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Three love guidelines to let you capture his heart

The most important thing in love is to own the other person’s heart and make him your love captive. Today we pick out the 3 best love guidelines for you to find out the most important secrets of love, so that your beloved one feels the same way and becomes your captive.

Strictly speaking, there is really only one way to capture the other person’s heart, and what is that? That is to make the other person feel attractive.

It has been said that people who have good looks and excellent abilities that make anyone’s eyes light up, and who are polite, don’t need any special tips. Yes, this kind of people just need to show their original charm, it seems to be able to have love. But when you think about it, those good-tempered, good-looking, and money-making actors and actresses don’t seem to have a smoother road to love, and some of them even say they’ve been dumped and scarred before!

They say that if you don’t cut the jade, you can’t make it! No matter how charismatic one is, one must know the way to do it. And, if you are not as charming as others, you have to know how to use the method. The next step is to write out the ways in which you can make a “lover’s eye out of a lover’s eye”.

01. Look into each other’s eyes

As the saying goes, the eyes are The “window to the soul”. But the eyes can also turn out to be the “gun of the soul”. If you want your charm to deeply impress people, just look into their eyes. Why? If you look into the other person’s eyes, then the other person’s brain will automatically respond and focus on you.

When the eyes meet, the other person’s brain secretes phenylethylamine. Phenylethylamine is also called the “magic drug of love”. If you secrete phenylethylamine, your heart will beat faster, your palms will sweat, and you will find everything interesting. The phenylethylamine is the instinctive response we feel when we fall in love, and it’s the secret ingredient to creating “heartwarming love”.

This was also confirmed by Professor Kellerman’s experiments in the US in 1989. Professor Kellerman’s research team recruited forty-eight unrelated men and women and paired them up in pairs. The twenty-four pairs were divided into two groups, one of which was asked to gaze at each other for two minutes, while the other had no instructions. As a result, the group that had gazed at each other for two minutes had a more favorable impression of each other than the group that did not interact with each other. In other words, even for men and women who were strangers, the gaze had this effect.

This gaze effect was also confirmed in a study by Professor Rubin of the Department of Psychology at Harvard University. Professor Rubin carefully observed people in love to find out whether they have common behaviors, and found that lovers stare at each other to speak this point, is the most worthy of obvious place. Usually when lovers talk to each other, even if the topic has ended, their eyes still can not leave each other. Professor Rubin speculates that such actions may have an effect on love.

So Professor Rubin claimed to have a questionnaire and brought in some couples and, while they were in the waiting room, filmed them with a hidden camera. In fact, the purpose of Professor Rubin’s research, not just for the questionnaire, he wanted to observe couples in the waiting room, chatting with each other when staring at each other for how long. The study found that the more time couples spent gazing at each other while talking, the more in love they were, according to the questionnaire.

Professor Rubin believes that if you look at each other for about 75 percent of the time you’re together, it boosts the secretion of phenylethylamine, which can trigger feelings of love.

But the average person meets a lot of people throughout the day, talks a lot, and doesn’t fall in love. Why? The reason is simple. People usually talk themselves into frothing at the mouth, and then have to seek the other person’s consent, or finally look into the other person’s eyes only when they change their breath. Not as Professor Rubin said, in the process of talking, seventy-five percent of the time is looking at each other. Therefore, if you want to capture each other’s heart, please try to look into each other’s eyes! It is not because you love each other that you look at each other, but if you can look at each other like people who love each other, you can really fall in love!

Of course, if the other person doesn’t like you, and you keep staring at them, it may be considered rude. Therefore, when you see someone you like, please bring up the courage to look at him with all eyes. This is how love grows!

02: When you want to make a confession of love, avoid special holidays

We tend to think it’s romantic to say a confession of love to a lover on Valentine’s Day or White Valentine’s Day. However, if you are making your first confession, you should avoid the special day.

Nancy Collins of the University of California. Professor Nancy Collins has advised against making romantic confessions on commercially hyped holidays like Valentine’s Day or White Valentine’s Day. Once you get to the “special holiday,” the other person already has something in mind, so when you hear a confession of love, you take it for granted, and it’s much less effective.

