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7 details to see what status you are in his heart

Love for someone is not something that comes out of the mouth, but is demonstrated in action. The thing that can least be hidden is either farting or love. This saying is not true. If you can’t deny the love uttered by the man next to you, then it is certainly very accurate to use the details to determine where his feelings belong.

A man’s mind is not as delicate as a woman’s, and there are many things a woman needs to be reminded of when getting along. But if the 7 details mentioned below, he can consciously do, then your place in his heart must be irreplaceable.

The first one, after an accidental small injury

such as accidentally The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing. The actual fact is that you’ll be able to get a lot more than just a few days to get a lot more than just a few days. If the wound has not healed he has thrown the matter to the wind, then his love is more in the mouth than in the heart.

The second one, the performance before the phone runs out of battery

When you are out and about, it is inevitable that your phone will run out of battery. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services that are designed to meet the needs of the market. Or use a friend’s phone to call you to reassure you. If he didn’t even think about you before his phone went dead, and you were foolish enough to stay up all night, this, it seems, is not very reliable.

Third, the willingness to listen to you before making a decision

This decision includes many things, from where to buy a house to where to invite friends to dinner at night. A man who respects a woman’s opinion is a man who knows how to love. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

Fourth, the attitude towards ex-girlfriends

This one is really hard to pinpoint. It’s hard to pinpoint, every woman wants the man in front of her to be completely hers, but almost all men are more friendly to their ex-girlfriends. A bit of smart men may compare in the heart, dumber men may directly say it. For that matter, I think it’s okay for them to be friendly, as long as they don’t cross the line, but of course it’s best to ask him not to bring up his ex-girlfriend in your eyes, if he can’t help but say it often, it only means he thinks you’re not as good for him as his ex-girlfriend.

The fifth piece, patience with your parents

Patience with your parents There are two kinds of patience, one is fake patience, looks polite, but really let him spend time with, he will find excuses! The other is true patience, that is, he has your family in mind, willing to accompany them. Remember, accompanying your family is much harder than accompanying you, and this process is the focus of the test. Especially when your parents are not well, you can tell from his performance whether he really loves you or not, and also loves your family, if love, he will not be afraid to get dirty, not afraid of tired, and maybe even better than his own parents.

The sixth piece, care about your body

I thought every day early in the morning I thought I would send a text message every morning: “The weather is dry, drink more water!” or “It’s cold, add some clothes!” It’s more important than sending a formulaic “I love you”. If there is no care and attention to your body, this love – almost tastes!

The seventh one, test him by making yourself ugly for once

I had A girlfriend, very beautiful, once a white spot on the arm, the hospital suspected vitiligo, that time, her boyfriend began to cold shoulder her, the most need to comfort when there is no comfort, so she broke her heart. The ultimate result is that the condition is just a false alarm, but love has become a passing tense. If you want, you can meet him one day in a scruffy way and see if he doesn’t react in a way that misses the point.

How do women do well for themselves?

When two people are together, sometimes it’s not just about being sincere, but it also requires some reasonable ways and means and skills to make you love easily and happily, so why not? Here I tell you a few secrets to make your boyfriend love you more and make him die for you.

1. Be a different kind of woman. You don’t have to be rich, beautiful, or exceptionally smart, and you don’t have to be born to feel special.

For example, the way you smile (makes the room glow), pause when you speak (no nervous rambling or babbling), listen (concentrate on being consistent), stare (reserved, not staring), breathe (slowly), stand (stand up straight), walk ( (hold your head up and walk briskly).

It doesn’t matter if you’re not a stunning woman, can’t even graduate from college, or can’t keep up, you’re still confident, and you have more confidence than a woman with a master’s degree in business management or a lot of money in a bank. You don’t grovel, you don’t get desperate or anxious, you don’t date men who don’t want you, you can trust in the vastness and mercy of heaven and earth, and if it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t know: “The next man will be better”.

You are not a wanderer, nor do you crave anyone, or use sex to get others to love you. You believe in love and marriage and are not cynical. When a relationship ends, you don’t force it either; instead, you’re full of courage to start another date or go to a singles’ ball. You’re upbeat, wipe away the tears so you don’t smudge your makeup, and move on! Of course this isn’t how you really feel, it’s how you pretend to feel, but after pretending for a long time it seems real, in fact it’s called making it real!

2. Don’t call him (even though you feel empty and insecure), and if he leaves a message on your answering machine asking you to call back, try not to. Only call back if it changes an important appointment or big event, not to call and chat.

Not calling will make him crave you more, make him want to see you again, call you again, and won’t make him bored by knowing everything about you too soon. Plus, if you only call once in a while, it becomes special.

Don’t worry that “not calling back” is a little reckless. If he really loves you and is desperate to get in touch with you, he won’t think you’re reckless, he’ll just think you’re busy and hard to pursue. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Why ex-cheat men hide their love history

Have you ever noticed that the conversations men initiate by calling are always sweeter? They call you because they are thinking about you, wanting you, and can’t wait to hear your voice in that moment.

If a man likes you, he will definitely express moves to be close to you, to be intimate with you, and to care about you. So, as long as you are sure that his approach is not other factors, then nine out of ten he really is in love with you. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.

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