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Cultivate high emotional intelligence not to be a woman he hates

What does it take to hold a man’s heart for a long time? Beauty? Virtuous? Or obedient? Many examples in life have proven that none of these three things can permanently attract a man. The most important thing to do is to have a high level of emotional intelligence to bring out the charm.

To seduce a man, a woman only needs a sexy body and face to make him stop for you, but to attract a man, you need your high emotional intelligence and inner and outer strength. The increase in social pressure has led men to become more realistic in choosing a spouse, they know that life simply by a woman’s appearance is not the top of the matter, therefore, a woman’s appearance is the second most men consider the issue. In the end, the relationship is all about emotional intelligence.

IQ is innate, but EQ can be cultivated. How to refine? The simplest thing is not to do something that makes him recoil at the sight. This is the most basic bottom line, such as the following kinds of women, not to mention men, even women may not be able to endure.

Spending money uncontrollably material woman

Women’s natural Material desire is relatively strong, if not controlled in this world of flowers, it is easy to appear non-brand-name not to buy the state of life, and such a woman, is the majority of men die will not marry. The Gods have divided people into two categories of men and women, it is decided that men have to bear more social pressure and responsibility than women, especially in the context of soaring social prices, who do not want to work overtime to earn their hard-earned money by a woman a minute to brush up on it, the face of such a woman, I’m afraid that men are too late to hide, how will you have the idea of marriage with you?

Women who love him so much that they nag him

There is such a category The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public. You should know that men definitely do not want to be with a woman who chatters all day long, especially after a day of work home, even if your starting point is for his own good, but in the world of men, they do not seem to appreciate your feelings, but let you lose personal charm at the fastest speed. In time, he will transfer you from the position of girlfriend to the old mother, of course, such a state of affection, not far from the breakup.

Women who always present themselves as females

I’m sure no The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services that are designed to meet the needs of the market. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Be his “babysitter” 24/7

Your daily life is focused on him, you eat when he is busy, and you silently accompany him when you are busy, such a good woman really can not be found by lanterns. But in the hearts of men, they need not this “good woman”, but intelligent women, men do not need you to do his 24-hour nanny on call, they need you to give him a certain amount of space. Nine out of ten women understand this truth, but do it, nine out of ten can not do. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Think if you love me, you should know what I need!

This theory only applies in terms of what you already know about each other. If he is attentive, he will pay attention and care about your feelings. And for what he does not understand, it is your responsibility to tell him. If you have something to say, say it. There are some thoughts that you yourself may not know. He’s not a god. If you don’t say it, who can know?

Something to drink

Couples who say this usually have one common denominator – their relationship has been criticized by friends and family around them, which is why they use this phrase to cheer themselves and each other up. However, being in love is a necessary but not sufficient condition for intimacy. The idea that “love can replace everything” comes from the youthful adolescence, when love was big and the world was small. It may be more suitable for those who only fall in love and do not get married.

Many people believe in love above all else, and some will stick with it and be rewarded beautifully, while others will get hurt. In addition to other factors, the perception of people around us and the pressure of reality are things we have to consider. As a man, he definitely wants you to follow him to have a good life. For a long time, life has not improved, even if you do not mind, he will feel useless. Combined with the colored eyes and chatter of people around him, he is getting irritated and the communication between the two can go wrong.

Women are born to be pampered!

You’re either a spoiled little princess who never learned the important lesson of “caring for others” and is focused on yourself, or you’re a bitter child who has been deprived of love since childhood and grew up without it.

The first thing you need to do is to make up for the lack of love you’ve had since you were a child, and find every opportunity to make up for it.

For those girls who are overly giving without themselves, use this quote to remind yourself to love yourself more and to create more opportunities for those around you to give. But if you are already very “narcissistic”, it’s a different story. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that the woman is 100% loving,” said Junichi Watanabe.

No one will pamper you unconditionally, even if you are a woman, except your loved ones. That’s because they truly love you and willingly put up with your capriciousness and stupidity to clean up your mess. The men around you do not have the obligation to take it all on for you and spoil you unconditionally. If you have been so insistent, then you are immersed in idolatry and have not come out.

Women don’t love men if they’re not bad

Don’t rule out the possibility that you’ll fall in love with his The “bad” behind the “bad” that you fell in love with him is hidden in the goodness of his heart to make him better. There are indeed a very few lucky girls with kindness and tenderness to let the prodigal son back, while most girls are destined to fall into the trap of entanglement. Your efforts fail again and again, and your intentions are gnawed away again and again. So weigh your ability and tolerance for how long he can tolerate the blow when he tries your bottom line.

It’s not that simple to cultivate a woman with high emotional intelligence. It is not so easy to do something that people like, it is easy to do something that people hate. It is possible that your inadvertent speech, tone of voice, and perception will attract men’s resentment.

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