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Five small details to see the small problems of men

After having started with him for a while, you still don’t know him very well and are hesitant to continue with him or to end the relationship decisively. Many things can actually be reflected from the tiny details, as long as you pay attention, his little problems will not escape your eyes. The five small things that can definitely see through him, you ignore?

1.When paying the bill, you can’t see him using change

When paying a bill, it does feel quite dignified to readily pull out a large $100 bill, but if you receive change and throw it in your pocket without even looking at it or find it troublesome to pull out change, you probably have a very weak concept of money.

People who are calculating about money are really hard to get along with, but if they are too spendthrift, they will be worried about the future of the two people.

2. Not cutting nails before dating

Nails are very detailed part and a good way for us to check his usual cleanliness.

A man should keep his nails at the proper length and take care of the cleanliness of the nail joints. If he does not do it, somehow it can be said that he does not pay much attention to his own neatness. If a man doesn’t even shave or brush his teeth normally, let alone take care of his nails.

A person who is too lazy to manage his own hygiene on a daily basis and whose lazy attitude towards life is likely to become a burden to you after marriage.

3. Texting back too fast

Of course, we all want our boyfriends to text often to shush us. But if it’s during the usual work day, often such frequent texting, facebooking, and chatting on Facebook, it’s hard not to wonder if he’s serious about work.

Such a person may not expect much from his job, just do the bare minimum, or be more focused on the relationship than the job.

Either way, sending too personal texts during work is also a sign of a lack of social awareness. While perhaps the type of occupation is different and the situation is different, sending private texts all the time can have an impact on one’s work, which is also a lack of responsibility, and the weight of love is not measured by the number of texts.

4. Not letting you go to his house

When you’ve been dating for a while, you offer to go to his house When you’ve been dating for a while and you offer to visit his place, he will always put you off with the excuse that the house is dirty, so it’s a good idea to be more vigilant. You should think about why he would refuse your request. You can’t be too alert.

If you’ve been dating for a short time, there’s no need to bother people in their homes, but if you’ve been dating for a long time and he still won’t let you see where he lives, you might be hiding something else, a secret you can’t tell, the most pernicious thing you can do is get married.

5. Easily angry at the clerk

When ordering at a restaurant

When ordering at a restaurant, if you wait for a while and the food doesn’t come, you immediately get angry at the clerk.

“Because I’m a customer, you have to do what you want” is a strong desire for power. The more intimate you are with each other, the more arrogant his attitude is “because you are my woman, so you have to do what you have to do”, which is likely to turn into this subordinate relationship, and even more frightening is that it may turn into domestic violence.

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