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“Busy” boyfriend can not want the four reasons

Do you often hear your boyfriend say that he is too busy to attend classes due to his part-time job? Is your boyfriend often late for appointments or even misses them? After the missed appointment also desperately explain how busy they are how tired to get your understanding. If this is the case, then this man is not suitable for your boyfriend. Why is that? Here are four reasons why busy men are not suitable as boyfriends.

1. You’re not the best girlfriend for him

A 20-year-old

A 20-year-old female college student tells her experience that she thought her boyfriend was too busy doing part-time work so she couldn’t contact him, but she didn’t expect him to have two boats and be ambiguous with the girl he was working part-time with, and the female college student found out and complained a few times and was dumped by her boyfriend.

In fact, most of the time, the boyfriend said he was busy with work and part-time jobs and couldn’t get in touch often, but it’s just some grand excuses. The actual situation is that they are likely to have a new lover. The former daily phone congee, but now suddenly say they are too busy to contact, such an obvious change, do not you think it is strange?

2. There are too many things that are more important than the girlfriend

A 25 A 25-year-old white-collar worker describes her ex-boyfriend, who is simply a workaholic. Work is much more important to him than she is, and she can’t reach him at all during the weekdays. The first time I saw him, he had to go on his favorite marathon run, and there was no time left for her.

Sometimes, a boyfriend can be really busy and not in love with someone else. However, even then, it is not completely forgivable. The reason is that some men of put their time and energy as well as even money on their own work and interests, and do not spend any thought on their girlfriend. This is when you need to seriously consider if you are really happy with such a man.

3. Setting up a defense for your lack of affection

A 20-year-old female college student tells her experience A 20-year-old female college student recounts her experience. Before dating, her boyfriend said that he was too busy with club activities and could only meet on weekdays, and after officially dating, she could only date on weekdays. It was only when I occasionally called him on Sundays, only to hear a girl’s voice next to his, that I realized I had been duped.

Some men set up defenses to cover up their lack of affection before they get involved with their girlfriends. For example, when you are still friends with your girlfriend, you will be busy every day, after the formal relationship, even if he told his girlfriend that he is too busy now, there is something to talk about later, his girlfriend will not be suspicious of him, think he moved on. So, they rely on this, feet on two boats, fancy flowers. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at this type of boyfriend.

4.4. Busy but not doing anything

A 25-year-old woman said her boyfriend is busy with work every day and thought he was knowledgeable, but he always gets lost when he goes on trips and can’t even book a hotel. The company’s main focus is on the development of a new product.

The more you can do, the more you’ll be able to do, so you’ll have the impression that busy people are generally capable. In fact, not quite, some perhaps precisely because of incompetence, only to have to work late into the night, so busy that they do not even have time to sleep. So, when you hear someone say, “My boyfriend is particularly busy” and so on, you don’t need to be envious. When she finds out one day that she has an incompetent boyfriend, she may only be able to cry.

Is your boyfriend busy? Don’t say you are broad-minded and knowledgeable and can understand your boyfriend’s busy schedule. It is better for women who have not seen their boyfriends for a long time to pay attention and be more mindful.

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