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Dating skills 4 ways to latch on to his heart

The first date with the man of your choice can not be rash, to get yourself a good start and open the door to a relationship, learn to grasp the details, so as not to let love slip away. The first time you go out on a date, how do you hold on to a man’s heart?

1. Make the most of body language.

Experience shows that “body language” can often convey more information and express more emotion to the other person. If you’re not very articulate, use your body language. It’s estimated that on a first date, 55% of your first impression depends on your appearance and “body language,” 38% on your speaking skills, and only 7% on the content of your words.

2. Laugh together.

Love and laughter always go hand in hand. Among the factors that are traditionally thought to create affection between men and women, humor always occupies a very important place. Experiencing laughter together creates a sense of closeness between strangers, and trying to tell some jokes on a first date is the way to go.

3. Choose a restaurant with the right music.

First dates are always a bit nerve-wracking, so pick a restaurant that’s quiet for sure, and warm music would be great! Tests have shown that soft music is more likely to make women feel good about men, while jazz or a completely silent environment.

4. Good at texting.

Texting is one of the important ways to connect in the modern world, and there are some situations where using texting can do more harm than good and should be avoided at all costs.

(1), when there is a difference of opinion. When lovers or couples have disagreements or conflicts, text message communication instead tends to create misunderstandings and can even further deteriorate the relationship. The best way at this point is to communicate in person.

(2), just after the first date. After a good first date with a man, you may be tempted to contact him, but please don’t text him right away. Texting right after you’ve just separated may diminish a man’s level of interest and sense of anticipation in you.

(3), when you are drunk. You may lose your mind when you drink too much. If you don’t want him to see you incoherent, turn off your phone when you’re drunk, don’t call, and don’t text on impulse.

(4) After a man feels embarrassed. If he does something that he feels humiliated about, such as misidentifying the road, getting paid less, having trouble at work, etc., please don’t text him right away to comfort him. This will make him think that you remember his weak side. It’s better to be around him at the moment or change the subject.

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