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Mature and flavorful Second-hand men are really reliable?

All the wrangling with a former wife will make a man more aware of what a woman needs and wants. But men who have experienced a marriage, mature and flavorful, but lack the freshness of a first-hand man dry. So there are advantages and disadvantages to second-hand men, and you have to experience them for yourself.

Top 5 value-added points of a used man

One, he is better at pleasing women.

A good woman is a school for men, and even an unsuccessful marriage is a practice for men. The various entanglements with the former wife will make the man more aware of what the woman needs and wants. Why do women like to make little sex? What are the special physiological cycles of women? Why do women need more love? The first thing you need to do is to understand this, and then the man will be more considerate of the woman.

Two, he will become more adept at solving problems in the marriage.

Perhaps it is the fear of emotional injury, because women are resilient and men appear to be strong on the outside, but it is difficult to resist emotional setbacks; perhaps simply out of cost, he will think that divorce will leave him with nothing, so, again, there are conflicts and problems, etc., he will try to resolve them. The problem is that if you can’t solve it, you will try to compromise, because in his mind, he wants to stop suffering the pain of divorce.

Three, he will be more mature.

Nothing makes a man exude maturity more than frustration. In the first marriage, he needs to learn, learn how to get along with women, learn how to do their husband’s duties and obligations, learn how to give women a piece of heaven, however, the marriage failed, he will have to calm down, reflect on the gains and losses in the marriage. The company’s main goal is to make sure that the company’s products and services are available to the public.

Fourth, he will be more realistic.

Some people say that when an unmarried guy proposes to a girl, he offers only love and sweet words, but when a divorced man proposes to a girl, he offers a house and money. The divorced men may not be romantic enough in their approach to marriage and may seem a bit mercenary, yet this is exactly what makes them wake up from the romance and understand the nature of life better.

V. He is better at coordinating relationships.

A man whose marriage has failed always has the sympathy of those around him. Especially in the eyes of his parents and relatives, he is the one who needs care. It is in the midst of frustration that a man knows more about affection and love. At this point, he is less proud and he focuses on emotional interaction with those around him because he understands that good relationships will guarantee that he will not be alone in any tough times in his life.

Top 5 Cons of Secondhand Men


I. He became less and less romantic.

Because of the failure of one marriage, divorced men become calm and rational. They are no longer like the hairy young man, may night in front of your window play singing Dong Bu La; may for you obsession to pick the moon in the sky; may give you fold a thousand paper cranes and so on. Divorced men feel that romance is an unreal and unreliable emotion. They become realistic because the romance they once had is now an empty one. They believe that reality is reliable and that romance is a fairy tale from 18 years old.

Two, he becomes more money-oriented.

When a man first falls in love, he can say to a woman, “I want the beauty, not the mountains,” but in this economy, maybe a marriage ends after the The property dispute, let him become nothing. The painful experience, such a man once again into the marriage, he will be extra concerned about the preservation of property issues. He may have a premarital property notarization with you; his property status may be cloudy to you; he may even hide his private coffers from you, etc., because he already believes that feelings are fallible and hearts are fickle, so he will just love himself.

Three, he has become passionless.

Most divorced men are in their thirties. Thirty-something men are different from thirty-something women, and while women’s sexuality is going uphill at this age, scientific studies show that middle-aged men’s sexuality is The sexual ability of middle-aged men is going downhill. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Fourth, there may be some kind of flaw in his personality.

Those successful marriages are a litmus test for a man’s mature personality. A good marriage requires a man to have: a forgiving heart, a considerate heart, an understanding of responsibility, a healthy personality, a career, maturity, and so on. No marriage is perfect, the reverse of this statement, any marriage means that a person and another person’s mutual consultation, joint efforts, and continuous problem solving before stabilization. So a divorced man, who is likely to be somewhat flawed in some way, has not eliminated these flaws yesterday, and then inevitably will repeat the same old mistakes in his future life.

V. He will often compare you to his former wife.

He misses his ex-wife’s cooking when you don’t cook well; he misses his ex-wife’s hard work when you don’t do your chores well; and he misses his ex-wife’s hard work at home when you don’t perform well in sex. The first thing you’ll notice is that his ex is like a ubiquitous ghost that keeps coming back into your life and his.

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