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Pick the best boyfriend Introverted men are more patient

How would you feel about a man who is introverted and doesn’t express himself well? Probably most such men are not very pleasing to women, but it is precisely such men who may be your best boyfriend’s candidate.

Have you ever noticed guys in the crowd who are more silent in comparison? They are more of a silent listener than a boy who talks and laughs. Perhaps they shine less outwardly in the group, but once they become boyfriends or husbands, they are likely to give off more of a warm glow. Introverted men are a really good choice!

One-third of the world’s population is on the introverted side, which equates to one out of every two or three people being an introvert. SusanCain has spoken at TED about the power of introverts. She said, “Introversion is not shyness. Shyness is the inability to withstand social scrutiny; introversion is more like how you react to the outside world. Extroverts need a lot of stimulation; introverts, on the contrary, feel keenly about themselves and are instead most capable when they are not in the limelight. And usually introverts have more inner leadership and creativity too!”

In society, when we see a person sitting alone, we sometimes label them as “out of touch” and so on. Sometimes, this is too arbitrary a judgment. Extroverts may be more likeable, but introverts are not sorry for the world either. Introverts, no need to deliberately socialize, be yourself, you do not lose anything! Everyone has a unique personality, and we should respect and appreciate the variety of personalities that are out there.

Now there’s a new idea that introverts make better husbands! This is a bright light for girls looking for a husband. As for why? Let’s look at these reasons together!

1. He understands his own needs better and knows what kind of person he is

Why does a relationship fail? Because most people can’t make up their minds when things come up. Because they don’t know themselves well enough to know exactly what they really want.

The introvert has a unique ability to know exactly what he wants from a wide range of needs, and he can grade it according to how much he wants it. This special ability is the result of decades of “talking to oneself”. This is important because it is the first step in continuing to pursue wants and desires.

An introvert knows himself well and trains himself to better control his primal male desires and focus on what he should focus on, like never disobeying his favorite you.

2. He may focus more on you

What woman doesn’t want her significant other to think about her a lot? Introverts with introverted personalities think about things all day long, about what happened during the day, what they’re going to do later, and occasionally daydreaming.

While their thoughts will pop up one after another, their highest priority is the people closest to them.

This is because the introvert focuses on fewer points, and has more time to focus on those points in the limited time he has. Without a doubt, the people he spends the most time focusing on are those close to him. For example, you.

3. He probably rarely cheats on you

The introvert He generally doesn’t care much about people he has no relationship with, he doesn’t try to get attention, and he doesn’t care much about what onlookers see. Of course, unless it’s someone who directly affects his life, such as his boss or supervisor, he cares most about the people close to him.

Introverts are less likely to go to parties, which indirectly equates to less contact with women. The fewer opportunities to meet new women, the less likely they are to cheat.

4; “>Introverts don’t usually make those boundary-blurring mistakes, and if he does choose to lie to you, then he really doesn’t want to be with you anymore.

While no one wants to be cheated on by a guy, at least he’s making you see your relationship clearly. In the case of extroverts, there is often more deception and confusion, like it or not? Maybe even they can’t figure it out themselves.

5. They’re better in bed

Studies show that men spend 10% of all thinking about sex. If an extrovert spends three hours a day thinking about sex, an introvert usually spends twice that amount of time, or six hours, thinking about what’s going on in bed. If an extrovert spends three hours a day thinking about sex, an introvert usually spends twice as much time, or six hours, thinking about sex.

6. Introverts are not self-centered, and they are more likely to take care of your feelings

Introverts spend more time in their heads thinking about things, so everything they do must have some meaning to them. They don’t do it for the sake of doing it for effect; they act only when they feel it’s necessary. So if an introvert loves you, you’ve become part of his thinking, and he’ll think for you as much as he thinks for himself. Introverts tend to be more enamored of people who are close because they find it so incredible to be so close to the frequency of a person’s thoughts!

Introverts know themselves so well that they often don’t think they need other people and feel that they can be happy enough on their own. Until a relationship, he realizes the fact that the other half is indispensable, and he will try to be the best half for this joy that has been melted into his thinking.

8. More patient and companionable with their children

Introverts their lives are essentially alone. They can be described as observers of life, or they can be called thinkers. Their attitude toward life is more along the lines of “take a step back and see the bigger picture.

But when you become a father, everything changes. He will begin to realize that there are people in the world who are just as important as himself. An introverted father will usually love his children more than anything else, not to mention that he has so many, many things to teach them.

For children, a father’s presence is very important in the formation of their personality growing up. But in China, this is often overlooked. Because we usually think that parenting is a woman’s business, but it is not. Then again, if he spends so much time on the family, where is the extra time to focus on other women? Two birds with one stone.

An introverted man is like a piece of gold that needs to be mined, and it takes a woman with vision, patience and care to have it. Once you polish him up, he will radiate more light than you can imagine shining.

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