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Kissing 13 reasons not known

Remember the first time you and your boyfriend kissed? I’m sure it will be unforgettable for both of you. Observe the couples or couples around you, as long as you still remember the feeling of kissing each other, the two people must have a good relationship. If you’re not, it may take some time for the relationship to warm up again.

Why we kiss

When passion surges, a kiss can lock two people tightly together as they open themselves up without reservation, exchanging each other’s scent, taste, skin texture, and of course, secrets and emotions. There are countless possibilities for a kiss, we can be surreptitious, erotic, gentle, timid or hungry, vicious, not giving each other a chance to catch our breath at all. Whether under the bright sun or in the starlight, kisses replace quite a few words. We all give the ritual touch, the lingering, long wet kiss, the Hollywood star-style flying kiss, the last kiss before death, and of course in fairy tales, the kiss is the best magic to lift the curse.

When we kiss, no matter what else is going on, our evolutionary history is ingrained in this tender and furious act. In the 1960s, British zoologist and author DesmondMorris first suggested that kissing could have evolved from the action of primate mothers always chewing food and then feeding mouth-to-mouth, and this overlapping of lips was the original kiss. Chimpanzees nurtured their young in this way, and our primitive human ancestors probably did the same. This urgent lip-to-lip approach may have later developed into a way to comfort a wailing child when food was scarce, and it was timely and able to express love and emotion in general. Gradually, humans developed a more passionate variety from the archetype of the parent kissing the child, which is more than the 108-style kiss we have today.

Some scientists believe that the movement between lips developed into kisses with emotion because kissing is a criterion for choosing a mate. “Kissing involves a very complex exchange of information between the senses of smell and touch,” said Gordon G, Gallup, an evolutionary psychologist at the State University of New York, in an interview with the BBC, “and people may tap into the information behind it from the adjustment of the kissing posture. A moment of intent will lead people to make quick decisions depending on how genetically incompatible they are.” Kissing will even reveal the extent to which your partnership will stay and whether you are willing to take on the responsibility of raising children, thus maintaining a long-term partnership. Kissing isn’t just a little flirtation gimmick, but the survival of the human species is at stake.

13 Reasons to Kiss

Thinking back to the sweetness of that first kiss. The first time you think about it, you can’t forget the romantic memories that made your heart skip a beat, and the kiss is one of the ways for many people to confirm their feelings for each other, but it’s a natural chemistry with your lover. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

1. Kissing is the first intimate contact between a couple

John Bohannon of Butler University surveyed 500 subjects and asked them what they remembered most about their life experiences, including the first kiss and the first time they had sex.

2. Kissing really reflects your judgment

Swapping spit sounds It sounds like a strange thing to do, but why is this thing so popular? The most widely accepted theory is that kissing is a way for humans to exchange biological information to determine whether the other person can be their partner.

3. Kissing saves lives

In the 1980s, a famous study was done on the subject. There was a famous study in the 1980s where it was mentioned that men who used to kiss their wives before leaving home for work lived longer, had fewer car accidents and earned more than other married men.

4. Not every culture is OK with kissing

Anthropologists have found that some cultures in Asia, Africa, and South America do not kiss each other, and even in some cultures where kissing is acceptable, it is frowned upon and, in some cases, illegal in public (including some parts of the United States).

5. Some people are afraid of kissing

First kisses are always The first kiss is always a deer in the headlights, but for some people this anxiety never goes away. The chronic fear of kissing is called “philemaphobia”.

6. Kissing keeps us healthy

Besides the fact that it makes us feel good, there are some studies that show that kissing is a good way to keep us healthy. In addition to making us feel good, some studies suggest that kissing can actually keep us healthy, with the exchange of bacteria in our mouths boosting our immune systems, and the increased heart rate caused by kissing causing blood vessels to dilate and thus lowering blood pressure.

7. Kissing sounds like we’re kissing

The word “kiss” is derived from the Old English single word “cyssan”, which no one knows the origin of, and which is thought to be derived from the sound made during a kiss. (Does it sound like that to anyone?)

8. 2/3 of people turn their heads to the right when kissing

9. The long kiss record holder

Believe it or not. Ekkachai and LaksanaTiranarat from Thailand set a record for kissing for 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds in 2013, and are the world record holders for long kisses today.

10. Kissing burns calories

Although kissing is most often done with the mouth

Although the orbicularis oris, the muscle around the mouth, is most commonly used when kissing, it contains 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles for a total of 146 muscles, so it’s no surprise that kissing for a minute can burn 26 calories.

11. Even darkness doesn’t stop humans from kissing

In the 1990s a study at Princeton University A 1990s Princeton University study found that neurons in the anterior cortex of the brain are responsible for two tasks related to touch and vision and can immediately send messages to the face, which may explain why kissing is still possible without hindrance when the lights are off.

12. Kissing makes your heart beat faster

Kissing causes the brain to release complex chemicals that make people feel excited, happy, or relaxed, in addition to a rapid heartbeat and deep, irregular breathing.

13. Kissing creates a sense of security

As kissing gets longer, the stress hormone The longer you kiss, the more stress hormones and cortisol levels will follow, and you’ll feel more secure along with them.

When you feel something for someone, it’s natural to want to kiss them. If you kiss often, the feelings between the couple will also warm up oh. So, to have frequent intimate interactions with your significant other is a great benefit to the relationship between two people.

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