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Seven tips to identify the pseudo-happiness of marriage

A significant number of men are very fond of faking and hiding, covering up, and lying to their lovers, acting very faithful to their partners, but secretly looking for opportunities to cheat whenever possible. When they come home to their lover, they will deny their partner’s need for intimacy by saying they are too tired, mentally ill, or physically uncomfortable.

They will cheat on their wives with their friends and find every opportunity to have sex outside of marriage, using parties, meetings, overtime, etc. as an excuse. The same goes for women.

They will act like they are very close to their wives in public places like holidays in order to create a false image of their happy married life for their wives and friends and family in order to hoodwink their lovers, families and children to find more powerful opportunities and conditions for them to steal sex outside of marriage later. The opportunity and conditions for them to steal sex outside of marriage later.

They have two sides to their personality and emotions: in front of their wives and lovers, they are moral hypocrites, good responsible men, good husbands, loyal, friendly and dedicated to love; while behind their wives and lovers they can be a different face.

So as their significant other, how do you recognize their disguised many faces?

One is distant from their lover, not sexually interested in their lover, and as little intimacy as possible. Even if there is occasionally, it is overwhelming.

No matter how good he or she is at faking it, though, a person’s energy is limited, and so is his or her sexual ability. If he or she is cheating on the outside, it will always show when he or she is overwhelmed with the need for his or her lover.

They can become up and out of alignment with their lover. If your lover suggests that you want to rest early, they will pretend not to know, or excuse that they have other things to do at work and sleep late. This is a way to escape the obligations of a couple.

Some, even if they reluctantly comply, will act like they are unable to do so and finish haphazardly.

Two, using work, parties, etc. as an excuse to create the illusion of being busy, thus creating the opportunity to leave home and eat outside.

Whether it’s a man or a woman, once their heart is spent outside, then he will find every excuse opportunity to stay out as long as possible.

They will use overtime, socializing, classmates, friends gathering, etc. as excuses to stay out for a long time to steal sex outside of marriage.

If your one is so busy for a long time and is not close to you at home, then you should be alert to whether he or she is emotionally smuggling.

Three, he or she is usually no longer caring, considerate, or concerned about his or her significant other, and rarely gets close to his or her lover frequently.

But if their significant other goes out alone, they are quite supportive, enthusiastic, and excited to plan, transport, etc. for their significant other, when in fact they are only doing this so that they can get more freedom to steal sex outside of marriage after their significant other is gone

Fourth, they are good at superficiality and like to show their love in public.

Especially in front of friends and family, it is important to show the fake image of you two loving each other as a couple. The two of you are on your own in private, and he rarely treats you so intimately.

V. Show love with words but not actions.

Lovers who cheat on you outside, if you’re sick, or in some other trouble. They will only falsely show a linguistic fake clear-cut concern, if you say, no, you have something to do, go busy. The company’s main goal is to provide a clear picture of the company’s business.

They can say they love you and miss you on the phone or in a text message, but when you’re really close, they stay away from you, and if you try to get close to them, they resent you for being too clingy.

Six, sudden big changes in habits and hobbies, etc.

If your partner suddenly changes their dress personality, lifestyle habits, routine, etc., then beware, what prompted the change, you or someone else?

Seventh, trust your sixth sense.

Because there is so much that can be masked and faked in human speech and action, the human sixth sense, which has evolved over thousands of years in dangerous environments since the dawn of mankind, is very sensitive to recognizing the danger around you. Without any reason, you can feel the change of emotion between you.

When you feel like he really doesn’t love you anymore and is distancing himself from you, trust that it’s true and not an illusion.

Be alert if any of these things are happening in your intimate relationship; perhaps your emotions are giving the green light. However, nowadays, there are various models of marriage together, just as the online social networking platforms are also diversified nowadays. No matter which marriage model is used, as long as the two people in the marriage are willing to accept it and can maintain it, then it is a good marriage. The reason is that the existence is reasonable, do not ask why.

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