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12 zodiac signs why men do not chase you

A man goes out with you but doesn’t pursue it? Because work is busy, that is the biggest generic excuse. The most important thing is that you have to be able to get a good idea of what you want to do.

Why Aries Men Don’t Chase You

1, do not like you but need you

Aries men rarely choose to be ambiguous, but if a love injury, or the painful pursuit of someone unsuccessful, in a short period of healing, capricious they will most likely choose someone like themselves to vent and revenge, and then re-embark on the pursuit. And then re-embark on the pursuit of the journey. So MM of the Aries, it is best not to first like him. The reason for this is that the sheep will actually make you think you like him through false pretense and seduction.

2, like to use self-righteous misunderstanding to get the upper hand

The White Sheep The MM is a very sensitive animal, if the MM is very kind and good-hearted, it is best to keep your “good” first firmly sealed, otherwise your behavior out of high character will be animalistic he thinks is like, and then hunt you down. For the Aries, kindness MM self-protection of the first, is to learn to be selfish. Otherwise you will be hurt extremely unfairly.

Why the Taurus man won’t chase you


Many Taurus men are slow to warm up to relationships and like to plan to pursue each other step by step. When he starts to pursue you, he may choose not to have much movement, and maybe still just slowly observe. Because it is still not sure, so it is difficult to indicate anything. Plus it shows their sanity and caution because he can still retreat if you’re not right at this point.

2. Never quite satisfied with you in some way

Golden Ox may act wooden to you, but in fact he knows quite well inside. If not for your looks or family history and other conditions are not quite satisfied, or your character so he still feels not quite to taste, he will not stand still and not release the pursuit. The reason for this is that he has to agree with the value of the pursuit first.

Why Gemini Men Don’t Chase You


The Gemini man wants to enjoy the fun of love in the game of enemy in, enemy out, and enemy in, which is a sign of his mellowness. In fact, the twins will still be full of gentlemanly manners to you at the beginning, but once you are attracted to him and have a passionate performance, he will begin to retreat. If you can play the big game, extend the time to fall for it, or keep quiet when he backs off, he may still be attracted to you and come back to pursue you.

2. In the middle of a fling

Love is first and foremost a high-class game for the Gemini man. The first thing about love is that it’s a high-level game, plus their passion is usually not durable. The point is whether or not you become the last target he chases. The Gemini man may have laid out multiple options for the last breakthrough, so don’t be too happy even if you are the focus of his contact at the moment, because maybe he suddenly makes a 180-degree turn and establishes someone else as an official relationship.

Why Cancer Men Don’t Chase You


The Cancer man has very bad thoughts long before he acts, and the many disadvantages of being rejected make him back off or stop short. So his pursuit is either simply not pursued, or just do your friend from the side close to you, take care of you, good for you, and then a long time without giving you formal confirmation and confession. But in fact, the Cancer man is still churning with emotions inside.

2. You haven’t touched the point that moves his heart

The Cancer man’s touch for family friendship love is a very comfortable feeling of being cared for, plus he wants this care to be expressed in a natural and unobtrusive way. The reason he wants a partner who is warm and lovable and can fascinate him. So the reason he doesn’t pursue it is that maybe the feeling he wants in you hasn’t been obtained yet.

Why Lions don’t pursue you


The lion usually still retains the proper demeanor of a king over the prelude to a relationship. So even if he does not pursue you, it is based on multiple considerations. Especially your character can not make him feel too tired with you, because his former relationship may have made him too exhausted. So he may choose an easy mode when he goes through it again.

2. Don’t want to lose your edge

It is important to note that the Lion The male must give himself the upper hand in the emotional tug-of-war whether he pursues or not. That is, he must be in charge or be begged and praised. If you let him have it easily or don’t know how to pace yourself, it will definitely be surrendered.

Why Virgin Men Don’t Chase You


The virgin man will not act easily before he can fully understand the person and strength of the other party. Although the band is somewhat passive, but he believes that this in a defensive pick and prepare is foolproof. It’s better than picking on him with all the unfavorable language as soon as he starts courting you.

