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Men talk about lost love: the most fear of loneliness everywhere

If love is an elective course, then falling out of love is definitely a hurdle you must pass. And this one hurdle can only be passed by themselves, the next person can not help at all. The pain of a breakup is etched in your bones because it’s a way to grow up.

Perhaps we’ve all had that thought: “I’ve got to love because I’m lonely. The subject of love ultimately returns to itself, we are not willing to a person so love, or it happens that this person appeared to love? Sometimes the feeling of hot love and ambiguity is like a magic potion that shields us from really listening to our inner voice, dear, those times when you are alone and you are able to savor yourself, sometimes you are not really alone, you just need your own good company.

What exactly is lost love

Lost love is simply Two people who were together are separated, and you are still attached and can’t get out of the relationship. There are two meanings of lost love. One is the departure of a partner, like a large tree to strip it of a large piece of bark, the tree cut off. The tree is dependent on the bark to transfer nutrients to the branches and grow into the tree. Peeling off the bark is like cutting off its food, cutting off the tree is to dig off its own flesh and skin. This is how the pain of losing a love is. The second is to accept the fact that you need to walk the road of life alone. Used to two people supporting each other, all of a sudden you have to face the sudden pressure, but also accept the reality that your partner left. The traces of the two people who used to get along are everywhere, and the sweetness and smiles in our memories remind us how happy we used to be. It’s a sad day to wake up to a house of silence and emptiness.

Yes, I fell out of love. How long does it take to be honest about this phrase after a breakup? How long will it take to get used to being alone again? How long does it take to accept that that your him has long been a thing of the past?

That kind of heartfelt pain, that kind of unconsciousness will be affected by anyone and everything around you, and the situation of tears from sadness, and a life that looks like a walking corpse, really only people who have actually walked through it will know. No wonder someone said: reading a million books is better than walking a million miles. The same is true on the road of relationships.

What I fear most about falling out of love is that loneliness is everywhere

When I was in college, I took a course in social work.

As a social studies student in college, I had the privilege of being taught that loneliness is not just a feeling that comes out of nowhere, but that it is a possibility ranging from urbanization, socialization, industrialization, and even over-individualism. In E.H. Erikson’s theory of personality development, it is also mentioned that although the conflict of intimacy versus loneliness does not enter into early adulthood (18-25 years old), the adaptive goodness of this conflict may in fact be planted from infancy at the age of 0-1.5 years.

When two people are together, because they love each other deeply, their hearts are always on each other, and the other person is like a piece of their own heart, and their emotions rise and fall with the other person, thinking that they care more about what the other person cares about and less about what they care about. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

None of us can go back to infancy and start practicing trust again and then being alone, but as psychologist Alan Westin says, we should keep seeking a balance between being alone and living in groups, and if we can find it, I think happiness will naturally be If we can find it, I think happiness will naturally follow us. Dear friends, leave at least 20% to love yourself.

Learn to live on your own and get out of the shadow of love

Psychologist Thomas Merton The psychologist Thomas Merton said that a certain degree of silence and solitude is necessary for every human being, otherwise he would not be able to hear the voice of his inner self. If you listen to the other person’s likes and dislikes with all your heart, leaving no room for 20% of yourself, it is as dangerous as crossing the street in a traffic jam with your headphones on. The first thing you need to do is to get your headphones on.

Some people are lucky enough to be on the road to relationships, and some people are on the bumpy side, but don’t feel sorry for yourself if you’re on the bumpy side, after all, it’s not a blessing to lose a horse.

Many people always say that love is one of the important lessons of life, a compulsory course, and the final exam of this compulsory course is actually not marriage, but self-control.

A more accurate description would be: learning to face yourself alone, but does facing yourself alone make you feel lonely? Don’t worry, the two are completely different! The two are completely different, but don’t wait until you’re separated to start doing this, when you have someone in your heart to learn to be alone, when your heart is solid, and when you are alone to learn to be alone that emptiness, loneliness, is really a world of difference, when you can live alone with ease, even if you break up, the time to return to the pace of their own lives will be faster, now you should practice, first to learn to love themselves, before you have the ability to love others. The ability to love others is only possible if you learn to love yourself first.

It’s not enough to accept the fact that you’re on your own now, it’s also important to feel the freedom of being on your own, not the freedom to be uninhibited and untethered, but the freedom to really know what you want, and then set your goals and go after them, even though you may stumble again in the process. The company’s main goal is to provide a platform for the development of a new product, which will be the first of its kind in the world.

Loss of love is the only bridge you have to cross in life, and you can only walk across it by yourself. The reason is that you know that it is a stop on the landscape, or the beautiful picture with the camera, or the moving moment with the brain to save, and then leave the sorrow there, step forward. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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