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How should women use “sexy capital”?

Sexy is the capital of every woman. It’s not sexy if you don’t have a good figure or look good enough. Sexy is a combination of a variety of factors in general. For example, beauty / body / talk / personality and so on. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have the right amount of money.

Sexy capital is not just about one’s looks, but also about personality, conversation, communication and relationships, and of course, very importantly, sexual attraction to men. These six items make up the entirety of sexy capital. Among them, looks are natural, can be modified by hair, clothing, makeup, etc., but basically unchangeable. Beauty is important for sexy capital, but it can also be said that it is not so important. At least, not as indispensable as a woman might think.

For a woman, beauty is a form of capital. For example, innocence, such as sexy are different flavors. Men are good at this, for women, sexy becomes a resource. From the boardroom to the bedroom, this resource is suitable for use. How to use another story. It’s a test of a woman’s ability to use it well and not steal the chicken.

“Sexy capital” is a capital that can be invested in with a high return. A woman, when you have the “sexy capital”, basically half of the success. The first thing you need to do is to learn how to use your “sexy capital” and you’ll be invincible, but it’s all about wisdom.

Sexy Capital

Since ancient times, heroes have been matched with beauties. The four great beauties – Xishi, Miao Cicada, Wang Zhaojun and Yang Yuhuan – which are not with the man of the hour, either an emperor or a general. The four beauties are the women who have the most “sexy capital” and play it.

The Four Beauties, for example, have the most beautiful faces, so they have at least the first item of “sexy capital”, which is a delicate face. The four beauties are undoubtedly successful in terms of the men around them.

Sexy is not just about big breasts, legs and buttocks. The sexy in “sexy capital” is, of course, sexy, and as a woman, sexy means fully exuding the seductive power of the female gender. That is gentle as water, pampering and whining, etc.. Of course, this is not enough, revealing a little is sexy, all naked is selling meat. So, the content of sexy capital also includes how you go about showing your sexiness.

Exquisite face plus sex appeal plus self-presentation skills, then it will make men leave not her. For example, Yang Yuhuan. She was born beautiful, the Tang Dynasty to fat for beauty, Yang Guifei slightly fat body type, white skin and plump, the new gravitational force of sex speaks for itself, naturally the Tang Xuanzong charmed five fascination; she is proficient in music, good at singing and dancing, and good at playing the pipa, such a specialty will also make her charm. The reason for this is that Yang Guifei was pampered by the emperor for so long is that she had the capital and the ability to do it, because her sexy capital was more abundant.

The purpose of using sexiness is to get what you want out of life. And from this aspect, it seems that the beauty people are slightly lacking.

There is no more classic example than Diana, the former Queen Sophie of England, and Camilla, the current Princess. Everyone agrees that Diana was the English rose, the captivating beauty of the country. There is no doubt that in terms of face, Diana is far superior to Camilla. And Camilla? Some media unkindly called her “old and ugly”, yes, compared to Diana, it is true. Camilla lost to Diana in looks, but she was far better than Diana in the other five “sexy capital” categories.

Camilla has a good figure, she’s good in bed, she’s friendly, she’s communicative, and most importantly, she’s funny, she makes people around her happy, compared to Diana, who is anorexic, introverted, inexpressive, and doesn’t communicate enough with the prince in spirit. . In addition, Camilla is equally strong in economic capital, educational capital and interpersonal capital, so she eventually kept the prince’s heart.

When to make your sexy?

1. When he is lost


When a man is in a dilemma, he needs a woman’s encouragement to give him confidence, so your presence and your words can quietly move his heart.

2. When he is in an awkward situation

The big face-lovers

A man who loves to save face can’t help but feel isolated and helpless at some moments because of embarrassment.

3. When he is proud

When he is proud of some achievement in front of you. The actual fact is that you can be a lot more than just a little bit of a good friend. But remember, not to be harsh, overwhelming system of victory, the fire should be pinpointed very well.

4. When he “falls out of love”

A man in “love” is the most vulnerable, the power to move him is particularly moving, at the same time, to divert him from “love” to create a sense of relief and fulfillment beyond the pressure, is also the best way to touch his soft spot.

Women chasing men is no longer a taboo or a way to be ashamed of expressing your feelings, and with “rent a girlfriend for New Year’s Eve” ads plastered all over the streets today, it’s nice to see a man who makes your heart flutter, sisters! The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Three ways to help you win

Tactic 1: Be straightforward, not obscure

Researchers at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania found that men’s favorite way to hit on women is to be concise and straight to the point, without meaningless detours.

Rather than going through the trouble of making explicit hints, it’s better to just invite the person to dinner or a movie. For men, simple statements that are clear, direct, and free of ambiguity are most appealing.

Tip 2: Think twice to prove it’s not just about having fun

Bucknell Joel Wade, a professor of psychology at the University, says that inviting men on dates directly or indirectly sends a clear signal rather than letting them “decipher” vague, nonverbal messages, and that proposing directly eliminates the uncertainty that comes with being together.

Wade suggests that if a woman wants a long-term, stable relationship, she should think twice before giving her phone number to a man she doesn’t know, because he or she may assume the woman is just having fun and not in a serious relationship.

Tip 3: Smile generously and show humor

“It’s a beautiful day,” is an opening line that is almost as good for women to use to get close to men. A previous study found that if men want to show off their intelligence and athletic prowess, they can say to women, “It’s hot today, isn’t it? This is the best weather to train for a marathon.”

Sexiness is a woman’s natural capital, and it’s a woman’s job to use that capital to capture a man who’s right for you.

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