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Jealousy is the devil Don’t let jealousy murder love

Jealousy is an emotion that is often present in humans. In fact, it can have a big impact on our lives. In love, for example, jealousy can blind you, anger rises, and maybe you kill your love over it.

The emotion of jealousy is like a terrible little demon, and once it starts to grow in your psyche, feelings of unease, fear, and anger will come along with it, leaving your whole being under a dark cloud. However, when you love someone, it is difficult to control yourself not to think, not to be influenced by anyone or anything. When you see your boyfriend talking to a girl recently, you will immediately become defensive; when you hear him praising someone else’s beauty, you will start to wonder if you are not good enough; such things happen again and again, and that is why we are often made miserable by our own heads. In the face of such emotions, what can you do to get yourself out of the unnecessary anxiety? Read on for these practical ways to get you on your way to a smoother relationship.

1. Avoid letting jealousy get the best of you

When you start When you start to feel jealous, a lot of times you start to argue or say negative things, but those are not the things you really care about, and if you can realize that, like finding out that “it’s actually because the other person is talking about the girl at the bar who happened to start talking that I don’t feel good. If you can realize that, like finding out that “it’s actually because the other person is talking about the girl they happened to start talking to at the bar that makes me feel bad,” then you’ve done the first step in “avoiding letting jealousy get in the way.

2. See things more objectively from the sidelines

Imagine if you were not yourself right now, but your friend, how would you react when you heard something like this? Would it make you think how could the other person do this, or would you think all this is just making a fuss? It’s a good idea to look beyond your relationship with your boyfriend and try to see it from a third-party perspective to help you clarify your emotions and face things in a more rational way.

3. Reduce your ruminations and have faith in your relationship with him and the two of you

If you feel like your boyfriend is flirting with another girl, but you’re not sure, this is the time to first think about the strong relationship you’ve built up between the two of you over the course of time. Everyone flirts with other people, sometimes even unconsciously, and start doing such things, think about how much you can find similar examples, but most of the time this does not mean that he does not love you anymore, on the contrary, his love for you has not diminished one iota, instead of falling out with him because of jealousy, let yourself think about the future of the two before communicating with each other in a more rational way.

4. Jealousy is really about conjuring up fantasies that don’t exist, don’t take them seriously

I can’t even count on both hands the number of times I’ve worried too much about something because I was worried that it would happen, worried as if it had actually happened and I kept mourning my aggravation, but in the end that thing never came true at all. When you suspect that your boyfriend may be in love with someone else, it doesn’t mean that they have actually gone out on a date, even slept together, or even started planning how to get rid of you. If you don’t have any proof and it’s purely your own mental speculation, stop letting yourself get carried away! It’s better to go straight to your boyfriend and make your concerns known, even if it might make him feel uncomfortable, than to be alone and agitated over there.

5. Is there some other deeper reason for your jealousy

Sometimes the unhappiness, jealousy, and jealousy is really just because something makes you unhappy, like forgetting your birthday or not being supportive of your career, but instead of talking directly to him about what makes you care, you start to wonder about everything, wondering if he’s doing this for some other reason, if he’s in love with someone else and that’s why he’s ignoring me. But most of the time, he really just forgets or is too tired these days, and your sudden bombardment only makes things worse.

6. Accept the fact that you are jealous for no reason and find a way to alleviate it

6. align:left;”>Because you feel unhappy doesn’t mean you have to do something about it, and instead of yelling when you feel angry, you can tell yourself “Yes, I’m angry right now. Let yourself be aware of your current state, then take a deep breath and watch for signs of this slowly easing, and you can do the same with jealousy.

7. Past experiences don’t necessarily apply to this current relationship

Maybe you’re worried that your significant other is cheating on you because you were cheated on by a previous partner, or because someone close to you has had that experience and it makes you wary all the time, but every relationship is different, and if you can’t face your lover with trust and just throw him on trial, that’s not fair to him at all and it just makes the relationship stifle. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

8. Have faith in yourself and have faith in him

Many times we feel jealous because our hearts are not in the right place. Sometimes we feel jealous because there is always a part of us that thinks we are not likeable enough or that our significant other is better than we are. But this idea is not right at all, you are now a very worthy of love girl, even if there are shortcomings are still cute and charming, and you are also very lucky to have him around to love you, do not let those uneasy imagination or he watched TV praise of other women affect your feelings between you, whether he thinks others are cute, your beauty and good point will not become less because of this, and you 100% deserve to be loved.

9. Other people’s experiences affect you

Many people will get the experience from their friends that men you look at not tight, he will go out and cheat. So, he and his friends dating, you check the name of friends, gender, dating location, he said overtime, you will call his office at eight o’clock in the evening to check the post, honey, if there is a “surveillance” in love, then what happiness can be said about this relationship? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

In fact, what does someone else’s experience have to do with you? What does what other men do have to do with your man? Each person is an individual, there is no need to imitate others doing dry these things. This will only damage your relationship.

The exclusive and exclusive nature of love causes our jealousy to be inevitable, and the question is, how do you deal with your jealousy? Does your jealousy affect the relationship between two people? How do you deal with the consequences of this jealousy? Jealousy is nothing, face it head on, confront it with your him, work through it, and then, rain on your parade.

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