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Overthinking 10 signs of anxiety disorder do you have?

Modern fast-paced life, many people need to face a lot of work every day, so they are in a state of tension all day long, etc. Of course everyone has a state of tension or anxiety, but if it affects the life well need to see a psychiatrist in time, if you have If you have any of the following symptoms, then be sure to seek medical attention.

1. Sleep problems. Difficulty falling asleep or sleeping restlessly is often associated with anxiety. Many people with anxiety think about things before they go to bed, like their brain is “stuck in traffic,” and they have trouble calming down even after they wake up.

2. Excessive worrying. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by too much thinking. If you worry more than four days a week for six months and the bad mood is distressing and interferes with your life and work, you may have an anxiety disorder.

3. Irrational fears. Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. Some people who have a chronic fear without a specific object of fear may have an anxiety disorder at work.

4. Muscle tension. Fists in both hands, a stiff back, and a clenched jaw …… Anxious people tend to have stiff muscles throughout their bodies. Stress can be reduced by regular exercise.

5. Chronic indigestion. The gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to psychological stress, so anxiety often manifests itself through somatic symptoms. The most common is irritable bowel syndrome, which manifests as stomach cramps, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea.

6. Stage fright. Some people have a strong fear of socializing and even spend a lot of time thinking about upcoming social events; they are extremely uncomfortable in social situations and do not know how to regulate them. These symptoms make it difficult for them to maintain social relationships and frustrate them at work or school.

7. Panic attacks. It manifests as a sudden sense of fear and helplessness, often lasting several minutes, accompanied by difficulty breathing, numbness in the arms and legs, profuse sweating, and dizziness and weakness.

8. Relive the hurt. One study showed that people with social anxiety disorder tend to have a phenomenon of reliving the hurt similar to people with post-traumatic stress disorder, such as repeatedly reliving images in their minds of being teased in the past.

9. Repeated confabulation. Some people talk repeatedly to everyone around them about the smallest thing that happens to them, just like “Mrs. Xianglin”, which can be a sign of anxiety.

10. Self-doubt. Some people will repeatedly question themselves around an issue, such as “Do I love my husband” or “Am I capable? These questions are often not answered in one or two sentences, nor are they absolute, but they have to come up with a definitive answer, making themselves tired.

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