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Ten things to do after a breakup to make you pain on pain

Many years ago, Su Dongpo wrote the famous phrase “people have sadness and happiness, the moon has a cloudy and clear circle”, but people always fail to see through it, so when abandoned by their lovers, women can not be calm. The most important thing is that you can get a good idea of what you want to do.

First, overeating

Because of the trauma of losing a love, many women resort to So, what looks like a life of relief is actually an internal torture.

Second, crying out loud

Crying is the most decent right a woman has compared to a man. The right to be decent, you can cry in front of people, you can also cry after people, most people will not look at it differently, but if a man cries and cries in front of people, it is easy to be despised. So, many women in love after the full use of this right, they hope they can release their sorrow and trauma through the pain, this is no denial, but the non-textual advice is best not to move to cry in front of people, it is easy to be called pretentious. In fact, from a scientific point of view, the ability to cry and cry is also a reason why most women live longer than men, bearing in mind that many of men’s pains cannot be cried out.

Third, forgetting someone by borrowing them

This is the worst thing a woman can do after losing a relationship. The most important thing a woman should not do after a breakup is to do something stupid. Although it is said that the best way to get over a person is to immediately fall in love with another person, but the result of such an appearance may be that they do not yet understand their feelings, just to give themselves a short-lived exit and do the impulsive choice. In fact, the ending of such a relationship is mostly very short-lived, and sometimes it is likely to meet someone else, so that the loss is not worth the gain. Of course, it’s not fair to the other guy, because there’s only so much room in your heart, and how much room is there for another man you’ve accepted when you’re still holding another man?

Fourthly, to drown your sorrows with alcohol

What can you do to relieve your sorrows, but Dukang? In the anesthesia of alcohol, it is easy to short-circuit your consciousness temporarily, and this is one thing that many people who have lost their love often do. However, if you pour yourself a drink, it will strengthen your sense of loneliness while licking your own wounds and making yourself despondent. It is advisable to drink with a few friends who can pour out their mouths, so that you can get drunk with an open heart and allow yourself to dump your emotional garbage with the strength of alcohol.

Fifth, work like crazy

Many women think that working like crazy It will make their brain consciousness stop functioning in some way, the pain of lost love temporary anesthesia, of course, this is indeed not lost a good way to rise to the occasion, especially in their own previous once because of love deserted some things or always wanted to do but did not do things, is to achieve twice the effect with half the effort, but it is also easy to let yourself go into the other extreme, is never again believe in love, or even The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a good match.

Sixth, a strong smile in front of people and a tearful face afterwards

This is what many strong women do.

This is a way that many strong women take, they look nothing like they did before they fell out of love, even happier than before, but who knows, hidden under their happy appearance is actually a deeper hurt, and this hurt is obviously not redeemed by tears after a simple person, so what is likely to happen is that they will collapse instantly after a long time of a kind of pretend strength.

Seventh, revenge

There may be some women who, because of the loss of love The many heart balance, will think of an extreme way to revenge to give their own hurt that person, but, this is why it is necessary. After all, it is a person they loved, if so to him, it can only say that you did not truly love. The actual fact is that you can be a lot more than just a little bit of a person.

Eighth, rest and recuperation

After a breakup, there are many kinds of The impulse, such as all thoughts, such as wanting to go away alone, such as wanting to let go of all the work in hand and fix the business properly. The non-woven suggests that women who take this approach had better not be too impulsive, first let themselves think calmly when making decisions, it is best to ask the opinions of close friends or family members to get their rational support and understanding, and then they can let go of all their burdens wholeheartedly, but afterwards, but also to be able to find their passionate selves.

Ninth, travel

In fact, travel is a good way to The way to get rid of love, but many people choose a way to revisit the old places, such as some of the previous and the story of the lovers happened in the place, non-wen think this is not sensible, in vain to increase the sadness and the feeling that things are not what they used to be, to go should go to those places that have not been, but also to go to some very sublimated spiritual places, such as the mountains, the sea, a million horses, so it is easy to let yourself in the environment to purify their It is easy to purify your mind in the environment, and environmental protection and low-carbon, there may be a good encounter it. However, it is not recommended to get too attached to the trip itself, but to feel the meaning of the trip.

Tenth, the deadly nature

Because of the belief that there are miracles. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers, but it is not a game, so if you start all over again, it is just an old wound that has not been healed and a new one added. The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem of the problem.

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