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Be a lover’s wife to capture the hearts of men

Many times we mostly wonder what kind of wife we should be, how to latch onto our husband’s heart, what kind of man we should choose to be our husband, etc. The answer is: a lover-style wife is the only way to latch onto a man’s heart, and the old formula lover is the only way to latch onto a woman’s heart.

There are many women who complain that men are different after marriage and when they are in love, they have a 360 degree change. The previous is gentle and considerate hush hush, now is the love ignored. Usually women will complain directly with the man, the man is annoyed with the choice to hide out. If a woman takes advantage of this situation, it is only natural that the marriage will have problems.

Women, besides complaining and crying, have you ever thought about how to solve this problem? Some people stubbornly believe that it is their husband’s fault that he has changed his mind. I’m not wrong, why should I change? If you think this way, the relationship between the two people can only be completely broken.

Whether or not men are like two people before and after marriage, let’s not discuss the truth of this proposition for now. Ask yourself, woman, what will be the difference between you after marriage and when you are in love? Before the two dating, you will be well dressed. When dating, it will be a deer in the headlights, will think hard about how to make the two more sweet and happy. After the date, you will spend your thoughts on yourself, on him. After marriage, will you still do that?

While complaining about men flipping out, have you seen changes in yourself? After marriage, around the kitchen children house, the focus of life in the “today’s vegetables expensive 50 cents”, “no place to sit on the bus”, “it is time to clean up”, “paycheck to paycheck”. “The payroll card is handed over” …… previously read the book locked into the box, free to play mahjong pot soap opera. Also do not dress up, big pants short sleeves on the sloppy, elaborate point is the sports suit. There are many similar aspects, imagine to such a person, you can talk to her about love interest?

There are many ways to be tender and considerate to the heroine, but you have to look at yourself, such a post-marriage image, do you still look like the heroine in his life?

A woman can be not beautiful, but must be gentle; can not be elegant, but must be fresh; can not be shrewd, but must be understanding, and these are precisely the characteristics of a lover.

One of the most important things about being a woman is that you have to be self-sufficient

No matter how much this man loves you, no matter how much this man can afford to support you, you have to be self-sufficient, have financial resources, be able to support yourself, have your own space, so that he will not feel superior, and you will speak to him as an equal, have your own independent personality, which is the top priority, and vice versa, he will look at you from a downward perspective. In the eyes of men, a woman who has a job, is financially independent and has a social circle is more attractive.

Those who are full-time housewives, who only know how to serve their children and husbands all day long, play mahjong and chat on the Internet, think about it, if you are a man, you come home and see such a woman, like a nanny tied an apron around, full of grease and smoke, chatting a The current political views are similar to playing the piano to a cow, what will you feel? The two people even say a word, the common topic is only the elderly children, this situation, you let him still how to have immunity in the outside?

Two, being a woman has to be as fresh as a lover

Marriage The time is long and you can’t lose yourself, think no clothes when you’ve seen it all, it doesn’t matter what kind of clothes you wear, it’s wearing the ground floor, you have to wear decent and fresh, basic skin care products and makeup you have to have a set. If you don’t care about yourself, you are full of care about children care about home, sacrifice yourself or whatever is nonsense, that only means you are not capable of making life better. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Don’t say you haven’t bought clothes for several years, you can’t afford to buy cosmetics, how you will live your life saving money in order to pay off the mortgage, for the children’s tuition, etc. Your husband will not even bother to appreciate you for this, he will only remember that ‘women are the face of their husbands’ and have to be carried out.

At this point, it’s not the man’s fault. If you are given a choice, a yellow face and a youthful girl, you are him, can you guarantee that you will choose the yellow face? Many times, the loud answer is yes, but only because they are the yellow face. If you don’t want to end up in this position, you have to start changing now.

Three, to be a woman, you have to be as gentle as a lover

At home , no matter how dominant you are, how dissatisfied and angry you are, you don’t need to show it with the height of your voice, use more of your head and less of your mouth. Talk to your husband, don’t think it’s all ‘one in two’, the kids are there, be straightforward, and know that sometimes there are things you say in a weak manner that are much more effective than your loud scolding.

As the saying goes, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The other side of the coin will be uncomfortable in your own heart if they do this to you. Likewise, although he knows you have a point, but in this way, he can not accept. But he can only hold it in. Once that much has accumulated one day, or suddenly there is a gap to vent, by then it will be too late for you to get it back.

The things in life use a little more inquiry question, distance to produce beauty, let him feel respected, he did wrong, do not scold, do not blame, can also be pampered beeping his mouth to let him admit his mistake, with you to make amends. Do not move to get angry, as long as it is not a major matter of principle, do not think about it, the more you think about it, the more confused and troubled yourself, here the loss point from other places is easy to make up for, such as let him do things to punish him to buy dinner or something, you always let him see you angry, that your anger to him is a commonplace, nothing powerful. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot of people to help you to do the job, be good and obedient, you whine a little bit, be delicate, he will be very used, the man’s bones are such a bitch.

Fourth, to be a woman, you have to be inside

Do you have a book on your nightstand? Do you have a book on your nightstand? If not, you’d better buy a book, whether it’s fashion, makeup, special weeklies or essays or whatever, pick the one you like to read. The woman should know, not only the recipes at home, but also a variety of news, and all kinds of information, even including gossip, these can make you become his book, you read, you keep up with the times, he will have common topics with you.

The lover is the enemy of many a proper wife, and the enemy has her redeeming features, and learning from the enemy is to defeat them! What is this called? It seems to be the idea of learning from the enemy in order to control the enemy.

So, after hurling abuse at the mistress, it is better, when the mistress has not yet appeared, to cultivate themselves and tie the husband’s heart. Then what small three small four are not your opponent.

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