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Still in love Can we really go all the way after the reunion?

As the saying goes, a good horse doesn’t go back. But when it comes to dating a stranger, it still feels best to go with your ex. Despite all the bad things about him, he knows you and you know him. Should we choose to get back together with our exes?

The usual progression of getting back together is this

People who break up re The probability of getting back together is 82%, but the probability of getting back together and making it to the end is only 3%, and the remaining 97% will break up again. The same reason as the first breakup.

Two people who get back together are initially nervous, scared, and hesitant, and that feeling of being on thin ice for fear of repeating the same mistakes deeply affects the temperature of their relationship.

As time goes by the temperature gradually becomes a cup of warm water that is not cold but not hot. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

At the end of the day, when you can’t stand it anymore, it simply turns into blaming each other for not improving at all, and both of you think you’ve been careful enough to try to move in a better direction. In fact, they still haven’t been able to openly accept the arguments or betrayals they had.

Still love the TA for sure, but how come it doesn’t feel the way it once did?

Because the root cause of the breakup was not completely addressed in the first place, getting back together can only keep consuming the love that was not consumed in the first place. The two people have no chance at all when the love is consumed.

Why we choose to get back together

Since the chances of getting back together to go Why do so many people choose to get back together when the chances of getting back together are so low? There may be several reasons for this:

After a breakup, only happy memories are remembered

After a breakup for a while, many unhappy emotions are filtered out and surprisingly all that can be remembered are the good old days. When longing and attachment defeat pride, two people will choose to get back together.

Separation is not because the feelings have faded

Separation is not because It’s not because they don’t love anymore, but because they know it’s not going to work out well if they keep going. This kind of relationship is mostly seen in relationships that were wrong from the beginning and not allowed by the world. The two people have feelings for each other by mistake, separated unwillingly, together with no hope, and more desperate is the person in love to the point of despair, there will still be love in the heart. The two forces collide with each other, the rational level to see clearly, the emotional level and often uncontrolled, the result is suddenly insist and suddenly retreat, suddenly passionate and suddenly indifferent. The result is that some places that will never be reached will be desired by the heart.

It’s too lonely without the other half

When love dries up, loneliness and lack of love can still bind two people together Sometimes it’s not love that causes people to get back together, but loneliness with nowhere to go.

The previous separation was due to gambling

This is the case in relationships The most common situation is between two people who have little experience in relationships or are both still young. When one party does not know how to cherish the other party is not forgiving, or the maturity of the two are not high, one party moves the other party can not catch, a little conflict can become a breakup accident …… after the separation, and feel that the most loved or the initial he.

Do you want to get back together if you think it’s better to be with your ex?

Since the risk of getting back together is so high, should you start addressing the reasons that led to the breakup if you think your ex is still the best fit? Should you still choose to get back together?

1. Be sure there are feelings

Several months after separating from your lover. Thinking that time will heal you, but instead you become more and more homesick for him. In the end, you may regret breaking up in the first place. But the water is hard to close, separate is separate. The future is infinite, do not use the status quo to deny their future, others incomparably aspire to the free single aristocratic life, for you may be a little boring. So, instead of turning around in your mind, pick yourself up, look to the future, and plan to start over.

However, feelings are something no one can say for sure. If choosing to get back together can stop you from regretting it, then take your own brave steps and choose to return to love with your EX. It should be noted that wounds need to heal slowly, too impatient, it will be counterproductive, may also lead to another breakup, the old dead. In fact, there is a law of its kind that exists in a reunited romance.

2. Make sure you want to get back together

If the dumping party says they want to get back together The first thing you need to do is to get back together. However, some people are more impulsive, talk without thinking, after the breakup, immediately regret. If the two people who broke up because of impulsiveness, and there is no serious problem between them, then congratulations, if the other party now conditions allow, you both get rid of the single noble label will be very easy, the return to love compound chances are quite high oh.

3. Pay attention to the reasons for the last breakup

Because of parental opposition Lovers who break up because their parents are against it can easily get back together if they can work to enlist each other’s parents and clear up misunderstandings.

Breakups due to cheating depend on the cheated partner. Even after getting back together, it may take some time to heal. The injured party’s heart will become unusually vulnerable and full of doubt. If the relationship continues with this uneasiness, it will only make both sides suffer. If you can’t forgive each other from the heart, it’s better not to get back together.

4. Separation due to long distance relationship is the easiest to overcome

The other party had to leave your side because of For some reason, having to leave your side puts you in a long-distance relationship, and there are many cases where you can’t stand the loneliness and break up. If you want to return to love and want to get back together, you have to be ready to go to his side in spite of everything. Graduation, employment, job transfer and other life changes can also make each other’s relationship stiff. This time do not get hot-headed immediately decided to break up, give everything to time, slowly adapt to long-distance love after, get along will also be more and more smooth. Because of the distance, the environment changes, there are people who will cheat, and finally lead to years of maintenance of the relationship went up in flames. If you want to get back together with each other despite knowing that he has done you wrong, it is very important to calm down and have a good talk to eliminate the gap between each other so that after returning to love, your relationship continues to stand the test.

5. Think about the happy things

Most of the memories of the breakup It’s not that good, but fortunately, one’s memories can be purified with time. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of your grievances. The human heart is constantly growing, the immaturity and irrationality of the breakup can also become your life experience. When all the hate is gone and you forgive each other, it is not impossible to get back together.

It’s just that whether or not you can get over your grudges varies from person to person, and whether or not returning to love is successful is really only a matter of thought. The success of returning to love is actually only a matter of thought. The battle between the feeling of wanting to get back together and the resentment towards each other, which one wins or loses, cannot be understood without trying. If there is always hate in your heart, it is never recommended that you get back together. If you force yourself and the other person to repeat the same mistakes just to get rid of the single noble status, then the ending must also be obvious – in fact, the real meaning of the reunion is to let you rediscover the beautiful value of love, and the irreplaceable preciousness of each other, should be a wash – -You’re putting the cart before the horse.

Whether you get back together or start a new relationship, the most important thing is how to resolve the conflict between the two of you. In addition to love, we also need trust and respect. Only when all three are present can love last.

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