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9 performance shows that you have not let go of him

Like it only takes a moment, but there is no fixed period to forget. Sometimes, friends will persuade you to let go, and even you yourself will keep hypnotizing yourself “I’ve let go”. The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem of the problem.

1. You think about him most of the time

This is out of a subconscious. You’ll spend the rest of the day wondering what he’s doing, if he’s found a new apartment, or if he’s received anything you sent him back? Even if that missing isn’t too firm, his name keeps coming back to you, and even if you don’t want to miss him anymore, even if you try to push him out of your mind, a part of you keeps missing him.

2. You’re still proud of his success

You know It’s over, he’s moved on and even found a new girlfriend. As much as this hurts you, you sometimes just forget about it all. You still see him as a part of you, and when something new happens in his life, a surge of pride always comes over you …… before you wake up to the fact that you’re separated.

3. You’ll always be refreshing his tiktok

You won’t miss any of his status. tiktok, tiktok, tiktok space, Facebook …… anywhere you can get information about him, you’ll be refreshing it all the time. You still want to know what he’s doing now, if his life is any different without you, or if he misses you as much as you miss him? You feel happy or sad at any of his statuses, and his words and pictures easily stir up your emotions.

4. You’re interested in everyone and no one

There are a lot of attractive people in the world, and all of a sudden, you start to notice them. You lose the love of your life and then you try internally to regain true love wherever you can. At the same time, even if you meet someone who is very exciting, they always seem to be no match for your old love. You compare each new person to your ex and realize that no one is as good as your ex, and that your life with anyone is not as great as your life before. You realize that it’s all so different because you’re not ready to face that fact.

5. You convince yourself from time to time that you’ve completely let go

You will think back to how he left you, “He was such an idiot,” and you’ll latch onto thoughts like that and not let go. You’ll also think about how it was never going to work out between you and how your time with him was always terrible …… You’ll spend days or even weeks messing around with the idea that you’ve let go. But what you don’t realize is that if you had let go, you wouldn’t even need to keep convincing yourself of this and you wouldn’t need to make these assumptions anymore. In fact, when you let go, you don’t even think about it anymore.

6. He’s still the first person you want to talk to when something big happens

6. He’s still the first person you want to talk to when something big happens

There are a lot of people in your life that you love, so when you have a great deal of happiness or sadness, you will want to share and talk about it with them. However, when something special happens, the person you most want to tell is not your favorite family member or best friend, but the one who has left.

7. You still cry when you think about the past

The relationship’s The end may or may not have come in an amicable way, but both fill you with sadness. Thinking back on everything that happened in the past still brings tears to your eyes. Aggression, anger, hurt and guilt …… are all emotions that easily make you vulnerable, and then remembering a past that was loved makes you miserable again.

8. You’d still do anything for him

You know you have separated, but you can’t help but show up when he needs it. When he needs to talk, you answer his messages or pick up the phone right away, even if he doesn’t do it for you. When he needs help with something, you go out of your way to help him find a solution. You know you shouldn’t give so much to him anymore, but you just can’t help it.

9. When someone mentions his/her perfect partner, you still think of your ex

Whenever you talk about what you’re looking for in a partner, you can’t help but think of the same person in your mind. When someone talks about what a partner means to them, or about someone who is essential to their life, you still think of your ex. You haven’t found a new partner yet, so whenever you talk about the ideal person, he unconsciously jumps out at you, and there’s no one to compare him to.

In fact, when you try to prove that you’ve let go, it shows instead that you haven’t let go. There is no specific timeline for letting go of someone, the road to love is different from anything else. If you are still in love with him and he has not started another relationship, you may want to try to retain. By retaining I don’t mean deadly entanglement, but secondary attraction.

To paraphrase what Connor, the director of Broken Mirror, once said, “The best way to get back is for you to get better, re-attract the other person, and for them to get you back in turn!” Simply put, the difference between “a woman who wants to get her boyfriend back” and “her boyfriend who is attracted to her and falls in love with her again”. In a recovery, the recovering party is destined to be at a disadvantage, but if you use attraction to get him to rekindle his love for you, you can take back the initiative of love.

How to turn a rebound into a secondary attraction, and how to attract is the key?

Tips1 Spatial withdrawal: make yourself completely disappear in front of him

Tips1 Spatial withdrawal: make yourself completely disappear in front of him

When a man proposes a breakup, it means that you are no longer attractive to him. At this time, we need to stop pestering immediately. At the same time, to withdraw for a period of time, disappear from his world, so that he feels like you have evaporated on earth. The reason for this is that the negative impression we left in front of them before has already been formed, and after pulling out, use time to fade his original image of you.

Tips2 Change yourself: redeem your charm and feelings

You need to understand that having problems in your relationship has nothing to do with who you’re with and everything to do with your ability. Today, the problems between you and him, even if you carry on the next relationship, you will still make the same mistakes. In fact, the ultimate goal of salvage is not in salvaging him, but salvaging yourself and salvaging a more attractive you. What you need to do at this stage is to reflect on the mistakes you made in the relationship, think about how you can avoid similar mistakes in the future, and improve your charm again.

First you need to change yourself. Externally you need to dress in a way that looks gentle and generous, reflects femininity, a new style that suits you, and a new hairstyle. Internally, you need to change your temperament and attitude, correct most of your flaws (especially the ones he can’t stand), and show that you are a person who knows how to live and enjoy. Second, to enrich your life, so that work and life are full of positive energy, do what you want to do, what you have not thought of before, change your mind. Go on more dates to meet quality men and improve your charm.

Tips 3 tricky with tiktok: reconnect and rebuild attraction

When your high value returns, you’ll have enough strength and capital to bring you back on the same balance line. Then, at this stage you can get in touch with him or create chance encounters to let him feel the change in you. Breakups of men and women actually like to come back to see the dynamics of their predecessors, they will be curious about how the other party is now, so as long as you show, the other party will quietly come back to see your dynamics. Show your changes in tiktok, let your ex see how you’ve changed, and let him be amazed by how much you’ve changed.

Do interact with your ex at the right time, talk to him about something of interest, take the initiative when he responds, and when he doesn’t respond, continue to improve yourself, change yourself, and strengthen yourself before waiting for the right time to continue the attack. Just the fact that he is communicating with you is proof that the attraction has worked for him.

Tips4Warming up: Building relationship comfort

The steps and process in this phase are the same as the usual dating phase. What you need to do in this phase is not to make the same mistakes as before, but also to make him feel good and happy about being in love with you with more romantic and new patterns and practical actions than before, so that your relationship will go back to the same feeling as when you first started to fall in love.

Secondary attraction is to make him fall in love with a new you again, leaving behind the old patterns of love and loving each other again with a new attitude core way, so that the recovery is the most permanent and valuable. If you simply salvage, without transforming yourself and improving yourself, even a salvaged relationship will not last, because the most fundamental problem has not been solved.

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