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Love can not be long? Will lightning break up the 4 kinds of love

It is extremely rare for women to start a relationship with the attitude that they “want to break up right away”. However, there are surprisingly many “short-lived couples” who break up in a flash soon after starting a relationship. In a short time to break up the end of the couple, they can not become good partners between the reasons in the end where? The Japanese website howcollect published an article on August 25 that listed the “characteristics of short-lived couples” given by women who broke up with their boyfriends within six months.

1. Dating before holiday celebrations

“Feeling lonely before Christmas I felt lonely spending the holidays alone and didn’t want to spend it that way, so I quickly found a boyfriend and started dating. But the relationship broke up naturally after about 3 months. If it’s too cold and you want to have someone around to keep you warm, you won’t want to keep in touch when it warms up in the spring.”

Christmas in the winter and Tanabata in the summer are important holidays for couples, and not having a lover around before these holidays can lead to the label of “lonely guy. The label of “lonely guy” is applied. Therefore, in this period, even if the other party is not their particular favorite person, many women will also half-heartedly agreed to start a relationship. Then, after the holiday is over, the boyfriend’s existence fades away and the relationship between the two reverts to zero like an ebb tide.

2. I’ve never been with anyone, and I’m very envious of people who have boyfriends. I was confessed by a fairly handsome man, and although I never thought I liked him, I was advised by my friends around me that I should say yes, so I started dating with the mindset of ‘let’s try dating first. But then I couldn’t get into him either, so I broke up after about a month.”

Like in many girlie manga, many women think that maybe they’ll fall in love with each other after dating, which is different from the usual “fall in love with each other first and then date” process.

3. The “temperature difference” in relationships is too great

“Although I also like my ex-boyfriend, but his feelings for me is too heavy, not only do not let me go out with other men, just chatting with other men will also make him angry, and every day must call him …… finally really can not stand this kind of bondage broke up. ”

If the temperature difference between the two parties’ feelings for each other is too great, it is easy to become a “short-lived couple”. The reason is that one of them must be suffering from the other’s bondage, leading to disagreements.

4. Can’t tell each other the truth

“Although I was able to go out with my seniors whom I really like I’m afraid to say anything because I like him too much, and I don’t dare to say anything about what I’m thinking. I don’t even dare to say when I’m not feeling well, but I just listen to what the other person has to say. It was always hard, so it only lasted four months.”

If you can’t say what you really mean to your boyfriend and just keep playing the good girlfriend who doesn’t look like you, it’s bound to be too tiring to last long. The most important thing is to learn to be true to yourself in front of your boyfriend.

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