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Marathon love When is the wedding date?

Falling in love, getting married, it’s a wonderful thing. It seems only natural to walk hand in hand into the hall of marriage at the end of the love affair. So, many women many men have been waiting in waiting, and finally waiting for a breakup. Silly woman, between two people, not only love to get married. Sometimes, in the process of waiting, it will kill the impulse of two people to get married and wait, but it is only to separate.

They always say, I’m not getting married, I’m waiting for him to have everything together. But silly girl, when mine has a house, a car, a silver everything, that person may not be me ……

There is a friend who has been running marathons with her boyfriend for six years. The two were childhood sweethearts, and friends were just waiting for the happy news of their marriage. The other day she suddenly sent a message that she and he actually broke up not long ago. Now she is still single, and he, who has been married for six months, and a girl he only knew for three months. It’s ironic that a six-year-long relationship can’t stand up to a three-month one.

After a long time, two people will think that marriage is not about love, but responsibility. It’s human nature to like the old and the new, and it’s been too long too long to wear out the love and passion. This is when any small excuse can be a reason to break up decisively. After the breakup, he met another girl whose freshness ignited the fire of love, and the fire of a star was enough to start a prairie, irrigating his long-depleted love, so he hastily decided to get married.

When he did get married and the love cooled down, he slowly realized that his wife actually had many shades of his former girlfriend. The person he loves more is actually still his ex-girlfriend, but it’s not her he married.

He actually just likes her type of girl, and the two people he thought were not in love at the time were too long too long to cover up the love. He said that now every time he hears Liu Ruying’s “Later”, he actually can’t restrain the tears, remembering his former girlfriend of six years.

When you’re in love. You were dating starry-eyed, holding hands, not remembering the way you came, and were trying to walk through this life in true faith. You are constantly on the phone every day, SMS, tiktok, Email, MSN not missing any medium or platform, just to hear one more word from each other and know a little more about each other.

You can’t wait to spend every second together, sleeping with your arm under his arm and staring at his bearded, green chin when you’re awake. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

But he’s still an ordinary man at the end of the day. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things, but you can’t be sure that his heart and eyes are all about you. He was talking and laughing with other women, and your heart began to freeze a little. Because those smiles and eyes once belonged exclusively to you. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

You start going through his phone records, you look for signs of suspicion that he’s late, you’re a quack, you’re asking for it, you’re finally defeated by yourself.

He no longer cares that you don’t have an appetite, that you’re anxious about something on your mind, that you don’t have enough rent, that you’re sick because you’re getting wet. The phone that you and he have said countless love words on, no longer rings. The love turns thin when the love gets strong. You try, you pester, you retain, you finally force him to say sorry himself and you. He said let’s break up. You said give me a reason. He said if you really want one, then I’ll make one up for you.

So you cried. Your tears can no longer burn his heart. He looked at you with an expressionless face and he said I’m leaving. Finally he faded out of your sight. You break down instantly. This time, you know that he means it. You know that you’ve finally lost him.

And then what happens? It’s desperately thinking about how bad he is, how uncaring he is, how he doesn’t practice hygiene, how he sleeps with his teeth clenched and snores and talks in his sleep, how he’s not affectionate, how he drives through red lights and talks with dirty words, how he never introduces you to his friends and family, how he’s a liar and a lover, how he takes you to heaven and pushes you to hell.

But you and he are separated after all, and who he’ll like, whose bed he’ll sleep in, and who he’ll marry, has nothing to do with you!

Such wholehearted love cannot withstand the washout of long time, let alone the love that is not enough. So the longer you fall in love, the less likely you are to get married. Sometimes the length of a relationship is inversely proportional to the likelihood of marriage.

This scenario happens to many couples. Is it by chance or necessity? We do not know. What is certain is that a long wait does not necessarily bring sweet fruit, but possibly bitter tears. What is the reason for this? Love can not win time? No, marathon love has proved that the love of two people can withstand time. Then what is it for? Passion.

We think that getting married is a very sacred thing to do when everything is perfect. But sometimes, getting married is just a passion and an impulse. Two people are together, have worn out, for a long time, like the left hand and the right hand, so you will consciously or unconsciously ignore each other. One day, because of certain things, suddenly feel very upset. At this time, the green scenery outside the window attracted you and aroused your interest. You think, you no longer love each other, you love other people. So, you darted out despite everything.

Does this all sound familiar? It seems to be the same way when we talk about cheating in marriage. So, waiting is not a proper path at this point. If you break up, the melancholy and distrust will be planted within your heart, never to erase the other person again. It’s hard to fall in love, it’s hard to move on to another person, it’s hard to have the passion to form a family with another.

Honey, you need to understand that between men and women, you don’t have to have a deep relationship to get married. In other words, feelings are not a condition for marriage, passion can also be. Don’t think that two people have been together for a long time and have good feelings, so you ignore this problem. Think that he is absolutely yours and will not belong to someone else. The phrase “Be careful what you wish for” is appropriate at all times.

When you meet the right person, don’t wait and don’t waste time, maybe there is no house or car, but as long as he is serious and motivated, he is a potential cumulative stock, and it is more profitable to enter early. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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