Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Beautiful Encounters Does love at first sight really exist?

I believe that people who fall in love at first sight blush for that momentary pounding of the heart. Some people say that is just hormones at work. Does love at first sight really exist? What does it take to find it?

Some people believe stubbornly in fate, foolishly waiting for the one who makes their heart flutter. Just like the song, meet love around the corner. Some people scoff at this and feel that it is just the result of the hormones in their bodies working. Some people think it’s optional and don’t take it seriously. What type of person are you?

Generally speaking, by group, women are more likely to believe than men. The younger ones will believe, and the older ones are more realistic. But in practice, interestingly, men actually have a higher chance of falling in love at first sight than women.

Maybe love at first sight is that elusive dragon that can’t be seen at first sight.

Why do humans fall in love at first sight?

Everyone has a dream girl in their mind. Sometimes you set its appearance with reference to a real idol; sometimes some traits are added or subtracted that you don’t like; sometimes it doesn’t have very clear conditions, but you will know exactly what kind of feeling it gives you. Sometimes we keep expecting it to incarnate as a real person who suddenly appears in front of you, and sometimes, you think with frustration that it is just a person in your imagination.

Some people say that “love at first sight” is when you meet someone who you think fits the bill for your ideal partner. The familiarity of the moment suddenly comes to mind, the instantaneous pounding of the heart, and the sense of “seeing” as if you’ve known each other all your life.

“He’s probably very gentle, right? He probably knows how to make me happy. He’s so handsome, he must be very good at sex!” (Am I probably the only one thinking that deeply?)” I don’t know why, but when I look at him, my heart keeps pounding and pounding like I’m seeing a senior. I think I’m probably in love with him!”

A positive fantasy about the person who evokes some familiar, fond memories of your past. Because he fits your imagination of the perfect person. You think to yourself, “That’s him,” “He’s the one I’ve been looking for for so long.

From an evolutionary psychological perspective, people in ancient times didn’t live long enough to spend a year healing from a breakup, two years finding a new partner, then another breakup, and another new partner like we do. They had to hurry up and find a quality partner to mate with, have a child, and raise him together in their lifetimes. In ancient times, people had to, with good eyes and quick hands, hold on to potential quality stocks.

Helen Fisher believes that this ability to quickly decide whether to mate and develop a relationship with someone in a short period of time is so deeply engrained in our genes that it has become an innate ability.

In terms of animal attributes, men have a much higher chance of falling in love at first sight than women. Perhaps it is because the price of men loving the wrong person is definitely smaller than that of women; men who love the wrong person, pay sperm after mating can pat their asses and quickly flee ah, women who love the wrong person, in case they accidentally conceive a child, the minimum payment is ten months of pregnancy ah (so the price of love is Zhang Aijia singing, not Li Zongsheng singing). Sometimes this gives us a very inexplicable sense of sadness.

The influence of idol drama

When we are attracted to a new face When we are attracted to a new face, our medial prefrontal cortex, plays a very important role. It measures whether this beautiful new face is the Mr. Mrs. Right for you, and this happens in a matter of milliseconds. This area of the brain is thought to be very active in social cognitive information processing (e.g., does he like me? Will he hate me? I don’t know, should I help her? What if she thinks I have a crush on her? .

The ventromedial prefrontal cortex is especially active when we look at faces that everyone agrees are beautiful and handsome (e.g., when we look at Lin Chi-ling and Gao Yixiang). But people don’t always have the same attitude about whether others look good or not.

It’s like when Pippi recently decided that Chapman To was really sexy, my best friend kept rolling her eyes at me and saying to me in broken Cantonese, “Sister, are you kidding me?” . When people look at faces that appeal to them but don’t get good reviews, their left rostromedial prefrontalcortex is active.

This part of the brain, in a matter of milliseconds, is rapidly processing multiple complex social messages, asking itself, “Is this the person I’m looking for? Is he right for me?” . In that short period of time, we are not only superficially viewing and judging the beauty of a new face, we are also going a step further to judge whether he is a good match for us.

I’m writing this long list of head parts that bite my tongue to say, “It’s not just the beautiful, handsome people who have a chance at love at first sight. Love at first sight is definitely a beautiful love story that can happen to anyone!” .

Only people who are ready for love at first sight will meet love at first sight

Another scholar, McCrae, says that love at first sight only happens to people who are ready for it! Evolution has made us especially sensitive to what we are looking for. Just like when you are hungry, you are very sensitive to the smell of food, and when you want to go to the bathroom, you are especially likely to see signs for toilets in shopping malls. The same way, if you are looking for a new partner, it is certainly easier to see the potential next to you, and it is easy to feel in love with the potential partner next to you.

Men and women in stable relationships who aren’t looking for another place to put their feelings can find the potential next to them annoying. Because they’re not ready to open their hearts, and they don’t intend to do so.

So if you don’t believe in love at first sight, you’re never going to have that beautiful encounter.

Believe you’re a princess

The only way to live like a princess is to believe you’re a princess. princess in order to live like one. This is what Lin Chi-ling said in an interview. There is no truth in this statement. If you don’t even believe that you are a princess and can live like one, how can you fight for it? That’s the power of faith.

If you don’t believe, you subconsciously ignore it and say to yourself, see, I told you no. But, my dear, Cupid’s arrow always goes to the soft, ready heart.

So if you need to have a love at first sight, then put on some makeup, put on your favorite dress, and go on a date with your bag.

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