Think back to Valentine’s Day in your mind. Whether it’s the person who confesses or the person who receives it, don’t you already have expectations that something should be done on that day, and isn’t there a little more of a sense of obligation? The company’s main goal is to provide a better gift than others and to make the time sweeter, but the results are often not proportional to the effort invested.

The effect of a gift is to receive something unexpected in an unexpected moment. However, if the day is already full of joy and happiness, something too ordinary will not make people’s eyes light up. On a normal day, a cell phone charm of a few tens of dollars can be touching, but on Valentine’s Day or a birthday, sending only a cell phone charm may give people the idea that “that’s all there is to it?

Having a party is also a surprise party is more touching. If the confession of love is made in a completely predictable moment, the effect will definitely be much less. Especially on a special day like Valentine’s Day, with the media and business hype, the sense of anticipation will swell along with it. If the other party is so full of expectation, it is easy to feel disappointed if you do not receive a special confession or gift. This will not be good for the one who made the confession or gave the gift. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.

Think about the contingency rate! On special days, because of the number of people making confessions of love at the same time, nine out of ten will be used as comparisons. When comparing with others, if you are not the one who received the best gift, you will not say anything on the surface, but you will inevitably be disappointed in your heart. Maybe they will think, “My friend received that thing, I am better than her in every aspect, how come I only received this? I’m better than her in every way, but I only got this. The first thing that I want to do is to make the relationship more special, so why do I have to choose a day when I can easily be compared to others?

Instead of confessing on a special holiday, why not confess on a normal day and use your wisdom to make that day “the only special day for us”? However, don’t intentionally choose the day of confession after a special holiday for this reason, as it can give the impression of having to do something to make up for it later.

Picking a day when the other person can’t imagine is the best way to confess. In this way, not only will the other party be touched, but they will also find you attractive. The future of the special holiday that many people are busy celebrating, even if you do not bother to prepare a gift, but also free to spend a romantic time between two people, and only then, love can grow.

There are cases where people break up on White Valentine’s Day after a big fight! The man’s gift, smaller than the one she gave him on Valentine’s Day, made her feel very disappointed, and when she heard other friends talking about the gift they gave her on Valentine’s Day, but received a bigger gift than she did on White Valentine’s Day, she couldn’t help but argue, talking about it, completely ignoring the intention of receiving the gift, instead of counting the size of the gift. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

03. Go where the heart beats

We can say It is not that the heart beats because we love each other, but that we fall in love after the thumping of the heart.

Particularly when you’ve only known each other for a short time, physical perception plays an important role in how well love is received. Donald Dutton, PhD, of the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron of the Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada. This was demonstrated by Dr. Donald Dutton and Dr. Arthur Aron’s experiments at the famous CapilanoCanyonSuspensionBridge in 1974.

There are two bridges over the Capilano River near Vancouver, Canada, one of which is a swinging suspension bridge and the other is a normal wooden bridge. This Capilano suspension bridge will continue to sway, and the railings are not high enough, so people will always feel horrible when crossing the bridge. In addition, its length is 135 meters, so that people who cross the bridge, the movie “Indiana. Jones” a scene. In contrast, the wooden bridge is located in shallow water and is just under three meters long, which is quite stable, so people crossing it don’t feel nervous at all.

Dr. Allen and Dr. Dutton’s team brought in a number of attractive young women to participate in the experiment, and then surveyed the men who crossed each of the two bridges. Of course, these young women do not know the real purpose of the experiment, only that it is about “beautiful scenery on the impact of creative performance” related to the investigation. The research team told the young women that when the men came across the bridge, they told each other the purpose of the experiment and asked them to fill in the questionnaire. And when the men finished writing the questionnaire, they were told, “Thank you very much for your help in filling out the questionnaire, and if you want to know the results, you can call me. Then write down the name and phone number and give it to the person.

Why did you do this experiment, can you guess? A condition that will enhance body perception (suspension bridge) and a condition where the body will not react in a particular way (wooden bridge). Please don’t forget that in addition to this all questionnaires were administered to the same young women.

Ding-dong. So, what were the results of the experiment? The number of people who ended up calling in curious about the questionnaire results

were eight times more men who walked the suspension bridge than those who walked the wooden bridge. In other words, under the condition that the body will feel aroused, there will be more favorable feelings towards the opposite sex.

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