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The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to teach you to break the type one by one

The mother-in-law is really more tired than fighting for a career outside, but for the sake of family harmony, for the family atmosphere, in order to maintain their own happy marriage, to deal with the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law women have to have a trick to do. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

One, housewife-type mother-in-law

She is the most typical

She is the most typical housewife, who spends her life circling her children, and can hardly wait until her daughter grows up, but she is also disconnected from society at this time, and cannot walk out of the kitchen and garden.

It seems easy to deal with this kind housewife, and it’s a safe transition to smile at her often, say thank you, and not give away that you’ve already been in her son’s bed.

Tip: You must always remove her insecurities

In reality, it’s not that simple. It’s not that simple either. For a woman who has spent most of her life in the kitchen and whose entire spirit rests on her children, the emptiness she feels in the face of her son’s impending independence from her is unspeakable and sensitive and fragile, and can upset her if she’s not careful.

She’s worried that her “ignorance” is causing her to be alienated or even deceived by you. You must always tell her, or show her, what you have done, what you have planned, and make her feel like she is there.

Two, the thousand-handed mother-in-law

She is the thousand-handed mother-in-law. She’s a career and a family, and probably a stalwart of the feminist movement, doing justice for women in distress, writing books, and taking time to learn how to make Japanese sushi – the model woman of the modern metropolis.

So her future daughter-in-law will be demanding, even if you’re not a career-minded person, and when you run into her, it’s best to belly up and think about how you’re going to talk about your aspirations; especially if you’ve already made up your mind to live on a long-term meal ticket, in case she knows you have The first thing you need to do is to think about how to talk about your ambitions.

Take the plunge: be disciplined, not overbearing

Since she’s a woman who’s trying to move up the ladder, treat her like a woman working her way up the ladder, it’s best to treat her as if she were meeting your boss, with rules and no condescension.

Make her feel like she’s a great mom.

Lastly, no matter how capable a woman is, she will still have a little doubt about whether she’s a good mother, so in addition to showing that you will treat her as a role model also make her feel like a great mom.

Three, the loving evil mother-in-law

She is the loving mother, loving like the sea As vast as the sea, so that one slip of the foot can drown in it. She calls her son every day to remind him to come home for dinner; her son’s little finger, slightly scraped, she calls back to the sky.

Your presence immediately threatens her mastery, and at the first sign of trouble, she suspects that you are intent on usurping the throne and putting her out in the cold, so she is wary of you at every turn.

What to do: play the pig and eat the tiger

Confronting a loving future The mother-in-law, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, is a trick that definitely works. The reason is that they tend to think “needed” in order to be at ease. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Please be happy, and express your gratitude often. However, don’t forget that a thousand times over, a horse’s ass doesn’t wear out, and it’s always important to show appreciation for your future mother-in-law’s loving charity, preferably by occasionally buying a small gift or snack to make her happy.

Fourth, the flirty and open mother-in-law

She is the flirty mother. When you meet her, she is cheeky, talking about the courageous things she did back in the day when she strayed from the norm, so open that even you sigh at yourself. She’s more like your wild and wild dorm roommate than a future mother-in-law, and it’s sometimes tricky to play against such an unorthodox opponent.

Take the plunge: respond to change

When you get the message that When the usual tricks don’t work, it’s best to stay the same, lest your future mother-in-law, thinks you despise her lifestyle. The advantage of meeting such an open-minded future mother-in-law is that you don’t have to be too uptight, and you don’t have to worry too much about whether your every move meets her standards. However, do not be gullible, because although she plays lively and cute, after all, is not your girlfriend, and even more anti-traditional mothers, have a strong protective mind over their children.

So you still have to be considerate of her son. That is, even if you and she are as close as a pair of sisters, you’d better not criticize her son in front of her or lift the scars of the past for her to see.

And don’t discuss his future in a serious way, because this type of mom wants her son to be free, and she’ll be disgusted with you once she thinks you’re trying to fix him up.

V. The Empress Dowager mother-in-law

She is picky and indifferent

The Empress Dowager Cixi, even if you are proficient in all 18 arts, talented and virtuous, in front of her, you still can’t reach her level, prepare to jump into the well.

No matter what, the ugly daughter-in-law has to meet her mother-in-law after all, and first of all, it is best to dress conservatively because she will definitely pick the bones in the eggs.

However, there is no need to be too accommodating, lest she think you are shabby or can please the woman with the nostrils, there is no need to dress up as a crystal light or go against your principles and nature.

Take the plunge: focus your efforts and show you’re good at it

Anyway No one is good enough in her eyes, and no matter how hard you try, she will always have something to say, so there’s no need to waste your efforts and meet all her standards. The best way to do that is to focus on what you’re good at, to impress her, and to let her know you’re not a tail-wagger.

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