human body feels very uncomfortable. In addition, the climate is unpredictable in the spring, and it is possible to experience three or four seasons in a few days, and even a temperature difference of more than ten degrees in a day.

The weather is too humid and changeable, which makes it more difficult for the body to adapt to the environment and can cause the internal environment of the body to be out of balance, causing disruptions in nerve function, and the body is prone to strain, poor sleep, or allergies, asthma, colds, cardiovascular disease, etc. Physiological discomfort can easily lead to psychological discomfort, irritability, depression or depression, because the human hypothalamus is equivalent to a transducer through which any physical discomfort is converted into psychological sensations, and psychological changes are converted into physiological responses through this connecting center.

Distinction: depression is not always a disease

Whenever the mood is low Whenever a person is depressed, many people think: Do I have depression? Some people are afraid of the end of the day, self-isolation, tea and food. However, in the opinion of counselor Wong Ka Leung, depression is a normal emotion that exists among all people. “In fact, everyone in society can experience the sense of urgency and squeeze of the times, and life is so fast that people’s psyche has long ceased to be as calm as it used to be.” Wong Ka Leung pointed out that, like happiness and sadness, people do not have to be shy or even afraid of depression. “Some people go to take antidepressants as soon as they find themselves depressed, but in fact, it is not necessary. In fact, depressed moods can be self-mediated.”

How do you determine the level of depression? Generally, depression comes naturally when frustration arises. Feelings of loss, failure, and other unhappy emotions can cause depression. If there are only one or two “unhappy” emotions and the self is aware of the mood swings, i.e. “self-awareness”, this is a depressive mood, not a disease.

Depression is not the same as depression, and the key to distinguishing depression from depression is whether one is “self-aware. The real depression belongs to the category of psychiatric disease, is a variety of unpleasant feelings repeatedly superimposed, so that the body can not bear, a variety of physical symptoms such as insomnia, anorexia, etc., seriously affect the health, only then need to use drugs to control, “suffering from depression, the human body will produce a sense of unconscious self-imposed, reluctant to contact with the outside world, but at this time the patient itself is not the slightest The patient is not aware of the emotional disturbance”.

Depression is similar to mental subhealth

Subhealth is a state state between health and illness, and some of its manifestations are very similar to depression, but they are two different disorders. The subhealth state can include both physical and psychological aspects. In the psychological aspect, depressed mood, poor rest and general weakness can occur, but depression is an independent disease that is manifested by mood disorders as the main symptoms. The most frightening thing is that depressed people have no desire or performance to seek treatment, have a strong sense of guilt, feel that they are a burden to society, and have a high mortality rate of suicide. The opposite is often true for subnormal people, who actively seek treatment.

If depressive symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks and persist after elimination of objective causes, a prompt hospital visit is warranted. The intensity and duration of emotional reactions of depressed patients who have had adverse stimuli before the illness can significantly exceed the reactions of ordinary people to similar stimuli. However, since depressed patients are mostly afraid to face their problems, help from family members will be the main way to go. Remember to show more respect and encouragement to the patient so that he or she can get reasonable and correct help in time.

So, how can you tell if a loved one around you is in a normal depressed mood or depressed? Experts say that in addition to low mood, depressed patients may also have the following manifestations: a persistent feeling of fatigue with no apparent cause, and difficulty recovering even after rest; slow activity, and sometimes may become prone to temper tantrums over trivial matters; frequent self-blame, or feelings of guilt, and low self-esteem; slowed thinking, and patients may also feel that they have become stupid; insomnia, including difficulty falling asleep, shallow and restless sleep, especially early awakening The most serious symptoms of depression are: loss of appetite, reduced eating, and possible weight loss; loss of sexual desire and disinterest in the opposite sex; and recurrent suicidal thoughts and even suicidal behavior. According to statistics, 70% of depressed patients have suicidal thoughts but do not carry them out; 1/3 of depressed patients have suicidal behaviors, and 15% of them die.

There are often a variety of depression psychometric tests available online, and it is often a shock to test yourself against them. Can such tests be trusted? Experts say that professional doctors sometimes refer to some test forms when diagnosing and treating psychological or mental illnesses, but there is no quantitative medical diagnosis for mental illnesses like depression. The test results of the depression scale cannot be used as diagnostic indicators of depression, but only for the reference of professional doctors. For the general public, when taking these tests, tests with positive results can suggest that we may have emotional distress, but not necessarily depression, and a specialist is needed to make a definitive diagnosis.

Rescuing emotions to release negative energy in the mind

< strong>1, anti-depression to find the culprit

So, how should depression be regulated? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible solution to the problem. In addition, the habit of writing a diary, writing a blog, you can release the low mood as a font, people will also be a lot easier. Also some people like quiet, so find a place to sit quietly for a while, reflect on the gains and losses, take stock, and you will find that the mood will be calm and the shock of previous frustrations will be relieved.

The real culprit of depression is generally not easy to detect because it is often hidden behind an illusion. “Many office workers who feel depressed think it’s caused by work; just as many housewives who get depressed think it’s because their family life is not harmonious, their husbands are cheating, etc.. In fact, these are all illusions.” Wong Ka Leung said, “The reason why working people care about work is that once they lose their jobs, their lives will be affected; the same is true for housewives, because their families and husbands are all she depends on in life, and losing them is equal to losing herself. So, hidden behind the surface, is what one values most, and overcoming these is what will ward off depression.”

2. Catharsis can relieve depression in women

Catharsis can ease depression in women. Crying should be considered a desirable form of catharsis. A person who suppresses her emotions for a long time is like a time bomb and is likely to commit extreme acts against herself or others in the future. It is important to note that venting must pay attention to the way and method, do not violate social ethics, morality and law. Talking is also a good way to vent. You can choose a loved one, a close friend, or someone you trust to talk to about your problems and adjust your emotions.

3. Try a little more outdoor activity

You can give yourself Choose a sunny time to go out for a walk or a moderate amount of exercise, especially in plenty of light, take a walk, climb a mountain or ride a bike …… to feel the vibrancy that spring nature brings. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

4, Talk to someone

When the depression is too much to handle, you should talk to someone. You should find someone to talk to. The best way, of course, is to find a counselor and pour your depression your worries all to him. When your worries come out with tears, the sun has shot into the gloomy heart. If you are not in a position to do so, you can find a friend who knows you and spill your guts.

5. Use color wisely

Because depressed people are already depressed, they look at their moods as if they were. is already low, they look at the world already with a gloomy color, at this time whether it is dressing, makeup, or the design of the living environment, the ability to actively approach and use some warm and positive colors can play a role in regulating the mood. Black, gray, blue, cyan, and even white such colors, should not be used too much, because these colors will make the mood more depressed. The use of some pleasant and warm colors in clothing and room colors, such as pink, orange, pink-yellow, gold, etc., can mobilize positive emotions from the external environment.

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