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From the partner underwear style insight into his desire

When a woman is single, she picks the style of lingerie that she likes, and after she has a partner and develops an intimate relationship, she wears lingerie based on the man’s preferences. However, women in accordance with the preferences of their partners to choose underwear have not thought about the partner is out of what mindset? Why would he prefer such a style of underwear?

Men who like red underwear are thrill-seekers

Men who like red Men in lingerie are extremely fond of pursuing carnal excitement. The reason is that when it comes to choosing a partner, they are inclined to choose a voluptuous woman, which in their minds will give them more carnal stimulation.

In addition, his behavior in bed is most enjoyable with such a man because he is biased toward fresh excitement and he cares about his partner’s reaction.

Men who like white underwear are the most conservative

Men who like white Men who prefer lingerie are generally very possessive of their partners and conservative in their sexuality.

He prefers girls who are innocent looking and have a tendency to be clean, both mentally and physically. So no matter what you wear, as long as it’s white, it will arouse his impulses.

A man who likes black lingerie seeks romance

Black represents The most common thing a man who likes black underwear does is revel in his fantasies about the opposite sex. Also black lingerie can give a wonderful feeling of solemnity, sexiness and nobility.

The color of skin gives black a mysterious charm, so men who like black lingerie are less physically demanding and more fantasy-oriented.

Men who like thong panties are the wildest

Thong panties are popular with most men because of their trendy design and modern cutting techniques, so men who like thong panties are the wildest.

Thong panties come in styles ranging from the more traditional frontal thong to the super sexy butt-baring style. Whichever one you wear will arouse his sexual desire, so women with great bodies, give it a try.

Men who like tulle lingerie are the newest

Men who like tulle lingerie are the newest

Men who like tulle lingerie are the newest

The most trendy type of underwear for men, he likes women to wear transparent tulle, like the feeling of hidden, so the more avant-garde thinking of women can also be to try Oh!

Tulle lingerie wraps around a woman’s most intimate private parts with a hazy tease and reveals more warmth. Men prefer skin tones, red, white and black.

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