Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Female man these behaviors scare away men

A man said, “I just love your straightforward personality and tomboy-like behavior. Do you believe it? Do you show your real self in front of him? If you do, you’ve fallen into the pit.

If you dress yourself well, men always say that you look your best in everything. When you tenderly say it’s okay, men always feel very heartfelt about your hard work. When you say you like to daze lazy time, men intimately sigh lightly you ah. Is this the true expression of his heart? Yes, and no. At the moment he is indeed so think and say so. But in life, if you remember his words at all times, according to his words to do, not dress up, not gentle, really lazy, he will still be so to you? Of course not. If you really let go of your scruples to live your true self, you will have to face his burst of what.

Is it the man’s fault? He wouldn’t feel that way. Yes, what he says is an expression of true emotion. It’s true that he doesn’t feel the need to be so elaborate when you are well groomed, but that doesn’t stop him from appreciating the results of your grooming. He just feels that you spend so much time and energy and money to dress up, as if it is not worth it. But when you’re actually vegan in front of him, with unwashed eyes and a face full of oil every morning, he feels a bit overwhelmed.

Women respond to this by thinking that men are a very pretentious creature. It is clear that you appreciate those who are very pretentious and pampered and bird-like women, but you do not like it. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. If you think so, again, this is too absolute.

Take skincare and makeup for example. For men, they don’t have the need for skincare and makeup, and even if they do, the vast majority of men simply get it done. This is a far cry from the requirements of women in terms of skin from the start. Thick pores, shine, fine lines, dull skin women all can not stand, and this is also related to the evaluation of women in society. Therefore, women desperately skin care desperately makeup, only to egg-like skin. However, to achieve this goal of women is all the women in the world, can reach, only a very small number. In the lives of men and women for a long time, it is inevitable that she will see her plain face after removing her makeup, or haggard skin after working overtime for days without sleeping or eating well, compared to her usual bright and shiny, a bit unacceptable.

In addition, in everyday behavior, some women are relaxed about themselves because they have been with their boyfriends for a long time, and they don’t feel the need to work so hard to maintain a polished appearance. The man, casually stretched legs, talking spittle flying, high melon seeds spit melon shells all over the ground also feel indifferent, but also complacent love a person to love her all. Sometimes they also count each other’s bad behavior, indicating that they are also putting up with each other. In fact, these behaviors are precursors that you are going to become a yellow face, you know?

On the flip side, it’s not practical to live together for a long time and still be as preachy about yourself as you were when you first started dating, going up and down over an ornament on your dress. Moreover, two people living together for a long time, natural conflicts are inevitable. It’s better to take stock, avoid and cover up appropriately.

Farting without fear in front of your boyfriend

“I wish I had thought about the occasion and the time.” In the survey, many guys were disappointed when they felt disillusioned by the girl’s farting next to them. The survey showed that many guys were disappointed that the girls were “farting” next to them, but they should at least choose a location where their boyfriends can’t hear them.

Walking around the house in just your underwear

“It’s not new when you get used to seeing it.” No matter how intimate the relationship is, not covering the areas that should be covered will reduce the attractiveness to men. The first thing you need to do is to be a woman, so don’t forget to be a woman and change your clothes in another room.

Casual attitude to life, not cleaning

“It’s amazing that you can live in such a cluttered room.” In the survey, there were many men who were fed up with their girlfriend’s scattered life. It’s a good idea to agree on a “division of labor” before you move in together, and to work together for a better life together.

Uncle behavior like taking a bath and drinking beer naked

“Just have to look at her as a middle-aged uncle.” Maybe it’s because you’re in your own home that you’re so relaxed, but in your boyfriend’s eyes you look like an “uncle”. The most important thing is to ask your boyfriend, “Do I look like an uncle when I’m drinking?

Less considerate after living together

“Got a little tired of the bickering after living together.” It seems a bit troublesome to stop being polite and considerate like before because of living together. It is good to get along without restraint, but respect for lovers is also indispensable!

Getting rid of body hair in front of your boyfriend

“I don’t want to see those shaved armpit hairs or whatever ……” There are few men in the survey who are disappointed to see this scene like this. There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of beauty, but it is better not to show your boyfriend the process!

Living like an Obasan

“Excessive frugality in living expenses.” Being overly frugal with living expenses can give the impression that the family is a drag by being so busy and exhausted with the chores of life. It is good to live frugally, but if this cools down love is more than worth the loss. The first thing you need to do is to get a little extravagant once in a while.

Rarely do you see makeup like you do on a date

“Wearing a vegan face and home clothes every day makes people feel uninspired.” The fact that you forget to dress up in front of your boyfriend like this will also disappoint him. It’s also a good idea to go out on a date once in a while to make your boyfriend feel fresh. We know each other so well that we feel like brother and sister

“It’s a very important presence, but it feels like family. ” There are also examples of people who formed a distance like family before they got married. The tension of being used to being with each other, and the heart racing of being in love may disappear. It is quite difficult and takes some work to find the feeling of being in love when the heartbeat moment is missing for couples who happen to be living together.

Women need to cover up, and in fact men do too. If a person is too casual in front of you, it also shows that there is no more love between the two and only affection remains. Even if the years are long, as long as there is love in your heart, you don’t want the other person to hear your boo-boo on the toilet, or notice the eye boogers in the corner of your eyes, or put your swimming rings and cellulite naked in front of each other, even if it is an indelible fact.

The distance between two people together is too close to hurt each other; too far away and there’s no feeling left. Only at just the right distance can we appreciate each other’s beauty and not be indifferent to each other. This requires wisdom to maintain and two people working together.

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