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Stressed out? Little tricks to teach you to empty the mood

The last time I drifted off was probably when I was a kid – lost in class, talking to adults while I was in my own little inner world. The last time I was dazed was when I was a child – when I was lost in class, when I was running around in my own little world while adults were talking. But the adult world always has a lot of helplessness that makes you feel like you’re wasting a second of your time away. The first thing you need to do is to put your busy schedule aside and try to drift off and let go.

Experts say that drifting off is a form of focused unconsciousness. It can help people reduce fatigue and is good rest for the brain. People in this state will suddenly not want to think, making themselves stagnant in a quiet atmosphere and forgetting everything. People who can daze, feel that daze is a kind of enjoyment, because when daze can let go of all, no more worries and sorrows, the whole space is their own. Therefore, when drifting, one is relaxed and happy.

Test, are you stressed out and need a daze?

1, always uninterested in your work and don’t even want to do anything.

2, too many things at hand, always busy with A and forgetting about B.

3, the thought of speaking at a meeting, you can hear the sound of a little heart pounding.

4. When you have a small disagreement with your boyfriend, you always think about that unhappy thing.

5. When a case goes back and forth and you can’t get it right, all the ideas don’t feel like a snap.

6. Wake up time, just don’t want to get up and go to work.

7, the subway crowded space, can not look at the phone extra annoying.

8. I can’t stop my brain from spinning before I go to bed, and I can’t sleep even counting sheep.

If you have 3 or more of these, congratulations, you’ve entered an anxiety phase and it’s time to regulate. Worried about having lost the ability to let go? Don’t worry, we offer 5 daze methods, and with daily training, you’ll soon get back the daze power you had as a child when you were sky high!

How to daze without wasting time and with science?

Daze doesn’t have to be a special time or space, just an occasional daze in between work and life that can re-energize you anytime, anywhere!

1, Take a deep breath when you wake up in the morning

Stress Syndrome. The whole day is listless and sleepy you dawdle to get up, extremely reluctant in your mind, and burned out all day. In fact, those who are extremely mobile are no better off.

How to drift off: Instead of repeating sleep when you get up, and instead of rushing to get up, lie still and drift off for 5 minutes, breathing deeply 10-20 times. When you exhale, imagine that all the waste gas and worries in your body leave your body; when you inhale, think about the beautiful episode of your dream and your date tonight. After this set, sit up slowly, stretch, and give yourself a smile, and you have the basis for a good mood for the day.

2, Get your mind “off the planet” when you’re feeling bored at work or in the car

Stress Syndrome: Not being able to do what you want to do because of time and space constraints

The unpleasant time in the morning when you’re crammed into the subway and the confined space makes you feel like a a loser? In the meeting room, an issue that everyone just can’t agree on? The first thing you need to do is to have the ability to freeze time and space and escape the planet.

How to Daze: Imagine Daze – Let your mind be like the Monkey King, a somersaulting cloud that flips you a hundred thousand miles away. Take 5~10 slow deep breaths and try to let your head empty. Then, imagine being in a space station in space, looking at yourself and everything around you from a big screen. Slowly, you will find that the noise around you and a layer of fog, a kind of “otherworldly” feeling. The world is a quiet place, and the mood will slowly calm down.

3, belly breathing before meals rocking and swaying

Stress Symptoms: guys who are easily crushed by stress and overeat

Sitting shifters sit all morning without any half-exercise and their gut is extremely tired, if you suddenly eat a lot, your psychology is decompressed, but the endocrine system is pressurized, digestive problems, gastrointestinal problems The next thing you know, your mood will soon be affected again.

How to drift off: Use brain wake-up calls. Insert a brief daze interval between the two processes of work and eating. Go to the window, look at the cars rushing outside, smell the fresh breeze outside, stretch your arms and legs in the colorful daylight, and prepare yourself for daze. Use abdominal breathing, let the breath sink slowly until the limit, blocked in the chest cavity never oh. This is a quick way to wake up the brain and raise the oxygen level in the blood, waking up the brain from a morning of intense work and conditioning the tired body.

4, Take a break between jobs to satisfy your taste buds

Stress Symptom: Uninterested in work and declining productivity

Is your work break just for talking? Or just a few quick bites for refreshments and then back to the intense report production? The brain doesn’t like it when breaks are like wars.

How to drift off: For workplace anxiety, there’s no shortage of palate mobilizers. Whether it’s nibbling on an apple or a cup of black coffee, find a sun-filled sofa to nestle into, close your eyes and savor the texture of each bite of food, like a commercial, imagine it passing through your esophagus and into the depths of your body, imagine the warm energy dispersing through your body …… Don’t be afraid to make, if you keep this state after eating refreshments If you keep this state after eating tea, you are guaranteed to get twice as much done the rest of the time.

5, when one is bored or anxious, one can fiddle with flowers

There is a literary woman writer whose favorite thing to do is to fiddle with flowers and plants when she is bored in her spare time. The planted roses are moved from the yard to the vase inside the house, and the leaves are carefully observed from bright green to dark green, and the petals are full to faded, with great pleasure. Who doesn’t have a lonely time? When you have nothing to do, you don’t have to be ashamed of being the only one, and you don’t have to be terrified of “nothing to do”. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

How to drift off: Drifting off and focusing on something that seems “useless” is also a way to relax. Choose two pots of your favorite flowers and plants and keep them at home. On a sunny weekend morning, you can observe the shape of the plants and flowers, touch their leaves and fruits with your palms, imagine how the roots are coiled in the soil in a delicate form, imagine a conversation with a leaf …… The world will be so gentle and the hard time will become alive.

The occasional daze can release stress, but frequent dawdling is not scientific. Take a look at my tips for you to daze

1, Place: Daze is a people thing!

Daze isn’t really picky about time and place, you can daze anywhere you feel comfortable.

2, Posture: there is no fixed posture, how comfortable you are

Sitting, lying, leaning, standing, even walking in …… daze does not have a fixed posture, how should the arms be placed, how should the legs and feet swing, the only principle can be stable and relaxed.

3, Time: It is not advisable to daze for too long or frequently

Note that daze is a rest and conditioning for the brain, not a constant for the brain, so 3 to 5 minutes is appropriate for each daze. If you are in a daze for a long time, it is like a wormhole where your mind is lost and you can easily get drowsy or become more depressed. The newest addition to the list is the newest addition to the list.

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