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Women heavy feelings in love often commit the “seven deadly sins”

It is said that women are emotional creatures, to what extent? In order to love, anything can be given up. Love is not guilty, but we can not act on the grounds of love. What can a woman do when she meets a man who makes her obsessed? Out of your league.

I. Gullibility: Losing your principles in front of sweet talk

Case in point: Girl A, who sees love as supreme. Think that as long as there is love, you have the world. So in spite of morality, public opinion, and certainly not caring about money and profit, she fell in love with a married man she should not love. He was fifteen years older than her, and she never expected or demanded anything from him, believing that as long as two people love each other, that’s all that matters. Affordable marriage is certainly no match for romantic love. But Christmas Eve, she bought gifts in advance, hoping to spend it with him, and he went home because he was afraid of coming home late to give a bad account because he had a wife and children at home.

He is really like Yan Shouyi in “The Phone”, every time he comes home, the first thing he does is turn off his phone, occasionally squatting in the toilet to give the girl a whispered call. When the two were together, he would also unload the battery in the on state, and when he got home he would tell his wife that the phone was dead. Countless times such behavior finally made the girl realize that this was a dark love, and that he would not be there for you when you needed him. When she finally saw the truth, it was a real dilemma.

Analysis: Picking a boyfriend and buying clothes are different things but connected. In the time you buy clothes, will keep your eyes open, store around, not because the store clerk praised you to wear their clothes how good the effect, just open the wallet! Pick clothes and so on, let alone choose a lifelong love. How can you be clear about the little things and confused about the big things instead?

II. Misconception: Thinking love means endless concessions

Case in point The two of them started to fall in love. He loved her very much and took good care of her, but she was always capricious and rambunctious and careless about his love, always thinking that he should be so. Finally, after a year and a half in love, her boyfriend officially broke up with her before returning home, the girl was confused. The boy said, “I’m completely dead to our relationship, you simply do not love me.” It was only at this time that she thought about it silently for a week by herself and realized that she actually liked him so much. The girl cried and told him, “I know it was wrong, I didn’t think my revenge and capriciousness hurt your self-esteem.” The girl asked to get back together. She called countless times, and he still didn’t look back.

Analysis: The information society is now, the speed of change of love has been shortened to seconds, it is not easy to love you with all your heart, and to spill the beans, you obviously do not have the right estimation of yourself, of others.

Three, hesitation: never find the best wheat ears

Case : C, a 36-year-old professional woman, whose top boss is a 28-year-old guy. Both of them have one marriage experience. They established their relationship at work, and it can be said that there are no financial impurities in the relationship. However, four months after establishing the relationship, C’s heart gradually had some worries: he is younger than me, can we go all the way?

He had a gay best friend who was always indecisive in love or always looking for a woman, and just didn’t want to build a family and be stable. After all, there is a problem between the two of them, so C is indecisive and asks herself, “Can I have a future with him?

Analysis: Also use the analogy of buying something. Although the merchants have a never-ending supply of goods to buy, there are not many that you really like. You can only pick what suits you best at the right time, and by thinking too much about it, you may lose your favorites and inevitably leave regrets.

Four, blind: for fear of gossip, is a man married

Case in point: An older woman, D, has not yet found a compatible lover at the age of 30 for a variety of reasons. Originally she did not care about this problem, but the unit and family often point out behind the scenes that “old girl” and other words, D can not stand these gossip, just for her boyfriend was introduced. After the meeting, although I think the man is not satisfied, but in order to stop listening to gossip, do not even think about it, and hurriedly married. After the marriage, the conflict was so great that a year later, they went to court to divorce.

Analysis: Never buy what can be bought or not bought. If you think this goods to buy or not to buy can, then do not buy, buy most of the regret, this point most people have the same feeling. If you don’t even understand this, then there is a gossip you must listen to: confused egg.

V. Impulsiveness: falling in love at first sight

Case in point. E, 23, fell in love with the long-haired musician the first time she saw him. And still tough to be with him. Everything about their habits and hobbies are contrary to each other. He was a very short-tempered man and treated people coldly, never actively caring for her. She, on the contrary, changed everything she did to accommodate him, taking care of him with care and attention. The first time I saw him, I was so happy to see him.

Analysis: People sometimes come across things that they love at first sight and then they are determined to buy them. This is like a piece of clothing you like, maybe the first time you see it will like it very much, buy it back and feel that it does not fit. Where the girl, there is more than one such shopping experience. How to solve? Waiting for you to see the third fourth or very much like when it is not too late to buy. It’s the same with finding a man.

Six, venting: using yourself as a tool for revenge

Case in point : F, 25, met a married man for work five years ago and went from being a girl to being a woman as a result. He told her he would take care of her for the rest of her life, but could not give her marriage. His words pierced F’s heart so deeply that she left him with a heart full of anger.

Then she married a man who just happened to show up at this time for revenge.

Analysis: Find the right way when you want to vent, even if you use crazy shopping to vent your emotions, it’s better than using your feelings to get revenge. Why suffer when you can hurt yourself and lose both. In order to retaliate to use themselves as a resource, but is to hurt the enemy a thousand self-inflicted injuries. There is no benefit to feelings, except that fighting are injured.

Seventh, stubbornness: you can’t live with yourself

Case: Xiao Q, always aiming to marry a rich man. But now it knows a like-minded partner who is not rich, and actually has the urge to get married. But faced with the rules and standards she had set for herself, she left him in pain.

Later, she found a CEO, the kind of person who has time to make money and no time to spend it, and even “have lunch with her” and “call her “The CEO was wooed like this: “I like you a lot. I have a business trip tomorrow, so if you’d like to stay with me, meet me at the airport. I can take two days off on the side and hang out with you.”

Shakespeare once said, “There is no greater joy than to serve love.” And also said, “There is no more painful chastisement under heaven than love’s.” Yes, love is really complicated, lesbians, the above seven sins about love you must be careful!

Women are always complaining about not being able to find a man and blaming God for the arrangement. Women, are some things trapping themselves?

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