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Why do women love male best friends

There is such a man, they are informed and understanding, understanding; moving, shopping can be used as a man, when confided in a woman; willing to give, willing to listen to nagging, willing to become your emotional trash can; you can talk to it, the spirit of the incomparable intimacy, but no blood, no intimacy, no ambiguity, no love. The best thing is that they are not related to blood, intimacy or love. …… They are “male best friends”. Why is the male best friend so important to women? The first thing you need to do is to listen to my analysis.

Male BFFs are all the rage

From the American drama “Sex and the City” to the Chinese hit movie and TV series “Men”, “33 Days of Lost Love” and “I Might Not Love You”, the intimate “male best friend” shines on the screen and touches women’s hearts. The “male best friend” shines on the screen and touches the hearts of women. A network survey shows that more and more women in the workplace are eager to have a “male best friend”. The company’s main goal is to provide a platform for the development of a new generation of women’s products.

Male BFFs, which transcend gender boundaries, are becoming popular as a phenomenon.

Why We Need Male BFFs

The times are the richest reality soil, the influence of the general social environment is particularly important. With the development of the times and society, people are increasingly open-minded and tolerant, which makes the original “black or white, either one or the other” emotional relationships become increasingly rich and diverse, many new terms such as “blue confidant” The term “male confidant” has emerged and is becoming more accepted.

It has been argued that the terms “confidante” and “confidante” have become popular in previous years, and are now being accepted as “male confidant. “This shows that the main position of Chinese women in the relationship is becoming more and more prominent. The popularity of “male confidant” also reflects women’s increased trust in men.

With more education and a greater sense of equality, Chinese women are becoming more aware of their status and are no longer positioning themselves as subordinate to men, but are willing to work hard to achieve economic independence and social value. “Along with women’s economic independence comes spiritual independence, and the phenomenon of ‘male bosom buddies’ is not surprising.” This highlights the subtle changes that are taking place in gender relations in modern society and is a step forward.

In addition to the larger social context, the search for complementary strengths of gender differences is also an important reason. Many women believe that the “male best friend” can advise from a completely different position and perspective, both in terms of work and relationships. Psychologists say that men think about things differently than women do, and that women can gain a different experience when they interact with them.

In a sense, a “male best friend” is a “helpful” alternative to love. “emotional complement” to love. Women also need appreciation and affirmation from the opposite sex, and many women often complain that their lovers or spouses “don’t understand” and “don’t appreciate and value me as much as they used to”, while “male best friend” is different. The dual identity of male and “bosom friend” makes women feel very confidant, very tacit, and very close. As the spokesman for “male best friend” in the mainland entertainment industry, Dai Jun said when explaining why he is so popular with women: “Because I like to be with them, give them gifts, go shopping with them, and give them guidance in life. It is every woman’s wish to be valued by men, but in real life, many men tend to forget to appreciate and value.”

Psychologists point out that the increasing pressure of work and life on modern women, sometimes even more than men, can easily lead to mental illness in the long run. Therefore, when women face pressure, find their own trusted objects such as “male best friend” to confide in, can be very effective in relieving the pressure. The most important thing is that women are more interested in sharing their values and feelings, and this makes them feel satisfied inside.

Can men and women have a simple friendship

However The popularity of “male best friends” has also caused some controversy. Some people questioned that “there can be no pure friendship between men and women”, even if the beginning is still relatively pure, but there is no guarantee that there will not be love over time. The company’s main goal is to provide a platform for the development of a new generation of people who are interested in the same products.

Both in terms of social development and social circles, it is impossible to go back to the days when our fathers were so focused on their families that they had no room for themselves. Both work and life require us to interact with others, both same and opposite sex. Worrying about cheating doesn’t help matters, so it’s better to find out, how to fix it.

The likelihood of going from a “male best friend” to a lover is still low. A survey showed that 58% of women said they would not have a relationship with a “male best friend” that went beyond the boundaries of friendship. As one woman said: “You have your boyfriend or husband, he has his girlfriend or wife, you are close but will not take that step beyond the boundary. Because in each other’s mind, the other is actually genderless, and even if you look at him for 10 years, there will be no other heartbeat …….”

Experts on the subject The “fourth type of emotion” between friendship and love is very delicate, so although the possibility of the “male best friend” deteriorating is not high, you should pay attention to the distance and grasp the “degree “

“The selfishness of people cannot be denied either.” Anhui Provincial Psychological Counseling Association Vice President Jiang Jun told the media that men and women become “girlfriends”, does not exclude some people use this to hide their good feelings for each other. The deliberate blurring of identity is not practical, once the degree of bad control, it is lost by a hair’s breadth, a thousand miles. She pointed out that both men and women should pay due attention to boundaries and privacy in their relationships. Especially married women, must be careful not to affect family relations. The role of the “male best friend” may help with mental health.

Some people say that there is only a thin line between a male best friend and a potential cheater. That was originally true. He may not be your type, but there is definitely something you appreciate about him. If you need to keep the “bromance”, you need to be sober and sensible to keep it under control. Also, don’t forget about both partners, and make sure they understand that you are simply BFFs.

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