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Female traits that catch the eye of men

The question of what kind of women men like has always been one that women want to dig into. Because of the different subjective aesthetics, it is difficult to say what kind of women men will like. But recently scientists did a study outlining the qualities that catch men’s eyes.

Men and women alike are often curious about what looks good to the opposite sex. Many “experts” would like to convince women that catching a man’s eye is as simple as dressing cooler or giving off a specific scent. However, recent studies have shown that men’s attention spans are far more complex than short skirts and nice smelling perfumes. For example, the color of a woman’s dress may be more appealing than the dress itself. Here are 5 women who attract men’s attention:

With a decent amount of light makeup

Men do find women who wear makeup attractive, but the type and placement of makeup is more important. Dating website and mobile app Zoosk recently analyzed the image profiles of 1,200 women to see if men really prefer the “all-natural” look and, if so, whether they still like women who wear makeup. Women who wore eye shadow were 139% more likely to receive a personal message from a man than women who did not wear eye makeup. Lipstick also made a woman 119% more likely to get a date than a woman who wore nothing on her lips. On the other hand, a survey of 1,800 male Zoosk users showed that men are less likely to send messages to women with heavy or dark makeup because they “don’t look” natural.

So it’s a good idea for women to invest wildly in skincare and makeup, though men often complain about it. But their behavior has betrayed what’s really in their hearts

Waist and hips are the focus

A woman’s body is an important capital in her quest for an ideal partner, especially the ratio of her waist and hip circumference, also known as the waist-to-hip ratio. Not only do men associate waist-to-hip ratio with general health, they also link it to fertility. Evidence also suggests that waist-to-hip ratio is an important indicator of a woman’s estrogen levels, risk of obesity, and susceptibility to major diseases such as diabetes, ovarian cancer, and heart disease. The waist-to-hip ratio is calculated by dividing the circumference of the waist above the hip bones by the circumference of the widest part of the hip. The ideal waist-to-hip ratio is 0.7 for women and 0.9 for men.

Wearing red

While women with colored lips and eyes are less likely to excite men, brightly colored clothes, especially red, are quite attractive to men. Psychologists at the University of Rochester showed men some photos of women framed in red or white, asking, “How pretty do you think this person is?” Another part of the researchers showed the same photos, except that the woman’s shirt was modified to red or blue, and then asked the subject men: “Suppose you were going on a date with this person, and had $100 in your pocket. How much would you be willing to spend on a date?” Women in red frames or wearing red were significantly more likely to be perceived as attractive or sexy, and men tended to spend more money on a romantic evening with them. Why does red make men’s hearts flutter the most? Poke around here.

A good wife and mother is still attractive

Most women like It’s no secret that the so-called “bad boys” are the best, but what do men think about the unfriendly traits women carry? A recent study published in the Journal of Individual and Social PsychologyBulletin confirms that a man’s responsiveness or support of a woman’s needs and desires means very little to a woman during the first romantic encounter. Surprisingly, a woman’s responsiveness increases a man’s perception of his attractiveness and sexual arousal. In addition, female attractiveness affects how feminine a woman is in a man’s eyes and determines whether a man is willing to seek a short-term or long-term relationship.

Voice can also express attraction

Voice attraction plays a significant role in dating Research shows that women tend to find men with low voices more attractive, while men find women with high pitched voices attractive. Similar to animal calls, human voices express emotions that convey physical information to the listener. So when a woman hears a deep male voice, she associates it with a larger body type. Correspondingly, when a man hears a woman’s shrill voice, he associates it with a petite, delicate body.

Classic male relationship psychology:

1. Men in the emotional kingdom, is definitely a faint king. He will agree to anything if a woman is willing to flatter him.

2. Men can easily like a woman, but do not easily love a woman deeply.

3. Men generally like women who are gentle in appearance and would rather spend their energy on their careers or elsewhere than spend it all on conquering women.

4. Men don’t pay much attention to women who are too good to them.

5. Men are afraid of women who stalk them, but like to deal with women who don’t catch up in the same way.

6. One of the dreams of a man is to have a confidante who can transcend the boundaries of friendship.

7. A man will choose love in a very rational way, even if he loves someone emotionally, but when it becomes clear to him that she is not a good wife, he will give her up and find another one who is suitable for home life. The man believes that falling in love and getting married are two different things, and very often he delays getting married for the fundamental reason that he thinks the woman around him is not the good wife he imagined.

8. A man may be less demanding of his wife than he is of his lover – in appearance and more so in character.

9. Not many men know how to appreciate smart women, and with them, men always feel insecure.

10. When there is a woman you like, men will behave as follows: talk more; look smarter; be more generous than usual; bring the topic to the proud achievement; deliberately show a good heart that is usually rare; tell more jokes that they think are funny to make everyone laugh.

11. A man is the embodiment of both a big man and a little man. The big man, he wants the woman to accommodate him completely, so that he is at ease; the little man, he is aware of his weak and incompetent side, hesitant. The most important thing is that they are both jealous and easily cajoled like children.

12. Men are willing to cut off all freedom when pursuing women, and feel more and more the importance of freedom when they do.

13. Men have a hidden hunting mentality inside them, chasing, and when they get it, they have to tame her and make her into a good animal that can be kept at home.

14. Men have an arrogant mindset that loves to be a hero, so it’s easy to fall in love with a woman who complains to him.

Knowing what kind of women men like, and knowing the psychology of men in love, what are the worries about taking that you like him? Take action now.

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