2. Unprepared

The virgin man wants to make things The virgin man wants to make things perfect, not let the whole thing go bust because of his own mistakes. So before pursuing you, he may not have pursued you without knowing you, such as blindly sending you a silk scarf when he didn’t know what you liked. So his approach to you may at first just be gradual almost ordinary friends, so that you almost do not feel like a pursuit. That’s where the room for decent retreat comes in.

Why Libra Men Don’t Chase You


He’ll have a ruler in his mind that lets him go for the “modest” behavior of half to half. For example, although I called you first, but at the cost of a date when you come close to me; although I went to see you, but at the cost of your birthday gift to me. He will have a commutator in his head at all times, trying to make you feel comfortable while still having an advantage.

2. Doesn’t like, but doesn’t refuse to be loved

The Libra man inside The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. So once you move forward, how you may do is not right, not good. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Why Scorpio Men Don’t Chase You


The Scorpio man is very realistic in his pursuit, and if he hasn’t acted on it yet, he’s probably conservatively estimating the worst possible outcome of your interaction and is giving himself momentum. This thought process is a bit like gambling, where he’s placing a bet on what the chances of winning are in pursuing you, and whether he can afford to lose if he does.

2. Doesn’t like but doesn’t want to hurt you

Unless it’s too much need someone to relieve the pain and loneliness, the scorpion is not willing to waste time and energy thinking about someone he doesn’t like. But the scorpion will maintain some poise in his feelings, and he doesn’t want to hurt you before he doesn’t pursue you.

Why Sagittarius Men Don’t Chase You


Shooters hardly ever flirt or if they do, it’s like a child playing a game that doesn’t last. So he is not pursuing you 90% of the time probably because he doesn’t like it. But there are exceptions, because the interest makes. He has a lot going on in his life, and you will always be just a part of it, so you could be ignored by his preoccupation with his interests, or he could use that preoccupation to just test your interest in him before he goes after you.

2. And wait for the better

May be anticipating the joy of The joy of having you is not satisfied, so he will continue to wait for a better, more suitable target. It’s just that you’re also on his radar more than 60% of the time, so it might not be bad to have someone like you around first, just to pursue, and he’ll have to think again and again about the difficulty of moving forward.

Why Capricorn Men Don’t Chase You


The Capricorn man will think a lot about it and he will come up with very prudent ways to handle interactions with each other. He will actually pursue it, but if your looks, temperament, family Beijing and language habits don’t make him feel, or none of them feel like they are getting a bargain, he may not think to actually act on it.

2. Evaluate each other’s realistic value

The Capricorn man is trying to The first thing you need to do is to estimate your value in a wait-and-see situation. For example, how much it would cost to buy you a meal, and whether he can afford that, and whether you can get him where he wants to be, and how far he should go.

Why Aquarian Men Don’t Chase You


The word “pursue” or “not” does not come easily in the Aquarian vocabulary. The idea of “pursuing” does not arise easily in the words of the Aquarian, because he will look at the relationship with people in a very objective and open-minded way. Even if it is the opposite sex, it will usually start with friends. His tendency to like or dislike is based on whether he is compatible or not. The most important thing is that you have to be able to get a good idea of what you want to do.

2. Doesn’t want to disrupt proper interpersonal harmony

The Bottle Pole The company’s main goal is to make sure that the company’s customers are not too busy, and that the company’s customers are not too busy. So he will try to look at it all with a transcendent eye. But if the other person pushes too hard or the language is too intrusive, the bottle will play a little bad.

Why Pisces Men Don’t Chase You


A large part of the Pisces man’s feelings come from feeling and being protected. So when he ambiguous or no movement, most of the time is looking forward to the other party’s initiative to confirm the development of a relationship of confidence. The actual MM must not think that this will lean over, because this will only make him to your concerns more. So it’s best to face such a man slapdash and always have distance to flicker.

2. Consider avoiding painful feelings

Fish men don’t want to make love painful for themselves. The first thing you need to do is to think about what you can do to make it more comfortable and more relevant. Of course they will also let each other feel so at first. But these can be mixed with a lot of unpaid pettiness, especially for the experienced bunch.

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