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Women are eager for the 10 tender moments

Want to please women? It’s not that hard. Many times, some tiny details can also make her heart warm. The woman’s requirements are not too high, to see the top 10 tender moments that women are eager to, quickly tell her your heart!

TOP 1 Keyword: Hugging

Every time you say goodbye, he always tightens his arms around her. He would always hold her tightly in his arms and silently stare into her eyes, as if letting go would touch the end of the world. Every time this happens, her heart will always be like a deer in the headlights, hoping to just hold until the end of time. The most moving embrace without desire, to borrow Archimedes’ theory, is: give me a hug, and I can have all your love.

Top 2 keywords: respect

They haven’t reached the point of the point of intimacy. When they traveled together, she cried in her seat, and he quietly closed the window and turned off the lights so she wouldn’t be too embarrassed when she let it all out. She suddenly felt better and decided that he was a man she could trust. The first time I saw a woman’s face was when she was in the middle of a conversation.

TOP 3 Keywords: love house

He was in the office busy and sweaty, while she is laughing and talking with her friend. On the phone, she said, “Those women blamed me for not buying a banana smoothie.” Without saying a word, he dropped the task at hand and took a taxi to Starbucks. When he delivered the banana smoothie to the group of women, she felt not only dignified, but overwhelmed.

Really loving her doesn’t have to mean falling in love with the crows on her roof. If a man treats her family and friends as his own, the heart is touched and the woman will take action, and his family and friends are not divided.

Top 4 keywords: focused

They are in the book market They linger. He suddenly stopped in front of the tool shelf, meticulously searching for a computer book, his serious eyes shining with wisdom, and she couldn’t help but be impressed. Many women like to see men at work, men at work, there is a nail-like “axis of energy”, attracting countless women think: if this focus on love me how good it would be!

Top 5 Keywords: trivial

Before dinner, he preempts

Top 6 keywords: multi-hearted

They met up to go to the reservoir fishing. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. It’s not a good thing for men to have too many eyes, but they can care a little more, a little more. Spring date prepared an umbrella, summer date prepared mosquito repellent, autumn with a lip balm, winter prepared a scarf. It is this affordable warmth that makes women feel happy.

Top 7 keywords: wife slave

She accidentally scratched her hand in the shower. The first time I saw her, I was in love with her. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

A man’s persistent labor can impress a woman. The last wish of Zhao Min was for Zhang Wuji to trace her eyebrows, which shows that even a spirited woman desires a wife slave.

Top 8 keywords: remember

She likes to eat “Cuteness”, so the fridge never ran out of stock. Suddenly one day, there was a note on the fridge from him: “Sorry honey, the chocolate flavored Lovato is sold out, you might want to try the strawberry flavor today.” She hadn’t even eaten the ice cream yet, and her heart was already filling with honey.

The careless man often can’t remember his own birthday, but he remembers her trim size, her menstrual cycle, and her allergy to mangoes. The reason the man remembers well is because he can’t get her out of his mind.

TOP9 Keywords: protection

Walking in the bustling The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are looking for. Today’s women are looking for a husband, not for a long-term meal ticket, they need to take charge. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Top 10 keywords: peeking

They hold hands and hang out on the street. the street and wandered around. Suddenly, he pulled her to a halt and reached out to gently pluck an eyelash from under her eyelid. She felt happy. The flicking away of an eyelash was a mere snap of the fingers, but it was a clear indication that he was 100% focused on her. If he didn’t like to peek closely at her, how could he have noticed a tiny eyelash that had just fallen? No woman can resist a man who “steals sex” like that.

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