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10 disadvantages of a woman as a full-time wife

In the context of an economy-based society, more and more women are choosing to work in the workplace, but there are also some working women who, after becoming mothers, are driven by their mother’s love, so that they eventually put down the workplace and return to their families. The women who are on the edge of the workplace and being a full-time wife need to understand the top ten disadvantages of women being a full-time wife.

One, there is no financial autonomy.

Once a woman is a full-time wife, it means that the entire household expenses are dependent on the man, not to mention the generosity of the man, at least the woman will feel useless when she asks for money more often. The second is that the economy determines the social status, but also determines the status of the family, eat people’s mouths soft, take the short-handed reason we all understand, because the full-time wife in the economic dependence on the man too much, it is easy to breed men’s machismo.

Two, burying their surplus value.

Homework, although tedious, is not much related to the knowledge learned during school, in other words, the woman’s books during school wasted, when self-worth can not be reflected, there will be inexplicable sadness, plus do full-time wife for a long time The fact is that if a woman has been a full-time wife for a long time, she will lose a lot of friends, and even if some of her former friends call for a party, she will feel that she no longer has a common language with those friends, and invariably, she will be infected with autism.

Three, the loss of contact with the outside world.

Many people don’t feel they gain anything from working outside every day. In fact, human beings accumulate knowledge implicitly, and for full-time wives who are always at home, they basically lose the opportunity to get in touch with the outside world as frogs in the well. Even if one day one wants to return to the workplace, only to find oneself out of touch with society.

Fourth, it’s easy to turn yourself into a yellow face.

Full-time wife because every day worry about the husband and children’s meals, worry about the children’s school problems, for this reason, basically every day to live the food market, children’s school, home, three points of life, for the newly employed full-time wife Women may also go out when a dressing up, and over time, even too lazy to wash their faces dare to go out. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Five, over-reliance on men can turn you into a resentful woman.

Full-time women not only depend on their husbands financially, but even pour all their love into their husbands, and for this reason, full-time women also want their husbands to give them all their free time, but, as natural people, they will inevitably have some social life The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Sixth, after the husband cheated on her, she is not a person inside or outside.

As a full-time wife, the ideal state is to find a woman who will never leave you for the rest of your life. The most important thing is that you should be able to find a woman who will not leave you.

Seven, it is easy to be disliked when you can’t keep up with your husband.

The biggest fear between couples is the generation gap, a career success and a full-time wife who has nothing to do with going out will be more and more distance, when there is no common language between the couple, only the remaining years of conjugal love to maintain the Marriage, so that both sides have no happiness to speak of. Once the husband is disgusted with himself, will be replaced by the end of divorce, negative-hearted men can never remember the full-time wife once for the family years of dedication, because in their eyes, beautiful young mistress is enough to make them want to stop.

Eight, self-confidence is being torn down little by little.

Love, basically men will be the woman as a god, no matter how pretentious the woman, the man will endure the; in the woman wandering in doing full-time wife or stick to the workplace key choice, the man can also play grandson begging the woman to return to the family; when the woman in doing full-time wife or stick to the workplace key choice, the man can also play grandson begging the woman to return to the The woman’s family is a very important part of her life.

Nine, the children will be inexplicably empty after they go to college.

If the greatest pleasure of a full-time wife at home is to watch her husband’s career flourish and chat with her children after her son goes to school, then after her children go away to college, the full-time wife will suddenly feel bored at home, and people are idle. For a long time, not only will be thinking and will increase aging. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Ten, the drudgery of housework doesn’t end well in the end.

In the age of material economy, people are snobs, and as a husband, will only give the full-time wife the monthly household money, and will not pay the ‘full-time wife’ extra salary The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem. The sadness of full-time wives stems from the fact that full-time wives love too foolishly and from the fact that there are too many white-eyed men.

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