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6 marriage crisis to catch you off guard

Men and women can’t have a smooth relationship, even if it’s a bland life, there will still be many bumps and bruises, and this is especially true in a marriage, and from time to time there will be some crisis issues in a marriage that catches you off guard, although many times these problems don’t mean that your marriage is broken. Although many times these problems do not mean that your marriage is broken, but always affect the whole family. The following 6 crises are important to pay attention to and hopefully you can control and deal with them sooner rather than later.


When you want to call for intimacy but are Rejected, or he gets shut out of your place. Either you are shy to let go of your emotions and always cooperate to accommodate him, but ignore your own needs and pleasure. Sexuality experts point out that sex is a manifestation of both behavioral and psychological needs. Even in some way, your physical needs are met, but if you can not fully experience pleasure from it, the psychological needs are always still missing. In a relationship between a man and a woman, it is the ultimate meaning of love not to suppress emotions, needs and purposes, but to make both parties happy together in a natural and authentic state. So if there is this crisis between you, don’t be embarrassed, hurry up and work it out with him.


Fighting is an inevitable behavior in marriage. It’s even exaggerated, like a bigger meal than once or twice a week. But not all arguments are bad, it’s more like a double-edged sword, “quarrels can make couples better understand each other’s needs and feelings, and then purposefully adjust their own or each other’s behavior to make each other more compatible.” said the gender expert. And arguing can go a long way toward improving the patience and stress capacity of both men and women. When people argue, they tend to say a lot of things they wouldn’t normally be able to say, and the focus is on expressing themselves and understanding each other, not on attacking.


Complaints can often be the trigger for a war to break out. But it is impossible to ban complaining. Everyone has a variety of emotions that need to be vented, the problem is how to vent them and make your heart ache without bringing negative energy to others. Humor is the best cosmetic, he can make the complaints sound to the point and amusing, and you can even compete to see whose spit is sharper. Over time, your insight into life is sure to grow.


If you’re for the Premier League and he’s for Barca It’s likely that a family war will break out over this at every World Cup. But this is not an irreconcilable problem, many seemingly opposing things are actually a relationship of interdependence, competition, progress, you can make the family atmosphere a little more democratic. While maybe you don’t see eye to eye on something, allowing different voices to exist just makes for a better love life. For example, you didn’t like the outdoors before, and after attending an outdoor BBQ at his suggestion, you might say you love the activity.


Many couples who are parents often disagree about parenting. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing. It is best for both spouses to unify their philosophies on this point and have a common policy, whether lenient or strict, differing only in the respective roles parents play or the way they treat their children, rather than having two people going in opposite directions in their education.

Family and friends

If the two live in the shadow of unpleasantness under the influence of one of their relatives, even though this is a somewhat sensitive area, both parties must be on the same page when confronted with some issues. Although there is some shame and guilt in facing one’s own family, as long as both men and women are on the same page, there will be a qualitative leap in solving the problem with half the effort. It is especially important that the standards for treating both sides of the family must be unified, and it is much wiser for each to acknowledge that there is some craziness on their side than to resent the relatives in the other’s family, but to simply defend their side.

Marriage is about a lot of feelings and things, not just the relationship between husband and wife, and to have a harmonious marriage you have to consider all aspects and deal with all kinds of things that can threaten it.

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