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Why do women always meet scum?

When complaining that you can’t meet a good man, have you ever thought about the reason why you are? Because of certain traits and some standards that are always attracting the eyes of scum. The factual analysis tells you that when you meet a scum, you have a reason too.

I always hear my girlfriends around me complain: “Why do men cheat? Why do I meet all the scum? The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the market.

Category of scum

If you take the stories of scum that women have met

If you take the stories of the women who met the scum, it is definitely a “history of tears” of their own misfortunes, and we have divided them into categories according to different characteristics to see what women see as scum.

First, the philanderer

The cheating fiend is arguably the easiest one to bring up. The most easily mentioned kind. Whether you look beautiful or shapely, or whether for him to cultivate the softness of selling cute and shaky, can not let his eyes only stay on you. The usual shopping eyes on the left and right, you travel, work busy, and even pregnant, have become his time to cheat. The stars of such a mouth set, practice a set of also a lot of, people before the show love, people after being caught in the bag. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Typically, he is either tall or rich or handsome, or a natural love child, and if all of these are present, then even men can only show their hands and say that such people are even “bright scum” and there will be There are countless women throwing their arms around. When the masses are still fighting for how to balance the increasingly imbalanced ratio of men and women, he coaxed several girlfriends at the same time, and even these women are aware of each other’s existence. Almost every man has one or two such legends in his coterie. If it so happens that one of his many girlfriends is the object of a man’s desire, then the curse out of the “scum” will have a special flavor. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Secondly, the man with a heart of gold, the male green tea whore

Borrowing a woman’s shoulder to achieve their own goals The scum of the earth who use their shoulders to achieve their own goals are no different from the female junior. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. Use your social resources to do lady diplomacy, use your family status to consolidate themselves 。。。。。。 The identity behind you is more attractive than you yourself. When you meet this kind of scum, you don’t understand what it is that he is really in love with you, but you are willing to be in the false shell of love that he has created for you with a high emotional intelligence. It often leads to the only ending: the person who claims to love you more as a person will not hesitate to dump you when he senses that you have no use.

The typical characteristics of this person are: no initiative, no rejection, no responsibility for friends; no initiative, no rejection, no responsibility for work; no initiative, no rejection, no responsibility for lovers X100 times. They are always “a hundred flowers, a leaf does not touch the body”, everything is attributed to “I did not ask you to do so ah!

They’re not the only ones who can explain it.

Third, the “three no’s” man

He is always courteous, but always outside the world. Never gives you any promises, and will not take you to his friends and family. Whenever mentioned it will be used: I think it’s not the right time, I think our relationship still needs to develop, I think we should be more independent of each other 。。。。。。 Such reasons make you powerless to refute. He never initiates or refuses except in bed, not to mention being responsible for you. You can run away in a negative way and he won’t stop you, you run back in a low voice and he still accepts you.

This kind of scum is often outwardly enthusiastic and secretly calculating. Once encountered the interests related, no matter how cordial the previous relationship, do not hesitate to give people a knife in the back. In his eyes, everyone is not the intertwining of emotions, but the interests of the pawn. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Did you ever think you were a scumbag on the inside?

In fact, whether women look at scum or men look at scum, what they see is the side behind someone’s flaws that hurts their own interests. These are but a certain side of human shortcomings, in other words. Any kind of slag will not be because it is a man or a woman, the proportion of the proportion will be reduced. Things gather in a class, people are divided into groups, each person has his existence necessarily. The first thing you need to do is to look at yourself.

Stop thinking that you are the only end of a philandering young man. You are not Fan Lisu, no stunning beauty, amazing emotional intelligence, warped intelligence. A play with a philandering young man to fight with the sky and the earth and people to fight its fun, unless you have Sherlock Holmes infinite search for the truth of the persistence and strong heart, the reality is always you end up with a wound, crying never to believe in love again.

Don’t place your hopes for happiness on others. He may need a stable family someday, but be sober: that dependency must not be you.

A truly good relationship is one in which each person takes a step back and works out a solution to a problem, never one in which there is infinite compromise. Women are independent individuals in their own right. If a person cannot survive independently, this attachment will one day be forcibly severed. If you have to compromise unconditionally for a long time, the aggrieved party will feel resentful, and this unequal relationship will eventually explode because of the accumulation of resentment. The first thing you need to do is to make sure you don’t lose yourself to the so-called “love”.

Learn to be a winning girl

How to avoid attracting scum? Start with yourself. Change the way you look at men, change the criteria you use to choose men, come on.

Winning female mindset:I have money, friends, and a wonderful life, and that’s when I find a partner to put the icing on the cake .

Recruiting scum thinking:I’m looking for a man in good condition to add to my humdrum life in the snow.

Winning female mindset:I wouldn’t enter a relationship easily if I didn’t have the mastery.

Winning Women Thinking:I like the kind of man who hangs on to my appetite. The more he doesn’t take me seriously the more I have to prove myself to him.

Winning female mindset:Not giving an uninterested suitor a chance, many people are waiting for my love number plate yet.

Recruiting scum thinking:The more suitors the better, so I have many, many spares. .

Winning Women Thinking:I’m looking for a man who has the right amount of information to match me (with similar insights and values).

Recruiting scum thinking:I’m looking for a man who is better than me in every way and who I can rely on. I want a man who is better than me in every way and who I can rely on.

Winning Female Thinking:If a man only knows how to look at faces, oh, brush it off the first time.

Recruiting scum thinking:I’m going to try to look beautiful so that quality men will like me.

Winning Women Thinking:I want to find a man who has money-making ability.

Recruiting scum thinking:I want a man who has a house and a car and money right now.

Winning Women Thinking:I will go to art museums, reading salons, outdoor clubs …… to meet men who share my passions.

Recruiting Scum Thinking:I will tell people that my criteria for choosing a spouse are: multi-gold, talented, love Life, artistic taste ……blablabla.

See what the difference is? The woman who invites scum thinking puts herself in the position of being picked, all men are buyers, how can you make them hold back from coming over to mess with you? The winning woman is looking for a partner who can hold hands together, and is very clear about her perception of him, so the scum naturally do not have the confidence to lean over.

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